Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: Surf on April 13, 2010, 07:53:23 am

Title: Implementing an "Achievment" System..
Post by: Surf on April 13, 2010, 07:53:23 am
As we all know, there are some "achievments" to take in the game, like most crippled limbs, or most shoveled shit or "most deats thus far" etc.
If one player is fair enough to "connect" his ingame character to the forum, why not implement something like this!

Expert Crap Shoveler!


You're used to standing in excrements of other creatures. Your knowledge of poo'll REALLY come in handy. I mean, REALLY!
Either you go into politics, or you'll keep standing in crap till' your mouths full it.

Standing on a sea of tears. ( )

Wow! You've managed to be the biggest whiner in the wasteland. All the lost memories souls will be with you on your sepia trip, pal.
I hope greenpeace is coming for ya' and is keeping mind that brahmins are extinct race, sorta.


Let's face it- You're the George W. [Everyone hates you.] The sooner you get it . the m... Yes you got it...
You truly behave like the biggest arsehole the wastelad's git, And that IS something!

Infinite Super Duper Wasteland Killer

You've taken all your afford in making a character who pwns them all. Basically you pwn the whole universe.
Everything else is dead or dying, or is a GM Abuser. You're taking ones  body to the dead, to the living and to the double dead, badass as you are.

And so on. Persoanlly, I would love to see such things,,,, :P

Title: Re: Implementing an "Achievment" System..
Post by: virus341 on April 13, 2010, 08:40:20 am
Before the wipe I could have achieve Expert Crap Shoveler for sure. 5 lvl with a shovel in ma hands.
Title: Re: Implementing an "Achievment" System..
Post by: Quentin Lang on April 13, 2010, 02:48:17 pm
I think the expert crap shoveler is already in game: the expert excrement expeditor (was called something like that). I think its that, but not sure tho. Anyway yeah, could use more achievments. Also, would be nice if they would make it so you can see how many (example) crap has showeled current times champ, and how much you've done.