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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players  (Read 8099 times)

Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2011, 12:53:14 pm »

Really the issue is there is no balance in the game, so you will be abused by powerful players with too much time on their hands.  But don't worry too much a wipe is in the future, hopefully the near future.  I would say avoid ungaurded towns but sadly that doesn't even help anymore.  Try and stick it out, but don't expect sympathy from most people on here.  Right now the game is all about hide your good stuff, and hide yourself.  If you need some pointers or some start up help drop me a line I have some stuff just gathering dust, might as well help ya if I can.
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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2011, 08:40:06 pm »

It'd be nice if it was just a bit easier to get Brahmin hides, but to be honest, this game is great as far as realism goes. I'm not attacking or saying that you're wrong, frog, just stating my opinion. I'm currently working with him at the moment, since he asked me for help, but I need help as well, if not more. I'm getting along pretty well though as I have a few thousand caps in the bank now just from making healing powder, first aiding myself, crafting primative tools, and fighting small monsters such as rats. :P
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2011, 10:07:56 pm »

I hope you didn't actually deposit said caps in a bank, better to just keep them at the tent so you KNOW you'll be able to use it when you need to
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2011, 10:09:39 pm »

Man, it's the wastes.  People get wasted, and life is cheap.

Howcome you are expecting to be a rock star, and that everything is just going to "go your way" the whole time?

This game is HARD, and it's not for the lighthearted.  Thats why I like it so much, aswell as hate it somedays.

That said, this game is not for everyone, If you cant handle the Mature rating, then get lost.
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2011, 10:23:07 pm »

As far as I see it, and what I think he meant with this thread, is that the game includes asshole players.

Problem is that it pretty much promotes and encourages that kind of behaviour. You can't stop assholes from playing online games but you can balance it to prevent that kind of idiocy, sadly I don't think it is possible to do that and at the same time keep what makes this game so great.
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2011, 01:03:31 am »

but you can balance it to prevent that kind of idiocy, sadly I don't think it is possible to do that and at the same time keep what makes this game so great.

I actually think that eventually you can and eventually it will happen. The game's still being developed, and though much of it feels quite finished and fully playable, it's still a beta test. A lot of "lulzy" PKing seems to be just because there's no more non-PVP challenges left once you're top level and have good equipment - you don't "win the game" when you reach level 21, you don't fight against a super-powerful army and get your end stories and credits etc. You end up with a load of people (each one personally in possession of more equipment than than the entire worldwide supply of armours and weapons in the early Fallout games) for who the wasteland is no longer harsh at all, but they can still get a bit of fun out of making it harsh for other people.

When the NPC faction stuff, "domination mode" and other ideas, changes and things are implemented, then this will probably begin to change.


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2011, 06:19:39 am »

I actually think that eventually you can and eventually it will happen. The game's still being developed, and though much of it feels quite finished and fully playable, it's still a beta test. A lot of "lulzy" PKing seems to be just because there's no more non-PVP challenges left once you're top level and have good equipment - you don't "win the game" when you reach level 21, you don't fight against a super-powerful army and get your end stories and credits etc. You end up with a load of people (each one personally in possession of more equipment than than the entire worldwide supply of armours and weapons in the early Fallout games) for who the wasteland is no longer harsh at all, but they can still get a bit of fun out of making it harsh for other people.

When the NPC faction stuff, "domination mode" and other ideas, changes and things are implemented, then this will probably begin to change.
YAY! on the change, and ya i like the pking in a way because it makes it challenging, but yes this game should make people frustrated because its a wasteland and people should get there asses kicked at some point in time. I know i have and i love it because i can always bounce back and hopefully kick there ass in the near future!
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If your going through Hell keep on going, no shit i dont wanna be luciphers bitch.
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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2011, 12:52:26 pm »

no you dont,just ask someone to take the same quest and give you the briefcase,or make alt just for that...

You cant use any other briefcase. So new quest, new alt.

And yes Frog. This game is frustrating. I can only hardly remember times when i enjoyed this game ...
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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2011, 02:22:25 pm »

As far as I see it, and what I think he meant with this thread, is that the game includes asshole players.

Problem is that it pretty much promotes and encourages that kind of behaviour. You can't stop assholes from playing online games but you can balance it to prevent that kind of idiocy, sadly I don't think it is possible to do that and at the same time keep what makes this game so great.

This is my point yeah, if anybody else replies to this post saying, 'Another whiner', no I was pointing out all the asshole players who don't give new players a chance to start out therefore crippling the player-base. As well, I was turning a quest in at New Reno, and a douche-bag named SSakul kills me so if you guys want to look out for him. And yes, I have found out that questing isn't a good way to earn exp, but it's pretty fun still in my opinion.
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2011, 02:34:35 pm »

But imagine how great you would fell when you'll pwn some noob fourth time in a row with your powerbuild avanger burster. ;-) Thats why we play the game man. Not for carrying mordinos briefcases. Join some gang and they can teach you how to exploit your way to the top fast. In about month you can be pvp ready with most of important support alts if you know how.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2011, 06:30:46 pm »

Where did this Kucharek-whatever dude get Power Armor anyway?

@topic - man, you are doing it wrong, everything. You go again and again in the same place few times in a row and you treat a computer game deadly serious business. And about shrinking playerbase - blame boredom, lack of updates and Wipe-That-Will-Never-Come, not pew-pew assholios. They were here long before and will remain long after, get use to this. And learn to pwn them/escape from them.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2011, 06:48:14 pm »

Where did this Kucharek-whatever dude get Power Armor anyway?

Wipe madness ...

This game is just not newbie friendly and it should stay like this.
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2011, 07:16:39 pm »

This game is just not newbie friendly and it should stay like this.

Why? Why should the game cater to one group exclusively? Why is it that when "newbies" have troubles the stock response is "Wasteland is Harsh." but if any changes that may offset the balance of power are even mentioned by a dev, the larger factions bitch and moan. Shouldn't the wasteland be JUST as harsh for them?
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2011, 07:33:07 pm »

I was joking when I said this before -

"People being arseholes is fine - that's playing the game properly. You're doing it wrong by trying to do a quest".


Thats why we play the game man. Not for carrying mordinos briefcases. Join some gang and they can teach you how to exploit your way to the top fast. In about month you can be pvp ready with most of important support alts if you know how.

@topic - man, you are doing it wrong, everything[...]

This game is just not newbie friendly and it should stay like this.

Is that actually what it's meant to be like? Are the quests and NPCs and locations and things actually just written as distractions to ward off new players, or to line them up neatly in certain places so people 'playing the game properly' have some poorly armed targets to 'play the game properly' against?

So, rather than playing the game for "having fun playing a game", you're meant to :
1) Create a mathematically perfect PVP character, to make sure there is no challenge.
2) Create a set of "support alts", to gather and craft things for your PVP character, to make sure there is no challenge.
3) Level up to 21 as quick as possible, by missing out nearly all of the game's content.
4) Stockpile weapons and ammo so you're functionally immortal (i.e. when you die, you're back to 100% fully armed in a few minutes).
5) Be level 21 and have lots of guns and armours
6) Form a gang with other people who have completed #1-#5
7) Stockpile more weapons and ammo so you're even more functionally immortal
8) Have a few fights against other groups of people who have followed #1-#6
9) Kill anyone who hasn't followed #1-#8 by clicking on them once with your mouse button
10) Press enter, typing "lol wasteland is harsh", then press enter again.
11) Repeat from #7

If so, why's this not written as a guide on the wiki?


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2011, 07:37:59 pm »

For first I wanted to admit that I do not like topics like "ohnoes they killed me took my stuff then pissed on me".
It is NORMAL in this game - if you didnt understand WORLD/UNIVERSE of Fallout you just type the wrong game.
BTW If you didnt play any games of Fallout (F3 and NV dont count) do not read the rest of post.
And its right what he is saying about it - it should be harsh and it should be MORE harsh.
The strongest noob survives in wasteland.
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