Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Hawker on July 23, 2012, 04:53:07 am

Title: Funny story.
Post by: Hawker on July 23, 2012, 04:53:07 am
Hey everyone,

Today i did put myself in some trouble,iam a new player i started playing like 3 weeks ago and i was saving caps i farmed for buying my first car..So i got inot New Reno visted that T-rex guys and bought a scout car for 3,800caps.After that maybe i was a bit too happy i parked the car near NewReno and i said to myself why not parking the car and looding the trucks of weapons and stuff before going back to my tent near NCR.The problem is that before going to hunt i decided to put the key in the trunk so if i die i would not lose it!!!When i got back to my brand new car T-Rex forgot to tell me that this piece of rust had auto-lock on!My character got no lockpick skills any suggestion about what should i do?
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Gavin602 on July 23, 2012, 04:58:46 am
Find someone who has a lockpicker alt..... That's pretty much it (unless you want to make one yourself.)
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: racoon on July 23, 2012, 11:35:03 am
i can open it for you. contact me on #2238 channel or #thelastlight. nick is same as here.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Castony on July 23, 2012, 12:21:02 pm
PM me and i'll help you to get your car back. I'm also available at #thelastlight chanel in IRC when i'm online, nick "San".
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: DeputyDope on July 23, 2012, 12:30:48 pm
san castony is a PK and he will kill you, and most likely steal your car.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: JovankaB on July 23, 2012, 01:02:56 pm
1. Don't believe anyone in this thread.
2. Nor anyone who will PM you.
3. Be aware that if you ask for help a random person, there is a good chance that you will lose the car and the items.
4. If you don't want to risk losing them, either level up a lockpicker alt yourself or wait until you know other people better.
5. Consider figuring out who can and who can't be trusted inherent part of the game.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Tomowolf on July 23, 2012, 01:29:00 pm
Meh, I can do this, or better - I'll gief u shitty lockpicker alt, mkay?
Just wait till its online
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: racoon on July 23, 2012, 04:48:35 pm
i can give you my buggy, and lockpick trunk of yours and take yours. you will get car with locked trunk. damn its 3k. i wouldnt even risk opinion for 3k -.-
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Kool-Aid on July 24, 2012, 03:24:29 pm
Like anyone here is so poor and would steal a scout with some crap in trunk risking his reputation.
Really jovi, don't spawn more paranoid bluesuits who insult people just for using '3' on them.

If you really need help, get it asap. Cars left in wasteland will disappear after a given time.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Vilgefortz on July 28, 2012, 03:03:30 pm
Cars disappear? since when?
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Kilgore on July 28, 2012, 03:09:44 pm
Hello stranger, new in town?,1022.msg8197.html#msg8197
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Vilgefortz on July 28, 2012, 07:47:15 pm
Last session cars (mine at least) were not disappearing at all thats why i asked since when. Changelog you pointed out is older than last session. Better play game and test it then say something sintead of linking  some old posts and saying bullshit, mr Trollgore.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Kool-Aid on July 28, 2012, 09:45:30 pm
Last session cars (mine at least) were not disappearing at all thats why i asked since when. Changelog you pointed out is older than last session. Better play game and test it then say something sintead of linking  some old posts and saying bullshit, mr Trollgore.
It's certainly not bullshit. This was still the case last season and wouldn't have been changed without being mentioned in update log. During prewipe madness, when ingame time was drastically speeded up and all tents/bases were revealed, I stole several cars and left them somewhere on world map. Following the next day, every single one of them disappeared. Feel free to test it out tho, preferably with a hummer full of rare items and all your caps.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: racoon on July 29, 2012, 01:39:53 am
in last session i left caravan cart and it survived to the end of session. i was seeing enco all time and it didnt disappeared
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Michaelh139 on July 29, 2012, 01:40:22 am
I didn't laugh..

I want my money back!
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Brujah on July 29, 2012, 03:07:56 am
I didn't laugh..

I want my money back!

Sir, I'm afraid that's a concern with your local bandwith and not FOnline.

Thank you for calling, to speak with another operator please redial the number: 707-555-SOON.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Trokanis on July 29, 2012, 05:08:13 am
Well you can believe me or not but people know I'm not a pk, I have a lockpicker and I will go with ya completely unarmed I'll even let ya kill me once I open the lock if ya need the help.  Just PM me on here, or find me in the general IRC chat room for 2238
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: racoon on July 29, 2012, 12:38:18 pm
Well you can believe me or not but people know I'm not a pk, I have a lockpicker and I will go with ya completely unarmed I'll even let ya kill me once I open the lock if ya need the help.  Just PM me on here, or find me in the general IRC chat room for 2238

cool story, if you lockpick car you automatically drive to wm
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: Trokanis on July 29, 2012, 01:12:09 pm
Cool troll fail since I was referring to opening the trunk, which is what the thread was about.  It's up to him if he wants to bring a bluesuit and then blow it away after it unlocks the trunk.  Some people actually try and be helpful in this game.
Title: Re: Funny story.
Post by: racoon on July 29, 2012, 05:52:06 pm
yeah i said i can give him my locked car with locked trunk and lockpick his and take for me. someone said its scam so..