FOnline Development => Questions and Answers => Topic started by: sasha on October 11, 2013, 05:25:48 pm
hello people, i want to play with some friends in a private server of FOnline but i want to change some perks and traits, like in the original fallout 1 / 2, and probably change how perception works ( field of view ). where i can change this things and how ? i download the .zip with the server files and i can upload and play the server without problem, but i not really sure how to change that things.
another question : there's any server files to download from previous wipes ? like the 3th wipe years ago.
2238's source is how the server was before pre-wipe madness in 2013, and it was said that previous versions of 2238 wouldn't be released.
The access to the original repository used for the development of FOnline: 2238 in the past, with all the revisions up to this point, will stay closed.
As for Perception, changing line 61 in client_fov.fos looks promising, but I can't test out the code right now, and I think that is just client side. In main.fos, line 2834 has a FovCheck(Critter& cr, Critter& opponent) function that looks like it would help you. To figure out what makes it change based on what direction your character is facing, you might have to do more searching & modifying.
On Notepad++ for instance, you do do 'Search -> Find in Files..." to find all instances of a keyword like "perception", "fov", "direction", etc.
didn't work. i change both files and i clear the cache but i dont see any changes. the only i can do is modify __LookNormal and __LookMinimum in config.fos for the moment.
You can at least change the direction penalty percentages by modifying these lines in config.fos:
default lines 90-93
__LookDir0 = 0;
__LookDir1 = 20;
__LookDir2 = 40;
__LookDir3 = 60;
yes, i do it some days ago. thanks anyway, Dishonest Abe :P