Author Topic: 1080 Worldmap  (Read 12899 times)

Offline C4N

1080 Worldmap
« on: September 14, 2018, 06:00:11 pm »
This is the first iteration of something bigger I'm doing, I think it is worth sharing.
Just a simple client mod to make the worldmap image works properly on 1920x1080:

First, you need  this image to be placed at: art\intrface\


Then, open art\intrface\iterface.ini and add this block to the end (or wherever your build suits you):

Code: [Select]
# Changes for resolutions greather than 1920x1080

resolution 1920 1080

GmapLock       = 1119 120 1277 896
GmapTabs       = 1141 135 1259 739
GmapTabsScrUp  = 1120 137 1131 149
GmapTabsScrDn  = 1120 151 1131 163
GmapMainPic    = wm_iface1920x1080.png
GmapMain       = 0    0   1279 1023
GmapMap        = 181  21  1111 887
GmapPanel      = 185  912 1262 919
GmapMessageBox = 185  930 1262 1070
GmapName       = 16   655 167  670
GmapCar        = 15   880 158  1017
GmapTown       = 1159 863 1173 878
GmapTime       = 1127 12  1271 29
GmapDayTime    = 1172 48  1241 76
« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 06:11:08 pm by C4N »

Re: 1080 Worldmap
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2018, 02:10:37 am »
As you know or might not know almost all of the FOEngine based games tend to use their own specific and custom interfaces and don't really bat an eye anymore on the vanilla default one but thanks for the contribution.

Re: 1080 Worldmap
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2018, 01:00:25 pm »
Good idea! I really like the idea of creating new UI which will support 1080p.

What do you think about the worldmap looking like that?

Of course the console space could be croped and somehow changed but the main idea is that to get more space for worldmap.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2018, 01:03:29 pm by testerDEV »

Offline C4N

Re: 1080 Worldmap
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2018, 08:17:42 pm »
Yes I already though about improving the placement of the console, instead of having it at the bottom, why not on the right pane? That would allow a larger history and then enlarge the worldmap view to the bottom.

But I'm too lazy to edit coordinates by hand, isn't there any tool to edit the placement with a GUI?

« Last Edit: September 15, 2018, 08:22:02 pm by C4N »

Re: 1080 Worldmap
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2018, 12:35:30 pm »
This is the first iteration of something bigger I'm doing, I think it is worth sharing.
Just a simple client mod to make the worldmap image works properly on 1920x1080:

First, you need  this image to be placed at: art\intrface\


Then, open art\intrface\iterface.ini and add this block to the end (or wherever your build suits you):

Code: [Select]
# Changes for resolutions greather than 1920x1080

resolution 1920 1080

GmapLock       = 1119 120 1277 896
GmapTabs       = 1141 135 1259 739
GmapTabsScrUp  = 1120 137 1131 149
GmapTabsScrDn  = 1120 151 1131 163
GmapMainPic    = wm_iface1920x1080.png
GmapMain       = 0    0   1279 1023
GmapMap        = 181  21  1111 887
GmapPanel      = 185  912 1262 919
GmapMessageBox = 185  930 1262 1070
GmapName       = 16   655 167  670
GmapCar        = 15   880 158  1017
GmapTown       = 1159 863 1173 878
GmapTime       = 1127 12  1271 29
GmapDayTime    = 1172 48  1241 76

You're still alive, or already gave up ? I might have a solution, quite easy to implement.

Offline C4N

Re: 1080 Worldmap
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2019, 10:06:18 am »
Hello again, I've been thinking about coming back to this project since I saw FOClassic on Github, I think it's a good opportunity to bring back this 1080p layout I were working on some tine ago.

How could the console be repositioned?

Re: 1080 Worldmap
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2021, 10:35:55 pm »
proper graphic and proper coordinates:

resolution 1920 1080

GmapLock       = 1759 120 1917 952
GmapTabs       = 1781 135 1899 795
GmapTabsScrUp  = 1760 137 1771 149
GmapTabsScrDn  = 1760 151 1771 163
GmapMainPic    = wm_iface1920x1080.png
GmapMain       = 0    0   1919 1079
GmapMap        = 181  21  1752 943
GmapPanel      = 185  968 1902 975
GmapMessageBox = 185  986 1902 1071
GmapName       = 16   711 167  726
GmapCar        = 15   936 158  1073
GmapTown       = 1799 919 1813 934
GmapTime       = 1767 12  1911 29
GmapDayTime    = 1812 48  1881 76
« Last Edit: November 25, 2021, 12:13:57 pm by Tit0 »