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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: J R Isodore is stealing without the guards doing anything about it in NCR!!!  (Read 4365 times)

J R Isodore is trolling in NCR and there isn't anything a single player can do about it! He steals. You shoot him. The guards kill you. If you didn't kill him when you shot at him, he takes your armor when you die. He's been at NCR for days! If you run, he chases you and harrasses you. What the hell can be done!?

Stay out of NCR the place is full of idi.... and ummm ....... is a bad city. Go hang around hub less fuc....... ummm bad people.

If talking serious the only way to try to avoid these thieves are to build up a specific positive energy" aura " that maybe will deflect thieves and keep away them. It's like if your afraid of a dog , it will sense fear and attack you ........ so don't be afraid of thieves and they will leave you alone.

Yes thieves what a pain in the ass you can troll with a steal skill forever and never loose anything and people practicly can't do shit about it and all the newbies are paranoid of them(at least i was) , steal skill provides an infinitive amount of 5mm AP ammo and encourouges alting , dear developers or anyone why the hell this skill isn't disabled yet ? The skill needs some damn change............
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 12:52:40 am by T-888 »


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You can't do anything.

All you can do is cry or leave.

Do I call bullshit?  yes.
But can I do anything about it?  No.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Like it was said get the fuck out of NCR and you wont be probably trolled... much


  • Killin' paladins.
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Ughh, I hate those types of noobs in NCR >:P .
Billy Bob is doing that stuiped thing to me where I pay him for protection, this time for 1000 caps!
Im going to give him some fucking "caps" soon if he dosent shut the fuck up.


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Don't shoot them if they are protected... that would be foremost tip. They enjoy watching you die.

Don't run away from a thief, just make sure you walk (not run, running implies you are scared/impatient) just 1 hex away (in a direction so he is not adjacent to you). They will eventually go troll another target because your walking bores them. It's really easy to stay away from thieves anyway, they can only steal if they are 1-hex away.

Saying "___ IS FUCKING THIEF HE STOLE MY CAPS" will just instigate them. Just ignore the trolls...

If you run away halfway across the bazaar, they will just have fun chasing you, also.

Put valuable things in a tent and your two hands. No point in just standing in the entrance with valuable stuff in your pockets.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!

Ughh, I hate those types of noobs in NCR >:P .
Billy Bob is doing that stuiped thing to me where I pay him for protection, this time for 1000 caps!
Im going to give him some fucking "caps" soon if he dosent shut the fuck up.

lol who's the noob for paying up then.

back to the point, you are only feeding them by calling them noob/idiot/etc and raging either in game or in the forum. Only solution is to play smart which is basically needed to play this game, what good is having a power build and/or the best items if you dont know how to survive in the wastes or how to use the stuff.

Thiefs, suicide bombers, suicide bursters, path blockers, tent exploiters, guard killers. I call them one name. Funbringers.
They bring fun directly to towns. And indirectly to the forums.
Good job, funbringers.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 07:33:19 pm by Floodnik »

I Kill j r at least 1 time a week.If u got a tough carachter,troll him a little,he will come and burst you with an smg or a fn fal,most probably.Hence get killed by the guards.You loot and troll him then. ;D

If you got a weak character,form a team,challenge him,make him follow you out out town,make him get killed by ur comrades...he is stupid.If you think a little,there are tons of way of mocking him.

Once you got him,post a picture,i always enjoy his death. :P
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate


  • Amerikan
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Unless you're leaving NCR 5 minutes following your arrival, leave all valuable items in your tent. If you want to shop, try "sneaking" (e.g. Running behind Buster's tent and using the second opening instead of the front) so no thieves see you. Simply put, stay out of a thief's sight and you won't get hassled.

He's a pussy, I see him messing with people in NCR all the time, he either bitches out or yells at people telling them he's going to burst them.


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O_o Isi are you mad?
You can't have better reputation than me!


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I Kill j r at least 1 time a week.If u got a tough carachter,troll him a little,he will come and burst you with an smg or a fn fal,most probably.Hence get killed by the guards.You loot and troll him then. ;D

If you got a weak character,form a team,challenge him,make him follow you out out town,make him get killed by ur comrades...he is stupid.If you think a little,there are tons of way of mocking him.

I know the guy alright, hes way way beyond simple trolling to just fall for that.

It has been posted before, just dont bring stuff and it will be alright, and if you do bring stuff, then sneak to the stores. And if you need to meet people there then go to Vortis

Sometimes it really is impossible to sell stuff when thieves are around, so you just have to save the loot to sell it another day or another place
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..


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Yeah, I walked into NCR once and he started following me around and I stopped to see what he was going to try and do, and he point blank bursted me dead calling me PK scum. (I have the TKs tag behind my name because i'm a Kahn.) I had nothing valuable so I really didn't care too much.

 Anyways, next time I saw him he was trying to pickpocket me so I ran into the city with him tailing me calling me PK scum and stuff again, and watched him get wasted by the guards as soon as he pulled out his SMG.

Now he just pickpockets worthless shit off me when I walk through NCR, I do get a little peeved when he manages to get all my 5mm AP though, since I have to walk to base to get more.

Anyways, he isn't as bad as Azura. She sneaks up on you before you get a chance to walk away, and almost always gets some shit off you. :P
Currently vacationing at Chernarus! Where the zombies are hungry, and everyone shoots you for beans!


  • -40 5mm +1 Frag
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It doesnt take a detective to deduce this thieves are making a killing on trolling you.

Ill say this bluntly, in the face of this much trolling.... Why are you still on the NCR??

tbh Hub is IMO a very underrated town, with 2 general stores and a big guns vendor with plenty of BG stuff, and then a couple sectors away from the mighty gunrunners, why is that you keep lingering on Trolltown?
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..
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