Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: Haraldx on April 30, 2010, 05:44:58 pm

Title: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Haraldx on April 30, 2010, 05:44:58 pm
Basicaly, I'm getting tired of those dumb russian assholes in the middle of NCR just robbing everybody who is wearing an armor or a weapon. Even worse, after you kill the thief, the guards just run up to the body much faster then any player and takes all your lost stuff. I suggest this - players/guards can only take the stuff he stole only - if the body is lying there 10-20 seconds, or the stuff he robbed just doesn't show up for anybody, but the robbed one. That should actually give somekind of a reward for killing thieves, not like in these days - you waste your ammo and get robbed, perfect!!!
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: avv on April 30, 2010, 05:54:40 pm
If anything, the guards should give back stolen stuff to the player whom they were stolen from. Right now everything just disappears to the endless pockets of the guards and nobody wins. Except the thief if he somehow gets some satisfaction from causing trouble to people.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: kraskish on May 01, 2010, 03:40:30 am
stealing should have bigger cooldown like 3-5mins not 30s, its so annoying (also NCR) in peak hrs you cant normally shop, either thieves or people who imitate stealing to make other people nervous

My suggestions:
bigger cooldown
/e animations of skills used (as in other thread) or some name colorizing, in NCR it is so easy to get out, the exit grid is so close, not to mention tight tent ... madness...
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: JustGreat on May 01, 2010, 04:48:26 am
If you got robbed in Fallout you didn't get your stuff back (unless you killed them  :P).
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Haraldx on May 01, 2010, 10:00:53 am
If you got robbed in Fallout you didn't get your stuff back (unless you killed them  :P).
Please read the 1st post till the end.

Even worse, after you kill the thief, the guards just run up to the body much faster then any player and takes all your lost stuff.
So, does that mean you have to kill the guard or what? 1 time I just did go for the shop, I had some money (about 3k caps). I talked to the shopkeeper and guess what? He ALREADY stole not only my caps, but also all my ammo! And the guards just don't even give a fuck about that you are being robbed! I think there even should be a reward for killing thieves.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Lil Jesus on May 01, 2010, 11:40:54 am
oh we russians are so sinned anyway so its ok to fault them even if those PKers in NCR arent russians.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Haraldx on May 01, 2010, 12:19:27 pm
I'm not talking about PKing, and you really should check what happens in NCR, there is just plain suicide bombing, robbing and all done by only people with cirylic letter names.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: RavenousRat on May 01, 2010, 12:26:20 pm
by only people with cirylic letter names.
Lies. There're working 13 known for me thieves, and only 8 of them is active last days. And from these 8 people are only 3 has cyrillic name, but really from these 8 people 5 are russians. But you can't know that, because they have latin names, but thier dead bodies saying bad russian words in my adress. Last active bombers are all PL.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: kraskish on May 01, 2010, 12:28:39 pm
Lies. There're working 13 known for me thieves, and only 8 of them is active last days. And from these 8 people are only 3 has cyrillic name, but really from these 8 people 5 are russians. But you can't know that, because they have latin names, but thier dead bodies saying bad russian words in my adress. Last active bombers are all PL.

Polish are bombastic ;)
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Michaelh139 on May 02, 2010, 02:22:01 am
This DOES need to be fixed.  Imagine losing 20k caps to buy something like... oh idk, BA and some ammo and right before you buy its gone cus a thief took it, you kill him but gaurds just take it and .... poof its all gone.  Just gone.  Can't get it back, nothing.  The REAL THIEVES IN NCR!?!?  The Gaurds.  But lucky for you guys im planning on making an anti-thief faction, who will patrol these towns and kill thieves on the spot. :D.  But this is only a plan atm.  But I personally see to it in NCR thieves are blown away.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Haraldx on May 02, 2010, 09:16:59 am
Yep, It is too annoying to be true, but it is.
So, possible solutions:
*Guards give all stole stuff back to the real owner if the thief is dead.
*Guards and players can take stolen stuff only after a period of a time, the real owner may pick up his stuff whenever he wants.
*Guards don't loot bodies at all.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Ulrek on May 02, 2010, 09:39:28 am
i personally wish i had a working knowledge of how the triggers and scripting in FOnline work.

but as far as i can tell having the guards give items back one asked about it up to about a hour later or at least a half hour might work.

making them not loot bodies will only make bombers with speedy friends to loot worse.


Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Kilgore on May 02, 2010, 12:13:42 pm
stealing should have bigger cooldown like 3-5mins not 30s, its so annoying (also NCR)

LOL. as thieves weren't nerfed already..

Also, what the fuck? Why don't you keep your money in your fuckin hands, when you know that you're going to a pit full of thieves? Why don't you take with you your precious armor which will prevent most bombers from bombing you effectively? Why don't you use common sense? Why instead of thinking of how can you deal with thieves/bombers, you come here and post a whine thread and some stupid suggestions?
Throughout previous session (I mean, prewipe), I was killed ONCE in NCR and it was done by using Holy-Hand Grenade. I survived many bombings, I've even been telling bombers to bomb me and didn't avoid them. Money were stolen from me few times, when I was new in the game (it was september 2009), no one robbed me from anything valuable later, even in times when there was no -reputation for stealing and there were thieves stealing everything you didn't have in your hands. Seriously, you need to stop playing lame and learn how to play effectively and safely.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: corosive on May 02, 2010, 09:32:59 pm
a good solution to this would to just allow people to steal from guards, i mean why not? ive walked into a building killed all the npcs and watched a guard run in and take everything off that one body with all the other looted gear from the other dead npcs (that one npc ran up and looted quicker then i could react)

if only i could of stolen from that npc or atlesat killed them for the loot it would be nice, i jsut hate this freakin no inventory on certain npcs in towns its anooying and unrealistic, vendors should atleast have an inventory to access once they've died but just have nothing in it... as long as they ATLEST have an inventory it would still be sweet.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: Surf on May 02, 2010, 11:57:45 pm
as long as they ATLEST have an inventory it would still be sweet.

That would just lead to constant dead vendors the whole time, even more as it is now.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: C47 on May 04, 2010, 09:08:21 am
Yep, It is too annoying to be true, but it is.
So, possible solutions:
*Guards give all stole stuff back to the real owner if the thief is dead.
*Guards and players can take stolen stuff only after a period of a time, the real owner may pick up his stuff whenever he wants.
*Guards don't loot bodies at all.
or sth very simple
*Guards looting bodies only when they killed him (because of attack or trying to steal from vendors etc.)

so we will not see situations when all of guards and vendors are running to dead body to take the stuff
only one will go for it

edit2 (for devs):
system is alredy checking who killed a player or critter etc so its only one line to add
'if guard kills playerX then go looting'


stealing from guards?
so theif can steal some stuff from you, he will be killed, guard took the stuff but thief will come back and take it from him
you can't do this because you're not a thief - so you're losing the same, thief takes more than now

Kilgor, it's not strictly about thiefs. It's about guards that taking stuff from dead bodyes
You can be killed by some mad bomber or from smg f.e.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: corosive on May 04, 2010, 11:32:22 pm
That would just lead to constant dead vendors the whole time, even more as it is now.

have more (or stronger) guards guarding vendors? but I like c47's idea of guards only looting the players they killed

Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: HonestRob on May 06, 2010, 10:55:47 pm
LOL. as thieves weren't nerfed already..

Also, what the fuck? Why don't you keep your money in your fuckin hands, when you know that you're going to a pit full of thieves? Why don't you take with you your precious armor which will prevent most bombers from bombing you effectively? Why don't you use common sense? Why instead of thinking of how can you deal with thieves/bombers, you come here and post a whine thread and some stupid suggestions?
Throughout previous session (I mean, prewipe), I was killed ONCE in NCR and it was done by using Holy-Hand Grenade. I survived many bombings, I've even been telling bombers to bomb me and didn't avoid them. Money were stolen from me few times, when I was new in the game (it was september 2009), no one robbed me from anything valuable later, even in times when there was no -reputation for stealing and there were thieves stealing everything you didn't have in your hands. Seriously, you need to stop playing lame and learn how to play effectively and safely.

The issue isn't the safety. The issue is that the thieves invest nothing but get everything. If you have the opportunity to fuck other players over and take their stuff, there should be some investment from your part, something you lose.
This is why the HQ mines are fine for example. If you go to kill miners there, you are bringing guns and possibly armor. You are investing something, putting yourself at risk. When you can fuck other people over without risk, it becomes a griefing game, and everyone who isn't griefing is losing.
It's stupid to see the same goddamn thief rob people day in and day out. In any real environment, a real thief gets his fucking hands cut off when it's the 50th time he's robbing someone in broad daylight with the whole NCR looking at him.
I'd like something like a "thieves tool" or similar that you must carry with you in order to steal, that you can lose if people kill you. That way it isn't the same bullshit where you see him steal from him, kill him, but only you lose stuff while he loses nothing and is back stealing 5 minutes later.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: vedaras on May 06, 2010, 10:59:14 pm
dude make an investment get the fuck out of ncr. I dont get it all people whining in here are from ncr, so why you live in there if its so bad? go to other safe towns.
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: kraskish on May 06, 2010, 11:05:11 pm
dude make an investment get the fuck out of ncr. I dont get it all people whining in here are from ncr, so why you live in there if its so bad? go to other safe towns.

Vedaras, look at his nick, hes too honest :P
He has some point, namely thieves are gods (karma goes back to -200 if they lose it at all, invisible tags), thats why there are so many of them sometimes in NCR and Im trying hard to make a rep over 200 or whatever the level to be protected xD
Title: Re: You get your robbed stuff back
Post by: vedaras on May 06, 2010, 11:07:06 pm
Vedaras, look at his nick, hes too honest :P
He has some point, namely thieves are gods (karma goes back to -200 if they lose it at all, invisible tags), thats why there are so many of them sometimes in NCR and Im trying hard to make a rep over 200 or whatever the level to be protected xD

actually its bugged and you dont lose karma for stealing now :> And yeah new flagging system sucks hard i agree with that :>