Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => General Game Discussion => Topic started by: Drakonis on March 15, 2010, 04:35:55 pm

Title: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Drakonis on March 15, 2010, 04:35:55 pm
NOTE: For negative feedback and rants I have created a diffrent thread.

SO, time to give some oppinion on what you like about 2238. I'll start.

- I really appriciate time and efford put in this game by devs and everyone else involved. You do it for free and that's real something.

- I like how community helps with the game. Making 3d models and constantly trying to improve the game- It shows that regardles some flaws, the community is alive and active. That's good.

- F2238 atmoshere. It's very fallouty. I'm sure we ALL(fallout fans) love this and it made us stay even when we were having hard times.

- Fixboy and crafting. I love how you can make your own weapons, and then maintain and repair them if they break(usually they never live enough to break or even detoriate badly tho :(- especially in PvP)

- And once again a BIG thanks for people who create and modify 2238. I know... We know you have your own life yet you still find time to run this game. Pretty amazing.
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Krej on March 15, 2010, 06:22:57 pm
lvl cap
full loot
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Drakonis on March 15, 2010, 07:18:11 pm
open pvp= because you can attack anyone and pretty much anywhere regardless their level.

Btw. Please add some explenation WHY you like something...
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: GrantMills on March 15, 2010, 07:30:46 pm
I like almost anything specially that you can have a base :)
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Sius on March 15, 2010, 08:26:52 pm
Yeah bases are cool... I like that you can get people and grow in strength and build something (even when its limited and I lack some engame goal right now).
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Alvarez on March 16, 2010, 12:19:52 am
Well, i have to say that it's most fun to play in a faction.
Adding recently BoS was an AWESOME idea, sadly, noone remains for long there, since there is no posibility to craft or store items.
I heard, they had a quartermaster, perhaps he's willing to take care of your inventory for caps.

Also, very atmospheric scenery, the cities are relatively safe now thanks to more guards, i always enjoyed crafting and despite cooldowns still enjoy it, even if it takes most of my time playing.
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: ToFonikoAgouri on March 16, 2010, 12:32:09 am
(+) All the Russians in the server.

I just like to imagine that, instaed of the chinese, it was Russia that invaded the US before the bombs fell. And with all those Russians going around killing people, it really aids to the immersion and atmosphere.

I shit you not. The method really works.
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Swinglinered on March 16, 2010, 12:40:03 am
(+) All the Russians in the server.

I just like to imagine that, instaed of the chinese, it was Russia that invaded the US before the bombs fell. And with all those Russians going around killing people, it really aids to the immersion and atmosphere.

I shit you not. The method really works.

Yes, I love this.

Especially false flagging as a bomber with cyrillic name. 

Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Roachor on March 16, 2010, 01:11:22 am
Get back to shoveling poop swingline!
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Drakonis on March 16, 2010, 02:48:26 am
i like brahmin *cars* they are very fallouty.
reduced exp for excessive killing 1 kind of monster is good in my oppinion also
Also I like weakening after death- It's a good idea.
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Roachor on March 16, 2010, 06:20:52 am
Diminishing xp adds nothing to this game but pointless grinding.
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: VongJin on March 16, 2010, 06:33:55 am
i like open PvP  coz killing newbies  and watch them cry, makes me feel better ;D
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Drakonis on March 16, 2010, 12:05:45 pm
Diminishing xp adds nothing to this game but pointless grinding.

simple solution: don't treat this game as a Grind-Fest. Fallout was not suppose to be: get lvl 21 withing 2 days and join the happy Pvp -craft cycle. :/

i like open PvP  coz killing newbies  and watch them cry, makes me feel better ;D

and most people think I think that is bad. It's not. I like to kill people as well and sht, but sometimes I like to put myself in their shoes and the truth is that with current full drop along with open pvp there is a frustration factor that makes dozens of people quit, because they wanted to enjoy the game the way they liked it. It's impossible, because people like you :P Carry on, but some changes in the system could have been made long ago to prevent people from quitting so oftenly and to reduce crafting time consumption at one shot
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Drakonis on March 16, 2010, 12:10:26 pm
simple solution: don't treat this game as a Grind-Fest. Fallout was not suppose to be: get lvl 21 withing 2 days and join the happy Pvp -craft cycle. :/

and most people think I think that is bad. It's not. I like to kill people as well and sht, but sometimes I like to put myself in their shoes and the truth is that with current full drop along with open pvp there is a frustration factor that makes dozens of people quit, because they wanted to enjoy the game the way they liked it. It's impossible, because people like you :P Carry on, but some changes in the system could have been made long ago to prevent people from quitting so oftenly and to reduce crafting time consumption at one shot

I like that maps of big towns are merged into one. It's purely awesome.
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Alvarez on March 16, 2010, 06:27:30 pm
i like open PvP  coz killing newbies  and watch them cry, makes me feel better ;D

I like to kill people like VongJin.
Nothing more is satisfying as killing someone trying to kill you and watching them being pissed off, like immature schoolboys they are.
Moreso, if they get racistic.  ;D
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Attero on March 16, 2010, 09:33:13 pm
i like Fallout for being Fallout .... yea the character development and world are very unique.

Sure ffa system is cool but if there would be some south - north aliances that players would join and play realm vs realm i wouldnt mind.

EDIT: hey way did you lock before i could post ... thats mean ......

so im gonna put it here :
I dont like non english speaking players - if you dont know english do yourself and others a favor and go learn it (i bet you can find plany of free lessons on net)

unpunishable players - as it is there is no way to punish player for going against rules or being ass to thers - there is need for restriction on making accounts.....

alting - i dont belive in power crap - its only natural for one to try to make as strong character as possible - this means one needs alts to support him - and thats even more time investment in realy time consuming crafting system  - the whole system would need to be made from scrach unluckly ;/

...and others .... but i belive those are the worst
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Alvarez on March 16, 2010, 11:40:22 pm
Ah hells, i like our developer staff.
Always open for criticism and suggestions, helpful and quick to response.

Seriously, they pay the greater part for the server cost, actually implement good ideas, fix things in their free time and always strive to make things go more smoothly. And despite all criticism, (or sarcasm) they care for the community.

Their enthusiasm keeps FOnline running. Thumbs up, guys, keep it up!  ;D
Title: Re: I liek that! - Positive Feedback Thread -
Post by: Hertz on March 17, 2010, 06:58:11 am
I also like the merging of the maps and events (if i can catch them  >:()cant wait for this wipe so i can love it all over again