I think Lexx's display of integrity is refreshing. It would be so easy for him to say "Sure thing guys, changes for x, y and z are on there way. I've totally seen the error of my ways, now please send the money." then take the money and run to Mexico. I for one appreciate that he isn't a politician catering to patronize every one. Sure the "monetary" incentive would be to add all the shitty features the population wants (as the sad fact is most of the population is 12yo wow playing carebears), which would probably leave you with a WoW lite fallout experience. I don't want that. Am i defending all the choices and the direction of the development of 2238? No, but in order to proceed forward you need to implement changes from time to time and some are gonna suck. Hopefully the whole process of refinement will help remove shitty features while adding good ones, that takes time and is always going to be individually subjective. This game tries to cater to several competing groups of players, some pvp, some pve, some rt, some tb, some rp, etc,. It's very hard to balance the needs, wants and expectations of such diverse interests. That said, update please!
(or at least tell us what to expect, that would make rationalizing donating much more palatable. Or you can remain steadfast on your principles, whatever they may be, and expect to get what your gonna get.)