Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Uzaykeki on March 23, 2010, 06:27:26 am

Title: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 23, 2010, 06:27:26 am
i need help to build a gunsmith small/armorer crafter (in same char)
but i dont know how can i build this char
i made my specials st7 pe4 en4 ch4 ın10 ag7 lk6 (bruiser, skilled) and my tagged skills are small guns repair and science
is it okay for a good crafter? what should i do?
i wanna be able for quests on game and i dont wanna join any npc faction (only raiders but ill quit it after training)
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: NukeItAll on March 23, 2010, 09:21:28 am
Well you can't have 2 Professions.
so build it in the same char is just not pasble.

Talking to NPC you need 3 CH. But some quest are other requirements needed.

Armorer you only need repair skill and ST
180% Repair.
7 Strength
And i think 3 CH to join brotherhood or Enclave. You can always use drugs if needed for that.

Smallguns requirements are
120% Repair.
90% Science.
150% Small Guns.
5 Strength.
7 Agility.
Also i think 3CH. and ofc
and you need  120 i think reputation by slavers to ask for raider base.

Again you cannot build it in 1 char togetter.
make 1 armorer
make 1 Smallgun crafter

Greetz NukeItAll

Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: KillerAnt on March 23, 2010, 02:49:50 pm
Edit. No need to have inaccurate posts :)
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Raengar on March 23, 2010, 02:57:27 pm
You should read better. He used Bruiser trait, which is IMO an awful choice.

As for help for the original poster, I suggest the following build: 5 6 6 1 8 8 6
Traits are up to you, but don't take Bruiser if you want to be any use in combat. Small Frame and 4 STR can get you 10 IN, then it might be cool to pick skilled - but you won't be able to carry much.

As for skills, if you have 10 IN and Skilled, there is no use in tagging Science - tag Outdoorsman instead.
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: blahblah on March 23, 2010, 04:45:49 pm
Again you cannot build it in 1 char togetter.

You CAN have a small guns and armour crafter, but you cannot have more than 3 levels of professions in total.
You can have 1 doctor, 1 armourer, 1 small guns. Or 3 small guns, or 2 armourer and 1 small guns, etc. But the total level you can have is 3.

One thing I have to agree with is don't take bruiser. I took it on my first char and it was horrible. Can't run away from scorpions even. Bad choice.

I actually don't create any characters with less than 9 AP. It's just so much more convenient to be able to run away from everything if you feel like it.
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Swinglinered on March 23, 2010, 08:45:35 pm

I actually don't create any characters with less than 9 AP. It's just so much more convenient to be able to run away from everything if you feel like it.

Bonus Move?

High PE/Kamikaze also help.
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 23, 2010, 10:37:36 pm
You should read better. He used Bruiser trait, which is IMO an awful choice.

As for help for the original poster, I suggest the following build: 5 6 6 1 8 8 6
Traits are up to you, but don't take Bruiser if you want to be any use in combat. Small Frame and 4 STR can get you 10 IN, then it might be cool to pick skilled - but you won't be able to carry much.

As for skills, if you have 10 IN and Skilled, there is no use in tagging Science - tag Outdoorsman instead.

if i get 1 ch i cant learn any professions i guess
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Raengar on March 24, 2010, 01:41:04 am
Yes you can =) buy a Mentats and there you are. Besides, some of the profession givers talk to you anyway (Elridge I think)
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: RavenousRat on March 24, 2010, 06:24:54 am
if i get 1 ch i cant learn any professions i guess
Yes you can =) buy a Mentats and there you are. Besides, some of the profession givers talk to you anyway (Elridge I think)
Most of 1-2 lvled profs are avaible with 1 CH. The only problem is 3rd prof. But it's not a problem to buy mentats once per character's life ;p
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 24, 2010, 10:09:01 am
thanks for help guys :)

so i decided to make a small gun crafter (prof lvl3)
which build is best for me? (tag skills, specials, traits, perks etc.)
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: virus341 on March 24, 2010, 12:00:40 pm
I guess that all of us are waiting for upcoming changelog, so we can decide what builds are playable and what  are not.
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 25, 2010, 04:55:37 pm
well not much thing changes this character i think

wipe comin today so im waitin ur suggestions for a brand new game
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 25, 2010, 05:13:07 pm
allright i made a build (gunsmith sg)

st6 pe4 en4 ch3 in10 agi7 luck6
fast shot, skilled
small guns, science, repair

now please tell me is it ok?
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Roachor on March 25, 2010, 05:15:03 pm
allright i made a build (gunsmith sg)

st6 pe4 en4 ch3 in10 agi7 luck6
fast shot, skilled
small guns, science, repair

now please tell me is it ok?

you might regret skilled, 2 perks is a lot to lose
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 25, 2010, 05:16:46 pm
but there are not much perks for crafters right?
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: RavenousRat on March 25, 2010, 05:33:56 pm
but there are not much perks for crafters right?
If this is crafting alt, then you shouldn't care about build, just skilled+10 IN - that's all you need, and, of couse, other stats for profs, so you don't need any drugs.
allright i made a build (gunsmith sg)

st6 pe4 en4 ch3 in10 agi7 luck6
fast shot, skilled
small guns, science, repair

now please tell me is it ok?
For "just crafting things" it's ok.
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: NukeItAll on March 25, 2010, 05:34:43 pm
It it will be crafter only skilled should be fine.
And i dont understand 6 ST?

smallguns are 5 ST
for crafter lvl 3 only 5 ST needed also.

6 ST Only usefull for carry weight?
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 25, 2010, 05:39:18 pm
yea thats what i think
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: NukeItAll on March 25, 2010, 05:48:20 pm
Ill show you mine.
Mine is not ''pure'' crafter
becouse after wipe i will use it to kill brahim (PVM) etc.
I dont say it is perfect but it works.

ST 5   (no more needed)
PE 6   (2 kill low creeps with a smallgun)
EN 8   (for HP)
CH 3   (to do some quest for armors, also for the speed lvl up)
IN 10   (10 int for the point per lvl)
AG 8   (for AP, i will play turn bases in the start)
LK 1   (no crit based and no pvp perks needed)

Small frame
Title: Re: I need help about char build
Post by: Uzaykeki on March 25, 2010, 06:01:56 pm
Ill show you mine.
Mine is not ''pure'' crafter
becouse after wipe i will use it to kill brahim (PVM) etc.
I dont say it is perfect but it works.

ST 5   (no more needed)
PE 6   (2 kill low creeps with a smallgun)
EN 8   (for HP)
CH 3   (to do some quest for armors, also for the speed lvl up)
IN 10   (10 int for the point per lvl)
AG 8   (for AP, i will play turn bases in the start)
LK 1   (no crit based and no pvp perks needed)

Small frame

this helped a lot thx man