HtH Heavy handers arent overpowered - they get smoked by 2 bursts before they can get close enough to punch a burster
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
But you are right that HtH normally die to burster.
new option of making a dodger char
that would be so awesome to keep at least a part of AC for HtH build when standing! In your face! is great idea, but will it work with "ranged" melee weapons like sledge hammer and spear? These weapons let you attack from 2 hex distance from your target and without AC and in your face! working you are dead meat
This makes one of the best melee weapons (supersledge) the worst weapon... would changing In Your Face (sometime in the future) to work on 2hexes while holding a 2hex range weapon be an option?
I actually see that as an opportunity to counter a foe's In Your Face! with spear/supersledge
Mithguar, Kharaam, Haraldx read the damn previous posts now won't you? This thread isn't that long to repeat something that was told already...HtH Heavy handers arent overpowered - they get smoked by 2 bursts before they can get close enough to punch a burster
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies