I was thinking over a few moments, and I wanted to have something like the Super Mutants running animation, I mean, the Super Mutants are easy to run away from, but they can shred you to pieces are short range, wouldn't you be able to find out that at least some Super Mutants have the ability to run, but further on in their adventure, their running will be hindered?
How can I put this:
Well, most likely, if you are a Super Mutant in the game, you'll most likely be very slow, because your always walking around in one area, trying to catch up on this human that's attacking you, and has the ability to get a upper hand on almost every mutant there is, which is pretty frustrating and slightly unrealistic also.
You'll die a lot, making it look like your not a real Super Mutant, just one of those Mutants that are friendly, rather then combative on other players you'll encounter within the game.
I'm not a Super Mutant yet, I'm just waiting for the GM's to accept this thing or not.