Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: lavions on January 18, 2013, 10:08:19 pm
How to become slaver? When I say him I want to be slaver he says I am moron...
take mentats first
Well nvm, some suckass killed me for fun.
When I say him I want to be slaver he says I am moron...
maybe hes right?
Maybe you are one of those billion alts on graveyard.
Maybe you are one of those billion alts on graveyard.
Hehehehe,never heard that joke before.
Anyway,your INT is too low.Like Roachor said,take some mentats they will give you a few points to INT and you will be able to join.
AFAIK, 5 INT for becoming a slaver
After that, he always talk to you, even with low IN
Well nvm, some suckass killed me for fun.
yyy just go back there and try again?
yyy just go back there and try again?
Yea, go back again and again and they are tired from killing you, wasting time and ammo, no fun anymore ;D
Or yell at them you just a poor slaver, dont kill you
I did that :-[
You need at leat 3 ch. I hope u already knew that since u are trying to become a slaver.....
Also,choosing good natured trait prevent you from joining the slavers.
Also,choosing good natured trait prevent you from joining the slavers.
You can join, but you can not enslave by using rope on
I dont know if good natured alt still is able to take slave from other alt, did not test yet
i just joined slaver few days ago, try to take MTT increase ch+2 IN+2.
Anyone know what is the maximum number of slaves one alt can hold.
They said that 5 (with 3 mercs), is it corrected ?
Anyone know what is the maximum number of slaves one alt can hold.
They said that 5 (with 3 mercs), is it corrected ?
I did not tested it as a whole, but i think you can have and lead on the WM 9 slaves.
10CH + MagneticPersonality = you can lead 10 followers on the WM.
10CH + MagneticPersonality + 300Speech = 250PartyPoints
250PP / 35PP = 7 GhoulMercs (you can switch one of the ghouls with unarmed human merc 40PP. im not sure, if dog 40PP counts as mercenary if slaves are concerned)
2base slave slots + 7 merc based slave slots = 9 slaves total.
Yes, thank you.
I am thinking about slaves number cap. I will test
Keep in mind you will still have to have enough charisma to be able to lead them all ;)
its always 2 + number of followers/mercs/companions (not slave npc's)
e.g you have 1 companion - 3 slaves
you have 4 mercenaries - 6 slaves
you have 1 merc - 3 slaves
Keep in mind you will still have to have enough charisma to be able to lead them all ;)
Also note, that you don't need to have your mercenaries with you, while slaving. You can put them in your tent and forget about them.
I know, it's weird.
Follower = mercenary, companion, slave, brahmin or dog
Ability to lead over world map is based on players Charisma and perk Magentic Personality.
You can lead on WM 1 character (including yourself) for each point of Charisma. Perk Magnetic personality adds 1 Charisma (not capped) for purpose of leading over WM.
>>Maximum number of followers on wm is 10, 11 characters including yourself.
Number of mercenaries player can hold is based on partypoints(~pp). Factors influencing partypoints are (Charisma +10pp per point, Speech +1pp per 3%, perk Magentic Personality +50pp, trait Good natured +50pp)
>>Maximum number of partypoints is 300, "cheapest" mercnary costs 35pp. Maximum mercenaries is 8
Number of slaves player can hold is based on number of companions+mercenaries, basic amount of slaves, perk Good natured and perk Loner. Basic amount of slaves each player can hold is 2. Add 1 slave for each companion or mercenary tied to character. Perk Good Natured prevent you to hold any slaves. Perk Loner prevent you to hold any follower.
>>Maximum number of slaves player can hold is 9 (2 = basic amount, 7 = each for "cheapest" mercs, where you can hold maximum 7 of them with maximum partypoints excluding perk Good Natured)