Author Topic: (Question) About Haircuts & Animations  (Read 2709 times)

(Question) About Haircuts & Animations
« on: August 03, 2014, 08:07:58 am »
Ok so in the 2238 SDK.

How can I change the animations for the long hair and bald dude after I have set them up in CritterTypes.cfg
for the default hero I can change it with the default critter type in object editor and it works.

So how do I change or add critter types for the long and the bald haircuts?
or add a new haircut like punk girl and make her armors switch properly?

Offline Wipe

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  • Random is god
Re: (Question) About Haircuts & Animations
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 02:17:07 am »
Check out barber npc dialog and script, there's all you need to safely change player's skin.
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: (Question) About Haircuts & Animations
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 04:18:49 am »
cant get it to work no clue why :( ok so I changed.

CRTYPE_MUT = Super Mutant


// Mutant
#define CRTYPE_MUT_LEATHER_JACKET       (20)   
#define CRTYPE_MUT_JUMPSUIT                 (21)
#define CRTYPE_MUT_LEATHER_ARMOR        (20)
#define CRTYPE_MUT_METAL_ARMOR           (52)


         // Mutant redirects
            if(cr.Stat[ST_BASE_CRTYPE] == CRTYPE_MUT_JUMPSUIT && isMale)
                crType = CRTYPE_MUT_JUMPSUIT;
                if(toSlot == SLOT_ARMOR)
                    crType = item.Proto.Armor_CrTypeMale;
                    if(crType == CRTYPE_MALE_LEATHER_ARMOR)
                        crType = CRTYPE_MUT_LEATHER_ARMOR;
                    else if(crType == CRTYPE_MALE_LEATHER_JACKET)
                        crType = CRTYPE_MUT_LEATHER_JACKET;
                    else if(crType == CRTYPE_MALE_METAL_ARMOR)
                        crType = CRTYPE_MUT_METAL_ARMOR;


            // player-like
            // npc


if(players[p].StatBase[ST_GENDER] == GENDER_MALE &&
           (players[p].StatBase[ST_BASE_CRTYPE] == CRTYPE_MALE_DEFAULT ||
            players[p].StatBase[ST_BASE_CRTYPE] == CRTYPE_MALE_JUMPSUIT ||
            players[p].StatBase[ST_BASE_CRTYPE] == CRTYPE_LHD_JUMPSUIT ||
       players[p].StatBase[ST_BASE_CRTYPE] == CRTYPE_MUT_JUMPSUIT ||
            players[p].StatBase[ST_BASE_CRTYPE] == CRTYPE_BHD_JUMPSUIT))

It wont work and causes server errors like:
[59:925] ConstantsManager::GetDefineValue - Define<CRTYPE_MUT_JUMPSUIT> not found, taked zero by default.
[59:925] ConstantsManager::GetDefineValue - Define<CRTYPE_MUT_JUMPSUIT> not found, taked zero by default.

[01:15:612] Script callback: ERR: Couldn't read AnyData array : vaul_guard : QuestPool::QuestPool(uint) : 572, 4 : Critter::ParseScript : Npc (5000386).
[01:15:651] Script callback: ERR: Couldn't read AnyData array : vaul_guard : QuestPool::QuestPool(uint) : 572, 4 : Critter::ParseScript : Npc (5000470).
[01:16:380] CritterManager::CreateNpc - Accuracy position busy, map pid<70>, hx<169>, hy<277>.
[01:16:380] Map::Generate - Create npc on map<junktown> with pid<23> failture - continue generate.

[01:16:456] FOServer::SScriptFunc::Crit_ChangeCrType : Script error: New type arg is zero. : critter_item_movement : void critter_move_item(Critter&inout, Item&inout, uint8) : 486, 4 : Critter::EventMoveItem : Npc (5002152).
[01:16:468] CritterManager::CreateNpc - Accuracy position busy, map pid<267>, hx<82>, hy<63>.
[01:16:468] Map::Generate - Create npc on map<newr_stables1> with pid<4> failture - continue generate.

[01:16:647] Map::Generate - Add item to Map<hub_water> with pid<2481> failture, continue generate.
[01:16:701] CritterManager::CreateNpc - Accuracy position busy, map pid<100>, hx<218>, hy<183>.
[01:16:701] Map::Generate - Create npc on map<ares_enter> with pid<9> failture - continue generate.

Lol what the hell what have I done wrong  ;(
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 11:57:53 pm by Outlawries »