Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Zenobius on March 28, 2010, 05:49:43 pm
Is there a way to postpone closing of the trade window?
30 second is not a lot of time to buy smth from the vendor if he has 203190391293 items on him.
[ yep, another noob question from me ;-) ]
Barter skill increase increases timeout.
But 30 seconds?
Thats.. I really need to train my fingers ;-)
barter skill is equal to timeout you get, and 30 seconds is minimum. So just raise barter skill.
Don't forget that if you sell one thing, or things, the countdown will raise to 30. If you have only few seconds left and still want to barter, then sell a shit for 1 or 2 caps and you'll be able to trade a longer time.
Yep. thanks for the info m8s! :-)
and you can hold down button, or roll the middle mouse button to fastly move that barter window.
hold down page down and roll the mouse wheel