Total Members Voted: 61
Snackish: pks pks pks. Kilgore: BBS is here, town is safe
Unarmed weapons are better then fists in dealing pure damage (maybe except brass knuckles), fist and feet have the upper hand on critical hits.
maybe add some funky attacks to melee?
ye kill someone with pure damage in pvp fight then we could talk...
What makes you think unarmed is a skill for pvp? It's good on molerats and centaurs.
all skills that can do damage are or can be used for pvp. If you lack skills or experience to use it that way it doesnt make them non pvp skills :>
If pvp is all about skills and experience
first of all where did i say that? dont invent another bike
I don,t remember all of the different unarmed attacks you can get, but what if its some kind of kick? you can do a lot of damage with a good kick, and having brass knuckles wouldn't really influence it it depends on the move.