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Author Topic: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren  (Read 2622 times)


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2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« on: August 24, 2010, 07:19:32 pm »

AP rounds/guns
Instead of do a mathematical formula, you add automatical damage done to the enemy.
14mm pistol, damage is 12-22+10, The +10, will be inflicted to the opponent even if hes normal resistance is 100 and treshold is 100
Laser pistol, damage is 10-22+5, same as 14mm, just with lower penetration damage.
Magneto laser pistol, damage 10-22+7, magneto laser pistol has higher penetration then normal variant.

"One in a million" trait
It was meant to change Jinxed with this one, we could change "sex apeal"
Description: Theres 1 in a 1000000 chance that a lightning will strike you, but when it strikes, it strikes hard!
Function: Your critical chance is lowered to 1% (without counting in luck, L can be whatever (for perks or quests)) but you get 40% bonus on the critical hit table.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:45:30 pm by Haraldx »
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 07:21:22 pm »

Why would you want to replace Jinxed? That trait is awesome for some builds.
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 07:42:06 pm »

we could change "sex apeal"
It was replaced with Jinxed in VAN BUREN, I don't want to remove it.

EDIT: I messed up with words in OIM function, fixing it.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:44:09 pm by Haraldx »
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 07:47:32 pm »

AP rounds/guns
Instead of do a mathematical formula, you add automatical damage done to the enemy.
14mm pistol, damage is 12-22+10, The +10, will be inflicted to the opponent even if hes normal resistance is 100 and treshold is 100
Laser pistol, damage is 10-22+5, same as 14mm, just with lower penetration damage.
Magneto laser pistol, damage 10-22+7, magneto laser pistol has higher penetration then normal variant.
Imo pentrate perk, and ammo stat are enough. Seriously, with a 14mm you can shoot an APA without feel the difference when you shoot a leather jacket. That's enough.

"One in a million" trait
It was meant to change Jinxed with this one, we could change "sex apeal"
Description: Theres 1 in a 1000000 chance that a lightning will strike you, but when it strikes, it strikes hard!
Function: Your critical chance is lowered to 1% and also luck (you don't get your points unless you made it higher then 1) but you get 40% bonus on the critical hit table.
Cool trait, but sex appeal is the only trait not working atm, so remplacer this one would be better. Also, ii shouldn't diminish luck, just critical chance.
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 08:58:30 am »

Laser pistol is already good weapon.
No need to change it better  :-\


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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 09:23:26 am »

I like the idea about OIM. Still don't understand: will more crit perks add a critical chance or not.

This trait has one disatvantage - having this trait+better criticals perk, you'll gain 60% better criticals. That means that ~50% of your crits in head/eyes/torso will cause instadeath. Sniper with 10 luck will have 61% chance-to-crit when aiming eyes. Pretty unfair.
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 09:25:29 am »

61%? more like 76% to crit in eyes with a 50% of instakill... (you forget the 3x more crits, every little bit helps if you are after the grim reaper build...
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2010, 09:35:39 am »

To gordulan: i was wondering:
Still don't understand: will more crit perks add a critical chance or not.

So, considering one can't get crit chance neither from luck nor from More crit perks, one will have 61% chance
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2010, 09:39:40 am »

There's nothing concrete bout that quote, it's more of a badly punctuated question than a badly grammared statement really...
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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2010, 09:59:57 am »

There's nothing concrete bout that quote, it's more of a badly punctuated question than a badly grammared statement really...

Please, leave my lack of education to me .

Main idea of my post was - "It, seems, exploitable, to, me. If, more, crits, perk, worked, with, this, trait, this, will, be, too, 'strong'".
My English sux. I bet your Russian sux better.©


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Re: 2 Suggestions from Van Buren
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2010, 09:24:32 am »

Sorry for the late answer.
Concerning More crits - well, I don't know how it was in Van Buren (because it didn't make to the final release), but we could make it that you can take only 2 more crits and finnese gives you only 5% critical chance.
Imo pentrate perk, and ammo stat are enough. Seriously, with a 14mm you can shoot an APA without feel the difference when you shoot a leather jacket. That's enough.

Seriously, where the hell will you get an APA? So, now the best armor is BA (HPA doesn't count :P), I tested with my gang mate, he took a BA, and I took a 14 mm pistol. I shot him 5 times, damaged ranged from 10-15 per bullet, now, he took a CLJ and I shot him again 5 times, damage? for some reason, it was actually lower, 8-12. Don't ask me how, but that was the damage, Its like - run in a CLJ, its gonna save you from bullets in your stomach! I see no overpower.
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