Author Topic: Open Source FOnline: 2238  (Read 98501 times)

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2013, 12:43:24 pm »
Fixed -> ''My 2238 SDK folder was teamed with my TLA SDK folder.''
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 10:55:41 pm by K-9 »

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #61 on: August 03, 2013, 01:51:11 pm »
Hinkley is bugged:

Example server messages:

Code: [Select]
[17:06:196] Script exception: Null pointer access : arena : bool Arena::IsWithin(Critter&inout) : 662, 28 : FOServer::ProcessCritter : Burst.
[17:06:196] Execution of script stopped due to exception.
[17:06:196] Context<FOServer::ProcessCritter : Burst>, state<Exception>, call stack<4>:
[17:06:196]   3) arena : bool Arena::IsWithin(Critter&inout) : 662, 28.
[17:06:196]   2) arena : bool IsInsideArena(Critter&inout) : 1183, 2.
[17:06:196]   1) replication : void ReplicateCritter(Critter&inout) : 2275, 8.
[17:06:196]   0) main : void critter_idle(Critter&inout) : 5383, 2.

Code: [Select]
[17:06:432] Script exception: Null pointer access : arena : bool Arena::IsWithin(Critter&inout) : 662, 28 : Map::PrepareScriptFunc : Map id<136>, pid<3>.
[17:06:432] Execution of script stopped due to exception.
[17:06:432] Context<Map::PrepareScriptFunc : Map id<136>, pid<3>>, state<Exception>, call stack<3>:
[17:06:432]   2) arena : bool Arena::IsWithin(Critter&inout) : 662, 28.
[17:06:432]   1) arena : void ProcessArena(Map&inout) : 968, 4.
[17:06:432]   0) map_arena : void _Arenas(Map&inout) : 1602, 2.

Offline DocAN.

  • Testing FO: Reloaded
Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #62 on: August 15, 2013, 10:24:46 pm »
Have problem with mapper, it doesnt work.
Looks like it doesnt use files and dont know why. is listed in datafiles.cfg

also tried to create folders with missing files but still got the same problems and mapper doesnt work.

No idea why i think i have tried everything.

Havnt problem with older mapper on other laptop.

Logs expamles:

Starting Mapper (v.1.29.0)...
Mapper initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
Animation3d::StartUp - Fail to create effect, skinning switched to software.
Load sprite 'egg.png' fail. Egg disabled.
Sprite manager initialization complete.
SpriteManager::LoadFontFO - File<OldDefault.fofnt> not found.
FOnline engine initialization fail.
FOnline finished.

Starting Mapper (v.1.29.0)...
Mapper initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
GraphicLoader::LoadEffect - Effect file<3D_Simple.glsl> not found.
Animation3d::StartUp - Fail to create 3d effects.
FOnline engine initialization fail.
FOnline finished.

Starting Mapper (v.1.29.0)...
Mapper initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
Animation3d::StartUp - Fail to create effect, skinning switched to software.
Load sprite 'egg.png' fail. Egg disabled.
Sprite manager initialization complete.
SpriteManager::LoadFontFO - File<OldDefault.fofnt> not found.
FOnline engine initialization fail.
FOnline finished.

any clue?

FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg


  • Guest
Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #63 on: August 17, 2013, 03:32:13 pm »
Works for me. Make sure that client path in Mapper config points to client folder.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 03:41:51 pm by b__B »

Offline Wipe

  • Rotator
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Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #64 on: December 08, 2013, 04:46:29 pm »
Small update to release, as requested by FOnline: Reloaded devs - VTDB code.
Additionally, backup of characters (as saved for VTDB) used on 2238.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 04:53:41 pm by Wipe »
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #65 on: December 08, 2013, 08:49:04 pm »
Thanks, I'll use this magic.

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #66 on: February 15, 2016, 10:55:58 pm »
Others players can connect to your server too if you give your IP/port. Although typical home connection isn't suitable to handle as many players as 2238 had.

Please tell me what you mean. How can I get let my friends join my server

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2016, 08:54:17 pm »
If you will run this server at machine with global IP adress, give this adress to your friends and tell to them what port you use for it then they will can connect to your server. Sometimes home connection isn't so great to handle 50+ players, but it depends from your Internet provider and location.