Umm i dont want to burst anyones bubble, but mobs cant even handle situations when they lose sight of the enemy...
The AI developement is in its earley stages, i have only seen a few AI behaviors, like:
No enemy in sight -> skip turn, else -> get random enemy mob x/y coordinates -> if not in range, then get to said coords -> in the next turn, check for range again -> do default attack when in range, untill ap runs out, then skip turn. If the target is inaccessible, the mob doesnt skip their turn :S
If attacked by enemy mob, change target to other random enemy. Im not sure why they do this, but the first time i hit my attacker, it just switches targets... In other MMOs aggro works the other way around :S
Upon losing sight -> get to last known coords, or switch target. At least, this is how i would address the issue XD
And thats it. Sometimes i saw ghouls turn to "run" but 1 round later they return to get killed. The mobs are practicly blind, example: 2 player hunting team in blue suits hunt down a deathclaw, with unarmed+9mm.
Tactic: Deathclaw attacks player 1. Player 1 shoots deathclaw. Deathclaw switches target to player 2(??) and locks on that target
forever. Player 2 has 10 agi, and preferably bonus move. He punches deathclaw once, runs away. Deathclaw follows, but cannot attack because he has no ap left.. Player 2 runs a circle around player 1, who has nothing to fear, just shoot wildly.
Advanced AI behavior like ap management, dynamic target switching based on range, health status, and enemy threat(aggro), and the "fear" system just wont happen in the near future IMHO