Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Tools and Modifications => Topic started by: Stachi on August 17, 2010, 10:31:33 pm

Title: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Stachi on August 17, 2010, 10:31:33 pm
Hello. Some people ask me about that interface. So i will put files for best resolutions here. I will not fix bugs/make updates/make another resolutions, because I dont care about it(like devs with their updates). So if someone want to make some updates, please go on. I used here some files from Transparent Interface Mod ( I hope you will not be mad on me.




( (

I made modification of aiming. Now it look like this:


( (

If you don't like this modification just replace in file default1280x1024.ini this text:

Code: [Select]
# Aim

AimMain=0 0 504 309
AimCancel=1300 268 221 279
AimHeadText=376 14 495 87
AimLArmText=376 128 495 200
AimRArmText=14 128 132 200
AimTorsoText=193 83 312 156
AimRLegText=14 225 132 297
AimLLegText=376 225 495 297
AimEyesText=14 14 132 87
AimGroinText=193 196 312 269
AimHeadProc=432 55 447 68
AimLArmProc=432 170 447 183
AimRArmProc=67 170 82 183
AimTorsoProc=246 125 261 138
AimRLegProc=67 269 82 281
AimLLegProc=432 269 447 181
AimEyesProc=67 55 82 68
AimGroinProc=246 238 261 252

for this text:

Code: [Select]
# Aim

AimMain=0 0 504 309
AimCancel=208 268 221 279
AimHeadText=77 34 267 44
AimLArmText=240 163 427 178
AimRArmText=77 163 267 178
AimTorsoText=240 34 427 49
AimRLegText=77 228 267 243
AimLLegText=240 228 427 243
AimEyesText=77 100 267 115
AimGroinText=240 100 427 115
AimHeadProc=35 41 51 56
AimLArmProc=455 170 471 185
AimRArmProc=35 170 51 185
AimTorsoProc=455 41 471 56
AimRLegProc=35 235 51 250
AimLLegProc=455 235 471 250
AimEyesProc=35 107 51 122
AimGroinProc=455 107 471 122

Remember that is only 1280x1024 version. I didn't test any another resolution. Bye.
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Pazoxi on August 17, 2010, 11:10:12 pm
Wow, it is great!
Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: jan0s1k on August 17, 2010, 11:31:38 pm
Hello. Some people ask me about that interface. So i will put files for best resolutions here. I will not fix bugs/make updates/make another resolutions, because I dont care about it(like devs with their updates). So if someone want to make some updates, please go on. I used here some files from Transparent Interface Mod ( I hope you will not be mad on me.



( (
stachi make it for 800x600 I already told you about it but you didnt do this ;(
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Stachi on August 18, 2010, 09:14:35 am
Ohhhh....Ohhhhh.... Sooooorry.... I forgot about it.... REALLY ^^
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Graf on August 18, 2010, 09:15:57 am
Its glowing lamps look pretty cool, and also those numbers are good idea. Otherwise, nothing special.
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Sius on August 18, 2010, 09:22:03 am
Its glowing lamps look pretty cool, and also those numbers are good idea. Otherwise, nothing special.

Its not meant to be special but combat. And its freaking cool!
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: jan0s1k on August 18, 2010, 04:26:27 pm
Ohhhh....Ohhhhh.... Sooooorry.... I forgot about it.... REALLY ^^
argh! nooo! ;(
make it and post it please ;D
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: LeMark on August 18, 2010, 10:16:49 pm
Nice work!
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Sius on September 01, 2010, 08:53:17 pm
Could you please fix this GUI so it will work with current game version? Its one of those better ones...
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Stachi on September 01, 2010, 09:22:56 pm
we need to wait till devs will fix some of default.ini lines. Then i will fix it.
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Sius on September 01, 2010, 09:38:50 pm
we need to wait till devs will fix some of default.ini lines. Then i will fix it.

God bless you...
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: xPoncex on September 01, 2010, 10:46:37 pm
God bless you...

May Cthulhu torture you in the least excruciating way.
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Stachi on September 04, 2010, 06:01:24 pm
Can someone test it or tell me why weapon window is so high? Here's file:
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Sius on September 06, 2010, 09:40:28 am
Well whats the coord set for weapon slot?
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Stachi on September 06, 2010, 11:40:23 am
IntItem=596 945 737 992
Coords are good. You got weapon at top of screen? I got like this. Can someone tell me why weapon is there when coords said it should be in good place?
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: APOFISKO on September 07, 2010, 02:14:59 am
please fix
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Stachi on September 07, 2010, 12:21:52 pm
All greatest minds of wasteland are working on it. :P We will do what we can. Till it will be ready use another interfaces. ;)
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: APOFISKO on September 07, 2010, 03:02:42 pm
no!! :) iam like this intface :)
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Stachi on September 08, 2010, 08:59:22 am
Fixed in first post.
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Sius on September 14, 2010, 09:46:20 am
Fixed in first post.

*bows before you*
Title: Re: Stachi's PvP Interface
Post by: Cha on September 14, 2010, 07:30:39 pm
Nice interface. Testing this right now.