Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Closed suggestions => Topic started by: Alvarez on March 24, 2010, 08:10:30 pm

Title: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Alvarez on March 24, 2010, 08:10:30 pm
As you know dogs were able to survive the nuclear apocalypse.

But they have almost no HP, so how did they managed it without starving or eaten by some mutant abomination?

With their muzzle!
The mutt is always informed about the sweet smell of semi-edible cadaver or a familiar stench of a Floater nearby ways before the human perception kicks in. The ultimate answer against unwanted encounters, nasty surprises and internet hate machines is called A DOG NOSE!

Instead giving a penalty for PE in encounters, the nose of your HP-weak companion gives you a bonus to Outdoor.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Sius on March 24, 2010, 08:24:23 pm
Good idea. I love when ingame NPCs are designed with real life characteristics. This could be used in more cases not only with dogs but +1 anyway.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Frozen Mind on March 24, 2010, 08:39:46 pm
Good one.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: bipboy on March 24, 2010, 09:51:34 pm
I would propose a "cautious nature" approach which is
+1(or 2) to PE when determining placement in encounters

and also a bonus when you tracing/tracking some one (or some special hunt)
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Crazy on March 24, 2010, 10:46:15 pm
Dogs already have outdoors which can help you.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: vedaras on March 24, 2010, 10:58:35 pm
actually i like the idea :>
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Kharaam on March 24, 2010, 11:03:34 pm
cool i support this idea, dogs should make encounters easier to avoid
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Sius on March 24, 2010, 11:27:36 pm
Maybe add something like "resurrectable" companion. Dogs could appear in 3 types with 1/5/10 levels (depending on price). When you level up, your dog gains some of your exp and levels up with you.

When you die and respawn, your dog will find and rejoin you within few moments from death.
When your dog dies you will have to fulfill some condition in order to resurrect him.

Since mercenaries are just hired guns they should not work like this. Buy maybe some unique companions (dogs, enslavable creatures or slaves) could work this way since you are their master and they have to obey and learn from you.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Ganado on March 25, 2010, 12:30:41 am
Maybe dogs will be able to sniff you out when you die (and they, for some reason, don't), but resurrection? I don't think so.

Also, how do dogs give a "penalty to PE in encounters"? What do you mean by that? As Crazy said, dogs do already have high outdoorsman.

it's only 14% according to the wiki.
I think those are talking about the dogs you find if random encounters, which is different than the mercenaries.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Parowooz on March 25, 2010, 01:00:37 am
Since companion's outdoorsman already affects the leader it should be easy to implent. Just raise dog's outdoorsman to like 120%, it's only 14% according to the wiki.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: DrapiChrust on March 25, 2010, 12:48:50 pm
Good one.
Raise dog's outdoorsman and perception (cautious nature?) +1 (maybe not 120% to a 1lvl dog if they will be able to level up)
give a dog ability to level up +1
give a dog ability to stay with you after your 'death' +1 (even though it wouldn't be much of a use as whatever kills the PC will in most cases kill the dog too)
dog's resurrection -10 (ok, respawn is unavoidable in case of players, but making a barking christ would be going a little too far)

Oh, and one more thing - when this whole Scout profession will be finally done (when?), then scouts should be able to tame wild dogs, just as everyone else can tame brahmin. Yes, profession bonus only It is ridiculous that ALL the professions are based solely on crafting, never giving any additional skills or opportunities (like, 3lvl scout could be so good at training dogs that he would be able to sell them (order them to follow a new master)

Sorry for this scout off-topic, but I feel that there is so much opportunities that devs could implement to enrich this game with more goals and challenges...
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Delpen on March 25, 2010, 01:00:48 pm
To the matter of resurrecting dogs.

What if your dog had offspring and you could buy one of it's whelps if it dies (and only then)? Depending on how many lvls dogs would have, the 'new' one could start with your dogs lvl -1 or -2 or whatever. So you wouldn't loose its progress unless your dog dies 5 times in a row or sthing like that.

Oh, and also, could we have those please?  ;D

Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Kharaam on March 25, 2010, 01:48:27 pm
I like the lower picture...

However, idea of breeding dogs? Well I don't really like it, every gang would have one Super-Dog (lvl 21) they would borrow it and get Super-Cubs, which would effect in everybody possesing an equivalent of 120% outdoorsman, therefore making this skill useless.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Delpen on March 25, 2010, 02:08:43 pm
No, that's why I said you could only buy it when you die. And you wouldn't really breed it. And it selling it could be forbidden, too (although raising dogs could be an interesting 'profession'.

Anyway, you would just HAVE the dog and when it dies, you and only you would have the possibility to buy another dog on a lower level, but not on the lowest. That way you wouldn't have to raise it from zero. The offspring and whelp thing was just a plausible excuse to do this. It's better than having your dog resurrected. As a penalty for losing your dog, the new one could cost more than the first one.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Sius on March 25, 2010, 02:26:03 pm
Guys you have 0 imagination  :o !

Even tho I would like having companion which would not suffer from perma-death its still possible to implement "ressurection" idea otherwise. You buy/tame a dog at X lvl. When you die, dog will find you. When dog dies you will remember its level and second time when you buy/tame dog, you will be able to get dog at greater lvl because during the time dog was with you and lvled up, you learned how to treat him => you know how to handle more dangerous dogs.

So in practice it would be something like this:
I hit lvl 12 and I have some spare cash so lets buy a dog. Dog is at lvl 3 when I buy him. I will lvl up with my new companion. I'm lvl 16 now, dog is lvl 9. Dog dies. I go to dog salesman that I want new dog. He offers me larger scale of dogs with various levels and price but non beyond 9th lvl. I buy one and I repeat circle.

This way there could be scouts with really dangerous companions. Buy there is a problem, companions die fast. I think there should be some kind of a survivability boost for dogs if they should be able to level up with player.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Delpen on March 25, 2010, 02:31:42 pm
Guys you have 0 imagination  :o !

Even tho I would like having companion which would not suffer from perma-death its still possible to implement "ressurection" idea otherwise. You buy/tame a dog at X lvl. When you die, dog will find you. When dog dies you will remember its level and second time when you buy/tame dog, you will be able to get dog at greater lvl because during the time dog was with you and lvled up, you learned how to treat him => you know how to handle more dangerous dogs.

So in practice it would be something like this:
I hit lvl 12 and I have some spare cash so lets buy a dog. Dog is at lvl 3 when I buy him. I will lvl up with my new companion. I'm lvl 16 now, dog is lvl 9. Dog dies. I go to dog salesman that I want new dog. He offers me larger scale of dogs with various levels and price but non beyond 9th lvl. I buy one and I repeat circle.

This way there could be scouts with really dangerous companions. Buy there is a problem, companions die fast. I think there should be some kind of a survivability boost for dogs if they should be able to level up with player.

Although I believe everything's fine with my imagination, I agree with your idea. That would do the trick.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: gordulan on March 25, 2010, 03:37:28 pm
and with the 3d models we may be able to have our own specific breed of dog, me, i'll take a german shepherd please.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Handyman on March 25, 2010, 04:30:11 pm
This idea is sooooooo coool ! Handyman Approves !
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Kharaam on March 25, 2010, 04:31:06 pm
i'd like Chiuaua! a very rabid one!
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Sius on March 25, 2010, 04:54:54 pm
German shepherd that could be one hell of a badass dog... or some lonely wolf from wasteland?

Anyway I'd suggest to add pool to this topic just to see what people think of this + drag some devs here to know their opinion  :P.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Swinglinered on March 25, 2010, 05:03:23 pm
Boerbul (
Especially as guards at base.

War Dogs (

The knockdown ability is especially fun.
Like grenades with feet.

Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: DrapiChrust on March 25, 2010, 05:42:18 pm
Hey, leveling up WITH the player is a baaaaaaad idea. So, when I hit lvl21 and get bored I cannot experiment with dog companions 'cos they will be weaklings? No, no, no, HELL NO.
There must be sth else to determine dog's 'improvement'. Like the number of creatures killed and/or number of encounters he noticed first. Anything BUT leveling up with the player. You want people to start making alts just to grind their dogs?!

When it comes to buying new dogs - I thought of sth like Sius said - you will get better 'new dogs' if you'll breed the 'old dogs' (like old dog lvl-1)

And lastly, dogs' lvl need not be just as PC lvl. I.e. dog can start with 40HP and 70outdoorsman and every 'level' (max 5 levels) he gets +20HP and +10outdoor (up to 120HP and 120 outdoorsman). Just as followers in Fallout 2 did.

Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: RavenousRat on March 25, 2010, 05:45:48 pm
You want people to start making alts just to grind their dogs?!
Why? You're 21st level. You still get XP! You simply don't getting 22nd level... so you still be able to train your dog.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Solar on March 26, 2010, 01:24:35 pm
Hm, raising dogs outdoors skill is a good idea. Makes them useful a bit in a unique way.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Badger on March 26, 2010, 01:29:35 pm
Levelling up NPC followers is a great idea, especially if you can get them back after they die and it becomes a long-term project.

You recruit some bright eyed young farm boy from Modoc, take him under your wing and teach him to be a grizzled badass. That sounds a lot of fun to me.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Alvarez on March 27, 2010, 05:22:23 pm
Thanks for your support guys! ;D
After some searching, i found out how the thread polls are added, so please vote!
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: DrapiChrust on April 08, 2010, 03:44:35 pm
You know guys, leveling, staying after death, knockdown and all... a large addition, right?

For a start I would suggest making dogs NOT WORHTLESS. For example making them at least a bit stronger than brahmins, which are free and easy to get. Dogs have less hp, less damage, less damage resistance and outdoorsman at a similar level... And no, I didn't use the always-outdated wiki. I checked it ingame. If I weren't that much about atmosphere and dogmeat nostalgy, I would use brahmins instead of dogs and have a bigger combat advantage than tagging along with those worthless mutts...

Dogs costs 500-1000 per one. Brahmins cost 2xfibre. I know that the former shouldn't be a master-killer, but giving them 40 or 50hp (instead of 34) and about 2-8 damage (instead of 1-6) would place dogs nicely between free brahmins and 1000-2000caps HtH mercs. This is just reasonable.

EDIT: just btw, but raising dog outdoorsman has drawbacks also. My friend has 100 outdoorsman (which is enough to cover most of the encounters and travel quite safely) and he don't like when I take my dogs when we hunt together, because it don't change encounter check too much and he doesn't get xp for them...
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Karpov on April 08, 2010, 07:20:02 pm
I don't know if anyone said this. The other day I was looking for geckos, and I could not find them, so the idea came to me: what if you could ask your dog to find certain types of creatures? you can say "dog, find geckos" "find men" "find deathclaws" and somehow the map shows a location, an arrow or something, not exact of course.

They should have like 12 perception, more than men, and a lot of action points. I like the cautious nature perk someone suggested.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: DrapiChrust on April 09, 2010, 02:17:18 pm
Dogs are just worhless now. There is no other word for it. They cannot survive any encounter with anything bigger than small scorpions... and I don't mean 'kill enemies' or even 'don't get killed'. I've mean even don't get killed while running away from enemies while manually ordered... (6AP, dammit)

I was going to arrange a little brahmin - dog one-on-one to prove how worhtless dogs currently are, but my last mutt wasn't able to cope with raider's mauser before I managed to shred damn raider into pieces... dammit.
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Roachor on April 09, 2010, 09:02:58 pm
Dogs need little suicide bomber vests.


filled with c4
Title: Re: Making dog companions more useful
Post by: Nightkin on April 11, 2010, 07:08:52 am
KA.....KA............KA!................................ BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM ;D ;D ;D