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Title: BoS bunker quest
Post by: Urukhai on December 14, 2012, 10:27:03 pm
Bored a little bit of pvp, so I started some quests.

Well I arrived until the quest of the bunker. Brought there a char with repair and science, a lockpicker, a thief. Killed all robots. Lockpicked the door to the bathroom and then just nothing happens. I don't know what the fuck to do with this sink  ???

I have to open the door which requeres a key for opening it, behind it, there is a generator to repaire in order to launch the computer.

Is this quest bugged ? Cause I cannot lockpick this shit neither repair or scince.
What have I to do with the sink ? I have the logo of the Hand when I put my mouse on it but "That does nothing". Science, repair, ropes and all found items in are useless.

HALP !  :-\
Title: Re: BoS bunker quest
Post by: Mike Crosser on December 14, 2012, 10:56:44 pm
You don't need to lockpick anything to complete the quest.
You just need to go to the last floor and I think you need to use a computer and that's it.
Then your pipboy will say that you need to go to Lost hills to finish the quest,but since this quest was never completed you can't really do anything after that.
If you are interested though some guy a long time ago was gather BoS members to do an event or something,I'm pretty sure he quit but he might be still playing, anyway if you are interested.
Title: Re: BoS bunker quest
Post by: Urukhai on December 14, 2012, 11:18:48 pm
Yes i got it.  ;D

but the quartermaster of BoS is bugged. So there is no quest left anymore  :-\
Title: Re: BoS bunker quest
Post by: Mike Crosser on December 14, 2012, 11:21:04 pm
Yes i got it.  ;D

but the quartermaster of BoS is bugged. So there is no quest left anymore
Yeah I know,I was really disappointed when I found out that that is the end of the quest line.
Well maybe one day the devs will finish the faction quests,maybe. 
Title: Re: BoS bunker quest
Post by: Marko on December 17, 2012, 12:20:23 am
Where did you find a rope in this quest? I had to go get one and bring it back. The gold watch is cool though.
Title: Re: BoS bunker quest
Post by: Grey on December 17, 2012, 01:36:20 am
Yeah i did this quest a few days ago and is isn't finished yet.

Anyway, there is a "usable" airvent inside the complex, out of the building. I  tried even to bomb it but nothing

Too bad isn't yet finished, i liked all that Brotherhood stuff..
Title: Re: BoS bunker quest
Post by: Marko on December 17, 2012, 01:45:00 am
Oh i found that rope! It was an item in one of the locked rooms. I guess the generator room does not open at all - it does not react to Lockpick skill.