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Author Topic: To have several tents on one character.  (Read 3072 times)


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To have several tents on one character.
« on: February 23, 2011, 03:59:31 am »

Ok I believe i have created a solution against tent alts once and for all.

It's going to be simple, but I have no idea whatsoever if its possible to implement.

the suggestion:  Make creating tents on one character have to be far away to a certain distance or more to create another tent or the tent will disappear as it does now.

Lets say on worldmap, I make a tent in one of the ncr corners, and the distance was 10 tiles to make another tent. I could go to Reno and make another tent just fine, or broken hills, or anywhere else out of range.

Lets say I went with the intention of having tents in hub and junktown.  Well, we can't have that since there is a 10 tile limit, so I have to make the tent between the two cities for maximum compensation.

This would force players to choose carefully where to place their tents, will defeat spamming tent maps on single characters, there will be less names registered (WAY LESS :P), and everyone will be happy.

HOWEVER, I am unsure of how many tiles specifically should be the limit in order to be out of range of your other tents to make the new one.  

You can make more than 1-2-3-etc tents as long as they are far away enough from each other, otherwise the tent closest to the new one will be deleted.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2011, 04:24:24 am »

Not a bad idea, but I think it would be better if, instead of being able to create more than one tent, you could be able to "add" friends to your tent.

Why not more than one tent build by one character? I don't think it's very realistic if your guy has to "take care" of a lot of tents. However, if you share them with other people, you can divide that effort between more people. Of course, I am not saying we should HAVE to remain in a tent for a certain amount of time in order to "take care" of it (which is actually true as the tent does disappear if you never visit it, altough I know it's not necessary because of what I say). But, you can't just make a tent and walk away for weeks and years, otherwise the forces of nature will eventually destroy it.

I think that being able to see more than one tent is realistic only if you are part of a group or faction which has several spots for spreading its area of activities across the Wasteland.


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Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2011, 04:26:51 am »

i like both ideas i really hate having to make another guy and get a friend to log on it just to make another tent paine in the ass.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2011, 11:48:40 am »

Yeah. Just no limits to tent and make char <=> tent relation n to n. Nowdays every PvP alt have to have parking tents on every TC city and maybe reno and hinkley thats 8 tents (and 8 tent alts) for single PvP char. And barter char needs even more cities.

If every player have several PvP chars and barter, stealer etc alts thats about 100 +- or at least few dozens of tents and nescessary tent alts per player which just rot in database.

If there would be posssibility of making several tents per char there would be no tent alts and if there would be possibility to add chars to tent there would be nescessary only about 20 tents per gang imho.

+ I am definitely for this suggestion. This will leave all PvP and PvE harshness in place and remove lots of boring brahmin farming tent alt creating and dragging in place and lots of unnescessary rows in database.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2011, 12:22:24 pm »

This would be the best way to deal with multiple tents for one char.
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Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2011, 12:44:23 pm »

I like this suggestion.
This might help to populate the north a bit more and I especially like the suggestion to have a minimum distance between the tents.
Depending on how you count, 10 tiles means you can have a tent next to almost every city.

However I don't see this as something that will help reducing alts, especially gathering alts.
There will still be people with alts dedicated to HQ mining and gathering chemical components.
They'll still have 1 alt which only has 1 tent at that specific location.
There will also be people who still use a friend to login to their account to have a shared tent between their alts. Simply to be able to safely transfer items between alts.

This will leave all PvP and PvE harshness in place and remove lots of boring brahmin farming tent alt creating and dragging in place and lots of unnescessary rows in database.

Those unnecessary rows for alts in the database will be replaced by rows for tents, so that makes no difference.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 12:47:40 pm by HertogJan »
Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2011, 12:47:30 pm »

I'am against alting but... won't all those tents will be used like they are now? I mean invisible storages all over world and parking places?

Wah... of course idea is good it'll decrease amount of tent-alts.

Edit: HertogJan yes, sorry :)
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 12:51:10 pm by NotAVilaz »
I'm NOT that guy Clicky!
Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2011, 12:48:27 pm »

Never mind.
NotAVilaz' edit made this post obsolete.
Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2011, 01:03:34 pm »

add a rock to all tent locations which with you can talk  ;D and add new people as friends so they could see location, lol


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Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2011, 01:12:54 pm »

Yeah... A long time in the past I've managed to create a tents near all important cities. It was really a pain in the ass to create 7 alts and move them to these cities. Two times I didn't tagged my alt and all hides were lost.
Why there should be that kind of limitation, if it is being avoided by the most players anyway?
Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2011, 01:57:20 pm »

add a rock to all tent locations which with you can talk  ;D

What and replace the tree I talk to and hug?

Yeah... A long time in the past I've managed to create a tents near all important cities. It was really a pain in the ass to create 7 alts and move them to these cities. Two times I didn't tagged my alt and all hides were lost.
Why there should be that kind of limitation, if it is being avoided by the most players anyway?

That sounds like dual logging which is not allowed.
But yeah, lit can be easily avoided or worked around.
I have a few shared tents with friends.


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Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2011, 05:09:41 pm »

add a rock to all tent locations which with you can talk  ;D and add new people as friends so they could see location, lol

Well then I see you agree with what I said here. It would be cool to add people to tent.

Not with a rock you can talk to... But, what about using the camp fire for smoke signals? Only problem is that it doesn't make much sense (everyone would notice the smoke signals, not just the one you wanna "add").

Or how about a new craftable item: a simple "map" drawn on a piece of wood with a knife. You give it to the one you wanna add (you need to meet him/her ingame).

Or maybe just being able to type the coorddinates plus sone kind of code in a holodisk, then you give the holodisk to the guy you wanna add.
Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2011, 05:45:24 pm »

Well then I see you agree with what I said here. It would be cool to add people to tent.

Not with a rock you can talk to... But, what about using the camp fire for smoke signals? Only problem is that it doesn't make much sense (everyone would notice the smoke signals, not just the one you wanna "add").

Or how about a new craftable item: a simple "map" drawn on a piece of wood with a knife. You give it to the one you wanna add (you need to meet him/her ingame).

Or maybe just being able to type the coorddinates plus sone kind of code in a holodisk, then you give the holodisk to the guy you wanna add.
How about mechanic from 4th requiem? If You bring someone to base/tent He can see it on WM until he dies in there.
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Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2011, 08:36:46 pm »

How about mechanic from 4th requiem? If You bring someone to base/tent He can see it on WM until he dies in there.
Yeah, I'd love to see this on 2238. It's a heaven for tent robbers. Fuck yea for this feature!  8)
Re: To have several tents on one character.
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2011, 10:38:19 pm »

Yeah, I'd love to see this on 2238. It's a heaven for tent robbers. Fuck yea for this feature!  8)
I can't say if You are serious or You just want to laugh at me ^^

I was never followed to tent or base so I don't see why not. If I could make it.
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