Initially, I joined here trying to get in contact with the dev team in interest of asking permission to share an edited version of their excellent expanded map I've been using for a GURPS based Fallout game I've been running for some time now, as I thought it might be useful for others that might want to do something similar.
However, when I saw that people before have shared similarly edited versions of their maps here, I thought I might as well put it up here. Since the game is still ongoing, if anyone has any input on it, feel free to tell me. ("You fool! That's not even close to the shape of the Rocky Mountains!" is welcome, I've been struggling to find proper geographical, road and train maps that share projection with classic fallout)
On a final note, in case someone on the dev team sees this, I'd like to ask two quick questions:
1) Would you mind if I shared this map elsewhere?
2) If I shared it, who should I give credit to? Based on the fact that DocAn uploaded it initially to the wiki, I'm assuming they've done the great work merging the maps initially, but I could be wrong.EDIT: Lexx clarified this, and was the original creator of the mergers.Hypocritical double final note: In case anyone wants it and the devs don't mind, I could also share the GIMP file that has the full project in it as I'm expanding the map/touching it up over time, though I'd have to do it over a file sharing site given its size.
EDIT: Since someone has requested it, I'm linking here the GIMP file via Google Drive. For the moment it's not being worked on, but in future it might get updates.
The base map. Its limits are the Northern border of California, the Southern border of Arizona, the Eastern border of Colorado, and finally the western shoreline.

Extra info for the basic map. This one includes major Pre-War roads (Green) and Railways (Red), both based on real life road maps and railways.

Faction map, as of Febuary 2162 in my campaign. It wouldn't mean much to anyone outside of the game, but I had it, so thought I might as well share it.

Snapshot of the full project. Not pictured are overlays for railroads, topography, highways, etc.