FOnline Development => General Discussion => Topic started by: xenom on October 11, 2012, 11:40:07 am

Title: Global map hunting
Post by: xenom on October 11, 2012, 11:40:07 am
Global map hunting is the solution, what give you possibility to find other players on Global Map in some range.
I am using GUI by JohnyPL, than you need to create a console commands to using that fuctions or new GUI(based on TLA scripts).

Code: [Select]
#include "_defines.fos"
#include "_maps.fos"
#include "_macros.fos"

void unsafe_observe_encounters(Critter& cr, int, int, int, string@, int[]@)// this function looking for existing players encounters on global map in some range
if(cr.TimeoutBase[ TO_OBSERVE  ] >  int(__FullSecond + REAL_MINUTE( 0 )))//you need define new timeout for observe WM in defines.fos
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG,"You must wait 3 min (timeout).");
cr.TimeoutBase[ TO_OBSERVE  ] = __FullSecond + REAL_MINUTE( 3 );
int range = (cr.Skill[ SK_OUTDOORSMAN ]/10) + cr.StatBase[ ST_PERCEPTION ] + 10;
// Find new locations
Location@[] locIds;
GetLocations(cr.WorldX, cr.WorldY, range,locIds);
for( uint j = 0; j < locIds.length(); j++ )
if(( !cr.IsKnownLoc( true, locIds[ j ].Id)) && (locIds[ j ].GetProtoId() != LOCATION_pbase))// you must change it too not find private plyers bases
cr.SetKnownLoc( true, locIds[ j ].Id);
// looking for friends
void unsafe_worldmap_observe_normal(Critter& cr, int, int, int, string@, int[]@)
if(cr.TimeoutBase[ TO_OBSERVE  ] > int(__FullSecond + REAL_MINUTE( 0 )))
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG,"You must wait 3 min (timeout).");
cr.TimeoutBase[ TO_OBSERVE  ] = __FullSecond + REAL_MINUTE( 3 );
int range = (cr.Skill[ SK_OUTDOORSMAN ]/10) + cr.StatBase[ ST_PERCEPTION ] + 10;
{"none", "none", "none", "none", "none",
"none", "none", "none", "none", "none",
"none", "none", "none", "none", "none"};
uint8 []GROUP_SIZE = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
Critter@[] players;
uint count = GetGlobalMapCritters(cr.WorldX, cr.WorldY, range, FIND_ALL, players);
uint j = 0;
Critter@[] @ groupme = cr.GetGlobalGroup();
Critter@ leaderme = groupme[0];
for(uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (j == 15)break;
Critter@[] @ group = players[i].GetGlobalGroup();
Critter@ leader = group[0];
if((leaderme.Id != leader.Id)&&(cr.Id != leader.Id) && (leader.ParamBase[PLAYER_MAIN_FACTION] == cr.ParamBase[PLAYER_MAIN_FACTION]))//in FoT i have 2 npc factions, you must change this for your solution
for(uint b = 0; b < NICKS_TO_CLIENT.length(); b++)
if (NICKS_TO_CLIENT[b] == GetPlayerName(leader.Id)) break;
else if (NICKS_TO_CLIENT[b] == "none")
NICKS_TO_CLIENT[b] = GetPlayerName(leader.Id);
GROUP_SIZE[b] = leader.GetGlobalGroup().length();
for(uint i = 0; i < NICKS_TO_CLIENT.length(); i++)
if(NICKS_TO_CLIENT[i] != "none")
Critter@[] group = GetPlayer(NICKS_TO_CLIENT[i]).GetGlobalGroup();
int size = group.length();
cr.RunClientScript("client_main@observe_effect",i,size,0,NICKS_TO_CLIENT[i],null);// you need to create gui on clent site, and tables for string
else cr.RunClientScript("client_main@observe_effect",i,0,0,NICKS_TO_CLIENT[i],null);// you need to create gui on clent site, and tables for string

// looking for enemies
void unsafe_worldmap_observe_other(Critter& cr, int, int, int, string@, int[]@)
if(cr.TimeoutBase[ TO_OBSERVE  ] > int(__FullSecond + REAL_MINUTE( 0 )))
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG,"You must wait 3 min (timeout).");
cr.TimeoutBase[ TO_OBSERVE  ] = __FullSecond + REAL_MINUTE( 3 );
int range = (cr.Skill[ SK_OUTDOORSMAN ]/10) + cr.StatBase[ ST_PERCEPTION ] + 10;
{"none", "none", "none", "none", "none",
"none", "none", "none", "none", "none",
"none", "none", "none", "none", "none"};
uint8 []GROUP_SIZE = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
Critter@[] players;
uint count = GetGlobalMapCritters(cr.WorldX, cr.WorldY, range, FIND_ALL, players);
uint j = 0;
Critter@[] @ groupme = cr.GetGlobalGroup();
Critter@ leaderme = groupme[0];
for(uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (j == 15)break;
Critter@[] @ group = players[i].GetGlobalGroup();
Critter@ leader = group[0];
if((leaderme.Id != leader.Id)&&(cr.Id != leader.Id) && (leader.ParamBase[PLAYER_MAIN_FACTION] != cr.ParamBase[PLAYER_MAIN_FACTION]))//in FoT i have 2 npc factions, you must change this for your solution
for(uint b = 0; b < NICKS_TO_CLIENT.length(); b++)
if (NICKS_TO_CLIENT[b] == GetPlayerName(leader.Id)) break;
else if (NICKS_TO_CLIENT[b] == "none")
NICKS_TO_CLIENT[b] = GetPlayerName(leader.Id);
GROUP_SIZE[b] = leader.GetGlobalGroup().length();
for(uint i = 0; i < NICKS_TO_CLIENT.length(); i++)
if(NICKS_TO_CLIENT[i] != "none")
Critter@[] group = GetPlayer(NICKS_TO_CLIENT[i]).GetGlobalGroup();
int size = group.length();
else cr.RunClientScript("client_main@observe_effect",i,0,0,NICKS_TO_CLIENT[i],null);

void unsafe_worldmap_attack(Critter& cr, int, int, int, string@ str, int[]@)
Critter@ other=GetPlayer(str);
if(@other == null)
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG,"Player: "+str+" is not online, please refresh your list.");
Critter@[]@ group=other.GetGlobalGroup();
Critter@[]@ groupme=cr.GetGlobalGroup();
int range = (cr.Skill[ SK_OUTDOORSMAN ]/10) + cr.StatBase[ ST_PERCEPTION ] + 10;
int distance = sqrt( ((group[0].WorldX  - groupme[0].WorldX)*(group[0].WorldX  - groupme[0].WorldX)) + ((group[0].WorldY  - groupme[0].WorldY)*(group[0].WorldY  - groupme[0].WorldY)) );
if (distance > range)
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG,"Player: "+str+" is too far from you, please refresh your list.");
int roll=Random(121,127);//pids of encounters maps, what have ready correct enteries points(look on next comment)
uint locId=CreateLocation(roll, other.WorldX, other.WorldY, group);
Location@ loc = GetLocation(locId);
for(uint i=0; i<group.length(); i++)
group[i].TransitToMap(loc.GetMapByIndex(0).Id,200);//you need to create enter points number 200 on every encounter maps, what you will use for global hunting
group[i].Say(SAY_NETMSG,"This location will exist by 3 real hours.");
for(uint i=0; i<groupme.length(); i++)
groupme[i].TransitToMap(loc.GetMapByIndex(0).Id,300);//you need to create enter points number 300 on every encounter maps, what you will use for global hunting
groupme[i].Say(SAY_NETMSG,"This location will exist by 3 real hours.");

uint e_delete_location(uint[]@ values)
 Location@ loc = GetLocation(values[0]);
 return 0;

client_main.fos - on end of file
Code: [Select]
void observe_effect(int j,int i,int,string@ nick,int[]@)
NICKS_GLOBAL[j]=nick;// you need at first declare this table in variables for client
GROUP_SIZE[j]=i;// you need at first declare this table in variables for client

If you will use that, than will be very nice if you will put small info about me in credits, or give me nice skin on your server.
Title: Re: Global map hunting
Post by: Crab_people on October 11, 2012, 04:13:18 pm
so it is over of fode ?
Title: Re: Global map hunting
Post by: xenom on October 11, 2012, 05:26:28 pm
so it is over of fode ?
no, this code is not part of fode