Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Killy on March 30, 2010, 03:39:05 pm
is tracking working at this moment? if yes what perks do i need to use it
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Still disabled...
Any news on it if I might ask? is it going to be added soon or?
"soon", yes. :>
How about we mix it up and make all bases/tents discoverable by a luck roll when travelling.
It's a beta, people! It's time for exciting, sexy experimentation. I look at how much gear is in my faction's base and I throw up a little bit.
How about we mix it up and make all bases/tents discoverable by a luck roll when travelling.
It's a beta, people! It's time for exciting, sexy experimentation. I look at how much gear is in my faction's base and I throw up a little bit.
tents were made so people could have safe place for items, whats the point in making it unsafe? better remove it at all then...
tents were made so people could have safe place for items, whats the point in making it unsafe? better remove it at all then...
Because it's a gamble! Nothing should be perfectly safe, not even banks. You can place a tent, but there's no guarantee it won't get found. You can carry stuff with you, but there's no guarantee you won't get robbed. You can have a base, but there's no guarantee it won't get stormed.
People always say wasteland is harsh. I call bullshit when you have an undiscoverable base and your bank funds are untouchable.
How about we mix it up and make all bases/tents discoverable by a luck roll when travelling.
It's a beta, people! It's time for exciting, sexy experimentation. I look at how much gear is in my faction's base and I throw up a little bit.
I guess everyone would make 10 luck characters to discover tents and bases to go there with their faction mates. Besides you can't do anything if someone finds your tent because of luck. With the tracking feature your able to avoid that someone robs you.
After this shit is gonna get implemented, i guess its gonna be quite funny and/or frustrating. Imagine you being a simple bluesuit, you walk out of ncr, go to your tent nearby, spawn in. Start running towards it and behing you spawns a guy and kills you. He starts running towards you to loot you, and another guy, stronger one spawns in and kills first tracker. Hes happy about the loot and all and suddenly half pvp faction spawns in that tracked him and... well, you got the point.
It's a beta, people! It's time for exciting, sexy experimentation. I look at how much gear is in my faction's base and I throw up a little bit.
That's why I suggested deteriorating. But noooo... People just can't accept losing unused items.
Anyway, tracking is imba really.
Unless you get a tiny chance at 300% and just one-time passage then everybody will be doing it. Maybe just let tents be "infested" by random critters from time to time so you have to kill them to reach your stuff again. And bases raided by NPCs?
Ignore that, I should read more about this stuff before I post. :P
Unless you get a tiny chance at 300% and just one-time passage then everybody will be doing it. Maybe just let tents be "infested" by random critters from time to time so you have to kill them to reach your stuff again. And bases raided by NPCs?
This would be awesome, actually. Imagine coming back to your tent just to have to fight some geckos. That would definitely add some excitement to the whole thing. But they'd have to be creatures that don't pick up stuff, because I have guns and junk thrown all around the area of my tent :P
In my opinion this whole thing sounds like a horrible idea. :/
It's bad enough people get followed if they have more than 1 charisma to begin with. But at least then, you can catch them and just wait until they log off.
And as it's been proven, there are people dumb enough to not notice they're being followed, and they get PK'ed that way.
I dont like this idea at all,too many griefers with nothing better to do than fuck with people at every turn.Im all for a harsh wasteland but I think this is too much.
I don't like the idea overall, I just hate the amount of hoarding that takes place.
Maybe we will be lucky and it wont work like the last time they implemented it.I really hope it never works because its far too easy to grief already.
In my opinion this whole thing sounds like a horrible idea. :/
It's bad enough people get followed if they have more than 1 charisma to begin with. But at least then, you can catch them and just wait until they log off.
And as it's been proven, there are people dumb enough to not notice they're being followed, and they get PK'ed that way.
you do know that you can actively kick him from party and he can do shit about it?
and if you make tracking... make traps work against it... with fatal consequences... afterall wasteland is a harsh place.
If you're worried about someone following you to your tent, you can take precautions.
- stop on random world map spot and see if they show up before going to your real tent
- log off for 3 minutes after you leave a town so people think you're done and stop tracking you
- have plenty of guards at your tent so if they do manage to follow you they'll hopefully get taken down
- have a friend sit in the city you left and see if anyone "disappears" without going on the exit grid as soon as you leave
There are plenty of options to protect yourself against tracking. Just be smart and constantly vigilant. If you let your guard down and act lazy you deserve what's coming to you.