There was the recent topic of adding an unguarded mine at Necropolis, that this would hopefully breath some life into the southern end of the worldmap. Maybe move PvP a little bit farther south.
I figured why not step it up and create the ultimate/hardest version of town control...
The basic idea is to make the glow a "town" that can be controlled. I imagine it would be initiated by talking to ZAX (
The reward can be whatever, random high tier weapons, ammo, crafting good.
But to flesh things out a little bit more, why not make this a little bit more unique? Requiring a little bit more than simply having 3-4 friends gather around you as you talk to one person, and then waiting 30 minutes until you collect your reward.
First off, require specific skills to initiate it. You need someone to go to the bottom floor and use the repair skill to fix the generators.
Activating the generators will revive the various robots, which the players must then fight to reach their other objectives (locked doors which open up upon the power would prevent them from simply camping the necessary spots in advance) The players must go about to various computers on different levels and use science (some will require no science, others might require some science)
There are various traps along the way to each objective, a player can either tank it and hope for the best, or bring along demolition experts who will move about on call.
It culminates with a player playing ZAX in a game of chess (I figure for every 1int you have 10% chance of beating the computer. If you fail you must wait 20 minutes IRL, but other players in your group can give it a shot each)
If you really want to be creative, require the faction to hold this base for a much longer period of time than 30 minutes. Maybe a week? This would be explained as ZAX announcing "I must process and compile our stockpile of items, please return in 1 week" and then shutting down, requiring another groups to start everything up themselves again. If another faction begins taking it then you must reclaim it within 24 hours in order to maintain your own personal countdown. Once any faction has controlled it for 24 hours then the 1 week period resets for everyone else.
Robot NPCs would respawn after a while, but not necessarily right away, if a group responds immediately and manage to gather the manpower/radaway/radX fast enough then they should be rewarded by not having to deal with the hassle of fighting the robots, they just might have to deal with the other players there

If you do make it extremely hard then I figure make the reward extremely worth it: 1 Suit of regular Power armor. Or at least a ton of tier3 crafting weapons and ammo. Maybe some unique weapons/ammo that can't be crafted, etc.