FOnline Development => Questions and Answers => Topic started by: loord on May 14, 2015, 11:35:20 pm
When I run 2238 or reloaded offline I have a terrible delay with dialogs and exit from the map, interestingly problem does not occur in FOnline Australia. Why these delays? some suggestions?
My suggestion is to check server log when the delay occurs.
It's possible that some specific script has a bug and/or runs slowly and this is causing the delays.
Other thing - is possible to run non GL version of FOnline sdk, d3d?
You can, as long you your game is using SDK older than r413 (
In SDK default client [FOnline.exe] is GL version, in 2238 it's D3D.
sdk r412 is hard to find :/
sdk r412 is hard to find :/
svn checkout -r 412
svn checkout -r 412
its r503 only, no option to download older version