Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: Alvarez on March 27, 2013, 07:24:19 pm
Do you remember that funny bug with the car wreck which could be lockpicked and driven to your base before it broke down completely?
Sadly it was fixed, but i'd like to suggest to implement a chance to repair this wreck with high repair skill, some metal and electronic parts and make it a driveable vehicle with insane deteroriating rate, low speed and high fuel consumnation.
A Mechanic' Challenge.
You could also sell this scavenged vehicle at T-Ray.
or call assistance by radio "0"
/hhelp my car is broken, take good stuff :)
Or scav it for a ton of parts....... decent parts, not crap.
You already can get a fuel cell controller from it and get a cockroach that way.
The flavor of this bug was actually to fix the wreck, make it ride again, not just salvage a part out of it.
The special car encounter could also have a bit more fixing with spare parts and tools, not only recovering the key. You made it really good with fixing a door with tools in a Factory special encounter.
The flavor of this bug was actually to fix the wreck, make it ride again, not just salvage a part out of it.
The special car encounter could also have a bit more fixing with spare parts and tools, not only recovering the key. You made it really good with fixing a door with tools in a Factory special encounter.
ya, but as you describe it its a wreck only worth getting on the road long enough to get it somewhere where you can re-ustilize it.......
unless you mean actually rebuilding it to good or like original condition?????
ya, but as you describe it its a wreck only worth getting on the road long enough to get it somewhere where you can re-ustilize it.......
unless you mean actually rebuilding it to good or like original condition?????
Why the hell not? Get some metal parts, junk, tools, Repair skill and use it all on it.,25532.0.html
Why the hell not? Get some metal parts, junk, tools, Repair skill and use it all on it.,25532.0.html
lotta parts, lotta tools, lotta TIEM, but if you wanna do it, sure. if your remeber the wonder years, Brian (the girl's sister, i forgot her name, weird) was doing exactly that before he went off to vietnam.....
Ah you mean that series with teenage Marylin Manson as geeky best friend?
I roleplay a mechanic, one time asked a GM to spawn such piece of scenery in a base but he said no. So i fucked this shit and replaced a broc flower graphics with a junk car. At the same time i replaced a Scout with the repaired car graphics. Technically, my suggestion is implemented, just because i did it on my own.
Still not the same, but eh whatever works. I repair a flower now.
Ah you mean that series with teenage Marylin Manson as geeky best friend?
took me a second but ya, thats the one. shes a race car drier now.
When using a brahmin on a car wreck, you are able to drive it very slowly to your tent.
Putting 100 Metal Parts, 15 HQ Electronic Parts in it like fruits in a still, apply 200 Repair on it with a Super Tool Set in active slot will give you this unique vehicle.
This way you didn't spend caps on it, only your own effort.
Bump for interest, devs opinion and mercy on my mechanic' soul from GMs thinking this was some kind of bug from previous session. :)
Well, in my opinion we lack something like a low tier car. Either you use outdoorsman and you are slow as snail or you finally buy a car and instantly turn into a rocket. So I think there should be low tier car(s), (easy to obtain) with speed just a little better than a taxi alt and minimum price of the "high tier" cars should be bumped up, because once most people have them, the dynamic price goes very low because they are rarely lost.
This wreck looks almost like something you could drive.
I think that there is no room in this game for two low-level cars. Just make cocroach cheaper and fuel cell controllers easier to find (But take some fraction of speel for rebalance)
So I think there should be low tier car(s), (easy to obtain) with speed just a little better than a taxi alt and minimum price...
Thanks for your comment! In addition to speed, i might suggest the high deterioration rate, since this is a driving rust bucket.
I think that there is no room in this game for two low-level cars. Just make cocroach cheaper and fuel cell controllers easier to find (But take some fraction of speel for rebalance)
The cockroach don't have a big enough trunk and has only one driver slot, it's quite fast and still require a sum of money and effort on finding the FCC. So, it's not quite a low-level car.
So as Jovanka said, a low-level car for anyone without money to find and to repair would be okay for newbie' first car. It will also probably fit the gap between caravan and a scout.
And why not, add a little garage in the bases, where you can really create cars, but with much stuff and much repair skill!
And why not, add a little garage in the bases, where you can really create cars, but with much stuff and much repair skill!
Create - maybe not, but repair. And perhaps a car spawn point inside the base for members. Just an idea :)
i might suggest the high deterioration rate, since this is a driving rust bucket.
Why high deterioration rate? You fixed it so why it still breaks down? I realise it's a pile of junk but doesn't it make sense for deterioration rate to get lower after the car has been repaired? I mean, come on... Especially repaired by someone with high repair skill, if an amateur repairs it - no wonder it breaks down quickly but if it's done by a pro it stays on a road longer. Deterioration rate shouldn't be a flat value.
High deterioration rate only contributes alting, got a char with no repair? Gotta have a repair alt... it's not like with FA - you can't go into NCR and get patched up, although I wish repairing worked that way - expand the parking lot in NCR, make cars there unstealable and cancel the tool requirement for repairing - the tool should only help, not be mandatory.
Any vehicle requires maintenance, especially one like this. This dont even needed to be with high repair skill, but as the deteroriation progresses, it needs a higher skillcheck.
This, you might need to repair it more often. And gain XP.
Well, in my opinion we lack something like a low tier car. Either you use outdoorsman and you are slow as snail or you finally buy a car and instantly turn into a rocket. So I think there should be low tier car(s), (easy to obtain) with speed just a little better than a taxi alt and minimum price of the "high tier" cars should be bumped up, because once most people have them, the dynamic price goes very low because they are rarely lost.
This wreck looks almost like something you could drive.
That's where I was going with thr trike.
Perhaps if you have a motorcycle and a brahmin cart you could build your own somehow?
I think we all agree there is a depth to be explored here. I agree with the option of finding a car and reparing it. I mean come on there is thousands of cars in the waste land, and we have individuals who can create laser pistols from iron ore but no one who can ressurect a automobile? Where is the logic in that? You should have the option of harvesting random junk from found wrecks and the ability to apply found parts to a wreck to bring it to use.
When using a brahmin on a car wreck, you are able to drive it very slowly to your tent.
Putting 100 Metal Parts, 15 HQ Electronic Parts in it like fruits in a still, apply 200 Repair on it with a Super Tool Set in active slot will give you this unique vehicle.
This way you didn't spend caps on it, only your own effort.
Bump for interest, devs opinion and mercy on my mechanic' soul from GMs thinking this was some kind of bug from previous session. :)
At one point I suggested a "flagpole" that allowed you to make a temporary site semi-permenant.... What are the chances of actually happening to have a brahmin when you find this thing? Not really good, right? So a flagpole would allow you to come back with your brahmin (or maybe slaves, ala "A boy and his dog") with some ropes and drag the thing off.
Of course, the flagpole might attatct unwanted attention as well, including other players, npc's, etc, so you'd want to move FAST and come back humping some real firepower AND armor, just in case....
Bump for interest.