Lots of code from Fallout 2 was reverse engineered in the early days. There should still be a huge pdf file flying around somewhere. As FOnline source is open now, I'm guessing nobody will mind if you take inspiration from parts of it.
PS: You're stuff looks quite nice amazing.
I've heard rumors about that big ol' pdf flying around under the radar, did not seem to make it's way around to me tho

Thanks for the feedback, the current build is actually in a more advanced state, I'll get around posting an updated video soon but work has been hectic lately. It has full character creation for both PC and enemy team, perks, traits (some not yet implemented) and I've also tried my hand at some UI art. And I am currently working on coding in critial hit stuff, which led me to search for some of the more hidden mechanics.
Is it your work?
That is made by someone else. I've contacted him several times trying to strike up a collaboration but it was to no avail. He did help me with some critical scripting code regarding the volume of the sprites (that allowed me to grey box maps from FT).
Don't know about huge PDF, but there's:
https://rotators.fodev.net/atom/F2_function_structure.txt - decent starting point for reversing fallout2.exe, although there's a better IDA DB here
Critical hit tables were lifted from fallout2.exe also, don't remember if there's anything else.
As for tactics... there's https://github.com/melindil/FTSE maybe contact melindil to get more info. Same methods as we used for fallout 2 can be used for tactics but it requires painstaking reading/testing of the disassembled x86 asm code to get the exact behavior of original combat/mechanics, which may not be your thing
Ghosthack, this is uncanny, first of all thanks for all the info! It was actually a more draft pdf version of your first link that finally led me to this awesome forum and the holy grail, the source code of FO. I'm still reading most of those scripts in preparation of porting some of that logic in my little project.
You're right in assuming I'm not really cut out to doing low level stuff. I have little to no experience with dissasembly/c/cpp stuff, nor do I have the taste for it. I'm not a complete purist, I'm OK with some creative freedom, but where possible I would love to get the real deal in there

The great thing about this project is that it doesn't need to be limited to FT, F1 & F2 can easily be ported in once the mechanics & assets are in, so it's going to be quite the interesting year.
I have to say I really appreciate you guys chiming in, and would like to give out an open invitation to whomever wants to contribute in any way. God knows I would appreciate any help I can get