Use dynamites to craft more dynamites? Then use more dynamites to get even more dynamites? Or if dynamites will bring less resources than it needed to craft, then it'll be pointless to use them for mining, if not, then it'll be accumulative effect, more and more and more dynamites, booms 24/7 in mines until you'll reach number of needed dynamites and then will get spare mats non-stop for other than dynamite things. It's like if sledgehammer was breaking with each swing and you could craft new one from ore you just dug with it. It's.. pointless.
U booms 24/7 in mines until you'll reach number of needed dynamites and then will get spare mats non-stop for other than dynamite things.
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence