Author Topic: [2238]Index is greater than maximum.  (Read 2178 times)

Offline SEGA_RUS

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[2238]Index is greater than maximum.
« on: August 20, 2015, 02:08:23 pm »
Code: [Select]
[05:09:045] FOServer::SScriptFunc::DataVal_Index : Script error: Index is greater than maximum. : globalmap_group : void MoveGlobalGroup(Critter&inout, Item@, float&inout, float&inout, float&inout, float&inout, float&inout) : 1180, 3 : Critter::PrepareScriptFunc : Critter<Npc (5003498)>, func<trains@_GlobalProcess>.
[01:37:215] FOServer::SScriptFunc::DataRef_Index : Script error: Index is greater than maximum. : guard : void GuardPerks(Critter&inout) : 3639, 2 : Critter::ParseScript : Npc (5003466).
[01:52:640] FOServer::SScriptFunc::DataVal_Index : Script error: Index is greater than maximum. : combat : void CombatAttack(Critter&inout, Critter&inout, ProtoItem&inout, uint8, ProtoItem@) : 1471, 3 : FOServer::Act_Attack : Npc (redd_guard, 5001583).
[01:52:640] FOServer::SScriptFunc::DataVal_Index : Script error: Index is greater than maximum. : combat : void ApplyDamage(AttackStruct&inout, Critter&inout, uint, bool, bool, CombatRes[]&inout) : 2667, 3 : FOServer::Act_Attack : Npc (redd_guard, 5001583).
What does it mean? What I need to check to find trouble?
Server is working, but every NPC's action is adding tons on that errors.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 02:35:12 pm by SEGA_RUS »
Skype - sega_75rus

Offline SEGA_RUS

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Re: [2238]Index is greater than maximum.
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2015, 09:01:39 am »
Fixed. I used .Param and .ParamBase for perks instead .Perk
Skype - sega_75rus

Offline Wipe

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Re: [2238]Index is greater than maximum.
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2015, 07:09:03 am »
Huh, that's weird~
Param* shouldn't throw this error, as it can be used with all (0-999)  params... unlike Perk* which is usually limited to 300-46x
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 07:12:24 am by Wipe »
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