Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Ombra on April 13, 2010, 05:17:35 pm
A simple and fast question: Throwing Weapons are Ranged or a stand-alon category?
In practice, they benefit of Bonus Rate of Fire and Fast Shot ?
mmm no one knows? :(
I think its a category on its own because strenght is also used to determine the distance etc. Also fast shot doesn't work for it.
Are you sure? :o
Because the description say "ranged weapons AND thrown weapons"
yes they work as ranged weapons with these percs and traits
Fast shot worked with thrown weapons before the wipe, maybe you ought to test it and let us know if it changed.
my sneaker-granadier have brof+fastshot , 2ap per nade
Nice to know! Thank you all for infoes :)