Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Off-topic discussions => Topic started by: OG Sin on May 11, 2012, 08:46:25 pm

Title: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: OG Sin on May 11, 2012, 08:46:25 pm
Not really futuristic but definitely post apocalyptic zombie mmo mod for ARMA2.

Some player made some awesome episodes (

Does have some downsides though..since ARMA2 has very crappy netcode and other bugs.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Gob on May 11, 2012, 08:52:42 pm
This was supposed to be military simulator  :( not stupid zombie game
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: OG Sin on May 11, 2012, 08:56:36 pm
Yea but its fun until Arma 3 releases.
Also it just put ARMA2 in top three sellers lately for digital downloads such as Steam.

Lets hope ARMA3 is ground breaking!
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Wire on May 11, 2012, 11:19:51 pm
I was wondering how long will it take for this topic to show up.

DayZ is very... appealing to me.
It's fun survival, great pvp, occasional harrasment by zombies and fresh experience because it's being quite different from other games/mods nowadays.
Thing sure misses a lot of stuff and has a load of bugs, but devs look enthusiastic about mod, so you can figure.

On the side note, one of the guys whom used to play FO2238 with me made an adaptation of dayz for lingor island, there are, however, few problems mentioned in comment to the vid.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Y0ssarian on May 11, 2012, 11:41:41 pm
Not as fun as the register-on-a-forum-and-request-to-become-a-citizen-of-mod-city ARMA mod.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Michaelh139 on May 12, 2012, 02:22:47 am
Looks really fun, but the zombies need some work.

Everything looks great up until a zombie dies.  It's just so immersion breaking.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: boatshift on May 22, 2012, 04:45:04 am
:o arma 2 fun adding zombies be maor fun :D
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Nexxos on June 05, 2012, 11:15:36 am
In the lush forests near Elektrozavodzk, I'll be waiting.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on June 05, 2012, 02:52:37 pm
This. looks. so. fucking. awesome.

In fact I wanna go home right now and install it and play for the rest of the week nonstop.
This is kinda the game I've ever dreamed of. Survival game with a huge map and multiplayer. I've always liked coop maps in OFP and Arma which covered a huge part of the island but this is just genious!
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Venomexus on June 14, 2012, 10:30:14 am
Pretty cool mod 8)
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Ganado on June 14, 2012, 01:48:32 pm
Already a thread for it in off-topic:,23932.0.html
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Cain on June 16, 2012, 06:37:45 pm
Interview with DayZ creator Dean “Rocket” Hall at RPS - What’s Next For Day Z (
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Y0ssarian on June 16, 2012, 07:04:36 pm
needs more CoD kids, not as fun anymore since they all left.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Haraldx on June 20, 2012, 07:23:40 pm
From what I've seen it looks very interesting. If my computer could run it, I would definitely play.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on June 20, 2012, 07:42:30 pm
Anyone following the game and development of it thinking "what if the 2238 development would be like this?" too?
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Senocular on June 20, 2012, 09:10:15 pm
It's fun because it has open PvP and full loot just like fonline. You kill zombies only when you have to.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on June 20, 2012, 11:08:42 pm
im gonna get this soon
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Brujah on June 21, 2012, 01:55:34 am
Game is fun if you can ignore the weird glitched zombies that show up from time to time.

Only problem I found is that it's another FPS game, if I play 10 FPS games in a day at the end of the night I'll have the feeling that I played the same game all day.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Senrain on June 27, 2012, 10:30:49 pm
I've been playing nothing but DayZ, like... I actually quit FOnline for it. It's so addicting and HARSH.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Nexxos on June 28, 2012, 09:35:36 am
Anyone here a regular visitor for NW Airfield? The barracks loot would be nice of course, but good weapons can be obtained from general military sources as well (DMR, Coyote Backpack, M9SD etc). Only (very) tempting thing obtainable from barracks would be of course, the Night Vision Goggles. Anyone found these babies already?

Post your gear as well, let's see who will mourn over their stuff the most!

-Backpack (Coyote)

Backpack is mostly full of blood / food / smoke grenades, latter ones tend to be lifesavers quite often.

Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on June 28, 2012, 10:38:01 am
We traveled to the radio tower with a group of 5 guys and hoped for a spawned jeep to have some military ammo.

Suddenly one of our guys spottes a ghillie suit guy lying in the grass but doesn't open fire as we aren't spotted yet. then hell breaks loose. one of our guys goes down, we kill 2 guys but no sight of the ghilie suit dude from before. we loot the bodies and find the jeep, partly repaired by that group we just killed it seamed. Filled with blood, meat, military weapons and ammo. On the bodies of the other group were some car parts, but it wasn't enought to repair the jeep to drive away with it. One of our guys was a kind of newbie and he had the coyote patrol bag, so i went back with him together to get him a czech pack from the corpses. Suddenly I see that ghilie suit dude lying right next to us, but still looking at the direction of the tower. AKM burst dealt with him.

Beside from ammo and supplies, we got AS50, AK's, a DMR and a Bizon from those guys and 2 NVGs - I am carrying one of those atm.

AKM with shitload of ammo
1911 colt
Alice pack
Bizon in pack for night hunting.

If you get NVGs we could do a bit of nightstalking together nexxos :)
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Nexxos on June 28, 2012, 10:51:28 am
We traveled to the radio tower with a group of 5 guys and hoped for a spawned jeep to have some military ammo.

Suddenly one of our guys spottes a ghillie suit guy lying in the grass but doesn't open fire as we aren't spotted yet. then hell breaks loose. one of our guys goes down, we kill 2 guys but no sight of the ghilie suit dude from before. we loot the bodies and find the jeep, partly repaired by that group we just killed it seamed. Filled with blood, meat, military weapons and ammo. On the bodies of the other group were some car parts, but it wasn't enought to repair the jeep to drive away with it. One of our guys was a kind of newbie and he had the coyote patrol bag, so i went back with him together to get him a czech pack from the corpses. Suddenly I see that ghilie suit dude lying right next to us, but still looking at the direction of the tower. AKM burst dealt with him.

Beside from ammo and supplies, we got AS50, AK's, a DMR and a Bizon from those guys and 2 NVGs - I am carrying one of those atm.

AKM with shitload of ammo
1911 colt
Alice pack
Bizon in pack for night hunting.

If you get NVGs we could do a bit of nightstalking together nexxos :)

But NVG is a mere easy mode for stalking, a true stalker uses his perceiving skills to locate and pinpoint the target!

Bizon on the other hand sounds both interesting and uninteresting. While it is a wonderful weapon, the ammo just sounds annoying enough to be found, probably heli/barracks loot. AS50 is a monster, deadly accurate at insane distances. Biggest problem with it is probably the size of the gun, must be huge. That'll be the one giving away your location, although a good marksman would never let that happen. :)
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Cyber Jesus on June 28, 2012, 02:34:59 pm
looks awesome I'm getting this
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on June 28, 2012, 06:25:57 pm
But NVG is a mere easy mode for stalking, a true stalker uses his perceiving skills to locate and pinpoint the target!
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Lexx on June 28, 2012, 07:34:25 pm
I have this one backpack with 26 slots, M4A2 CCO, GPS, Map, etc. all this survival stuff and I think 4 or 5 Stanag mags for the rifle. Also 9mm SD pistol with 2 mags and enough food for a long while.

Haven't died since 3 or 4 weeks, I think. But then again, I am not really playing anymore, because the game got boring fast. I have everything I'd want and there is no target for me. The only reason for playing that would exist for me is to kill other players... but most of the time the server is lagging / warping so much, that aiming at anything further away than 100 meters is just wasted ammo.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: manero on June 28, 2012, 07:42:14 pm
Im ARMA2 Dayz badass

Try to play FO2238 its hardcore game  ;)
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Lexx on June 28, 2012, 07:58:52 pm
I'm not a DayZ badass. The trick to survive is simple: Don't get seen by other players. Go up north, visit the North West Airfield, visit the military base at Novy Sobor, try not to go to Elektro / Cherno except in the very beginning when you have nothing to lose and after that hide in the forest. Don't walk on streets, don't follow power lines, before you visit any place, stalk it for at least 5 minutes to see if any player is around, etc. Go in crouch-mode all the time, except if you have to cross a big open field. In this case, you will run over it as fast as possible (players will spot you anyway, so the best is to get past it fast). If you are in cover again, change your walking direction for a while, so that a player who might have seen you can't follow you that easily.

If you go by these simple rules, you most likely won't die and you most likely will be bored of the game after a few weeks.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Mike Crosser on June 28, 2012, 08:49:10 pm
I'm not a DayZ badass. The trick to survive is simple: Don't get seen by other players. Go up north, visit the North West Airfield, visit the military base at Novy Sobor, try not to go to Elektro / Cherno except in the very beginning when you have nothing to lose and after that hide in the forest. Don't walk on streets, don't follow power lines, before you visit any place, stalk it for at least 5 minutes to see if any player is around, etc. Go in crouch-mode all the time, except if you have to cross a big open field. In this case, you will run over it as fast as possible (players will spot you anyway, so the best is to get past it fast). If you are in cover again, change your walking direction for a while, so that a player who might have seen you can't follow you that easily.

If you go by these simple rules, you most likely won't die and you most likely will be bored of the game after a few weeks.
So basically constant stealth is the best way to survive.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on June 28, 2012, 11:22:32 pm
I think the reason dayz got boring for you is because you stealth around alone, Lexx.
The most fun I have is getting tactical with my squadmembers. I know we had a good day if we survive a firefight with another player group.
Of course you are playing the right way for a loner, but as a loner you are constantly avoiding confrontation which obviously gets boring pretty fast.

also, only dayz badass here is nexxos, he is top sniper of elektro.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Lexx on June 28, 2012, 11:40:13 pm
Always when I am out with someone else, one of us dies. So it is a lot more secure to go alone. It's just too annoying to do the same loot-runs again and again after death.

But even if I would walk around in a bigger group, there is nothing to do beside looting weapons and ammo. The pvp is meh because of server lags and players warping around all the time.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on June 29, 2012, 12:02:57 am
Dunno bout you but I never experienced problems with latency or lags when shooting on players. Zed waypoint calculation system, which is server friendly - yes, does much more confusion when fighting.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Nexxos on June 29, 2012, 06:40:16 am

This is what happens after two consecutive heli crashes, both found near Stary Sobor.

Still no NVG!
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Simon on June 29, 2012, 07:42:29 am
Some friends looting the town while sniper covers us :D
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on June 29, 2012, 08:40:45 am
Haha Simon!

I see Baltha doesn't wan't to enter those buidlings without cover again :D last time we died after leaving one of those to an ambush of one guy with a winchester
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Lexx on June 29, 2012, 10:24:54 am

This is what happens after two consecutive heli crashes, both found near Stary Sobor.

Still no NVG!

Oh well, I would trade my M4A2 CCO against a silenced Bizon at any time. But the ammo is so damn rare...
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Fettel on June 29, 2012, 01:14:39 pm
We found red car and ATV mongoose with venomexus, traveled through coast to loot more good shit. fun fun fun.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on June 29, 2012, 06:57:12 pm
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Nexxos on July 01, 2012, 04:47:53 am

I was expecting something else (NVG), found this instead. This'll make up for the lack of any decent barracks loot I haven't encountered.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Lexx on July 01, 2012, 11:56:19 am
You are grinding the game like a motherfucker, ain't you?

Also: 19/29 zombies? What the fuck?
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Nexxos on July 01, 2012, 12:01:54 pm
You are grinding the game like a motherfucker, ain't you?

Also: 19/29 zombies? What the fuck?

One of the advantages of having an early sleep rhythm, I get to play on low-populated servers on nights, which is much more atmoshperic than daylight.

Not grinding, just enjoying!
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on July 01, 2012, 06:06:01 pm
He's playing a collecting hiker on empty servers ;)
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Vic Holt on July 02, 2012, 11:49:57 am
Just started playing this game, and thinking there was nothing more hardcore than Fonline in terms of online games... Woah hoah hoah...

Check this one out fellas, the thread even has a perfectly detailed guide to installing.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Lexx on July 02, 2012, 12:01:56 pm
Merged the threads. Please use the search function the next time.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Andr3aZ on July 02, 2012, 12:39:56 pm
First visit to NW Airfield yesterday. Ended in zed-massacre because a friend aggroed one of them and shot it with m14 which is loud as hell. I could see the entire airfield running towards the hangars from the tower :D

And we didn't even find anything interesting. Second barracs was croweded with military-zeds and one of our guys ran right into them, resulting in getting eaten.

If there were any other players they were either watching us, laughing - or scared like shit because of the non stop shooting.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: LostSoul on April 15, 2013, 11:17:39 am
You think you misread that title? Nope, it's absolutely correct.

Check this game out, and let me know when you guys are on.

Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Stration on April 15, 2013, 12:02:39 pm
I don't think you understand the meaning of "Other FOnline projects," which happens to be the name of this subforum.

EDIT: The game doesn't look half bad though...
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Skycast on April 15, 2013, 12:10:49 pm
You think you misread that title? Nope, it's absolutely correct.
I better will wait mod Vice City Tetris or Liberty City Pacman...
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: LostSoul on April 15, 2013, 12:31:40 pm
I don't think you understand the meaning of "Other FOnline projects," which happens to be the name of this subforum.

EDIT: The game doesn't look half bad though...

? This is off topic... did I put this in Fonline projects? My bad.... I don't think I did..
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Stration on April 15, 2013, 12:40:55 pm
did I put this in Fonline projects? (...) I don't think I did..
Yes, you did and I have a screenshot to prove it. Click the spoiler to see it.

A mod moved it into the right section ~15 minutes after I posted.

EDIT: It's funny because I took the screenshot KNOWING that a) A mod will move the thread after I post, b) The mod won't delete my post after moving the topic, and c) You will try to deny posting the thread in the wrong section right after it's moved into the right one.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: LostSoul on April 15, 2013, 12:42:18 pm
Yes, you did and I have a screenshot to prove it. Click the spoiler to see it.

A mod moved it into the right section ~15 minutes after I posted.

Ooooh my bad, stoner moment. SAWRY.

But if you wanna play, hop on my mumble server and we'll link up. I found a bus, but it needs an engine and 4 more tires. =[
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Gob on April 15, 2013, 06:28:50 pm
i still prefer the normal dayz, but i might give it a try just for the sake of doing zombie drive-by
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: LostSoul on April 15, 2013, 08:20:51 pm
i still prefer the normal dayz, but i might give it a try just for the sake of doing zombie drive-by

Multi-theft-auto has servers with Co-op Zombie modes. Zombie Hell Party is a GREAT one.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Besmrtnik on April 22, 2013, 06:06:42 pm
I have very shity computer, I watched arma dayz, on youtube and its just awesome game... but I could never run it on my current PC, now that you show me san andras dayz, I am playing it everyday non stop :D
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Brujah on April 22, 2013, 07:06:47 pm
Yes, you did and I have a screenshot to prove it. Click the spoiler to see it.

A mod moved it into the right section ~15 minutes after I posted.

EDIT: It's funny because I took the screenshot KNOWING that a) A mod will move the thread after I post, b) The mod won't delete my post after moving the topic, and c) You will try to deny posting the thread in the wrong section right after it's moved into the right one.

This is enough evidence to ban him from the forums for at least a week.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: LostSoul on April 22, 2013, 08:11:22 pm
This is enough evidence to ban him from the forums for at least a week.
I apologized.. =[
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Brujah on April 22, 2013, 11:03:03 pm
I apologized.. =[


Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: LostSoul on April 23, 2013, 12:44:58 am
I have very shity computer, I watched arma dayz, on youtube and its just awesome game... but I could never run it on my current PC, now that you show me san andras dayz, I am playing it everyday non stop :D

!! Play with friends! So much more fun!
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Michaelh139 on May 26, 2013, 09:48:12 am
Look it up on youtube for other people's perspectives, and I have no doubt we all know what it is by now, but I'll sum it up.

DayZ is a large multiplayer zombie modification made on Arma 2 w/ Operation Arrowhead. (you can use Arma 2 Free in Arma 2's place if you want, just lower textures) made specifically for the Chernarus (whatever that means) which is a big ass fucking map literally spanning 225 kilometers squared (trust me, it's really that big, in the literal sense), where players must scavenge for supplies gear and weapons while dealing with zombies and enemy players alike.  ArmA 2 itself is a military combat simulator, so basically, head shots = instant death with fuckin anything, and a shot to the leg forces you to get down on all fours to keep moving (broken leg), bleeding, etc.  There's also ghillie suits.  And they are straight up jack pots, assuming you've gotten a decent weapon already.  Since most of the map is grass and forest, just hide in the grass, and pop whoever happens to run by. :-*

Going Solo:  The only real way to play solo is to either be extremely sneaky or extremely fast.  So you're either crawling or sprinting 24/7, trying to avoid players until you get a decent weapon and then either camp a spot or just go berzerk until you die.  (Don't bother trying to do anything else, you'll get hunted down even in the middle of fucking no where on a population of 10 server and get shot one way or another)

Groups:  It's nearly impossible to organize since most people spawn away from each other, so you literally must memorize the map to even have a chance.  From there though, it becomes a lot more interesting, being able to, as a collective group, look every where and keep an eye on each other's backs, can systematically destroy everything in their path, granted dick headed random snipers (people LOOOOOVE doin dat) will always pop one of you eventually, it's a lot more fun and interesting.  Practically becomes a sort of town control if you have enough people, locking down a small town or area, waiting for stuff to spawn in say, a military base for good weapons and ammo.

The game itself takes a lot to run, however.  It's more of a CPU hog than most games, most people recommending ridiculous over kill like an i7 straight up.  My Intel Core Duo E8400 at 3.0 GHz Does perfectly, TBH only ever going over half of it's power.

GPU on the other hand, the recommended is a GTX 260.  A geForce 8400GS won't cut it, well, not very well.  Currently running the game at 800x600 everything lowest on arma free no less, still, in cities I get 10-15 FPS on average, elsewhere it's rather smooth.  But looks like shit.  Almost blurry.  Not to mention I have almost 3 gigabytes of memory for the card.  But thankfully I got the version with a heat sink, instead of a shitty 2 inch fan. so I could over clock it and get much better results, but I'm gonna wait to do that when I know I've got a decent replacement on hand incase something were to go awry.

So there's that.  It's a pretty good game but IMO I don't like how it's pretty much an open world Death Match server much less a zombie survival game.  Everyone shoots everyone with very few exceptions.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: racoon on May 26, 2013, 12:15:43 pm
where do you live? africa? how can you even still use geforce 8400gs... its total shit, and for few bucks, yeah FEW.. you can get geforce 9800 or if you're lucky gtx card which is 10 times better than this pre war 8400gs... and 3gb of memory? memory means nothing.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Haraldx on May 26, 2013, 01:30:38 pm
Haha, I'm still using 8400GS too. ;D
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Mike Crosser on May 26, 2013, 01:34:53 pm,24351.msg203447.html#msg203447,23932.msg205575.html#msg205575,28877.msg251149.html#msg251149,26212.msg232349.html#msg232349
where do you live? africa? how can you even still use geforce 8400gs... its total shit, and for few bucks, yeah FEW.. you can get geforce 9800 or if you're lucky gtx card which is 10 times better than this pre war 8400gs... and 3gb of memory? memory means nothing.
That feel...
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Senocular on May 26, 2013, 02:53:59 pm
DayZ is like FOnline except it has no crafting and nuclear post war theme. The rest is the same.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: LostSoul on May 26, 2013, 08:53:35 pm
DayZ is like FOnline except it has no crafting and nuclear post war theme. The rest is the same.
This was so dumb,  I think I'll go kill myself.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Michaelh139 on May 26, 2013, 09:03:46 pm
where do you live? africa? how can you even still use geforce 8400gs... its total shit, and for few bucks, yeah FEW.. you can get geforce 9800 or if you're lucky gtx card which is 10 times better than this pre war 8400gs... and 3gb of memory? memory means nothing.
I do in fact have a 260 GTX, however I had measured my computer parts incorrectly and I cannot fit it in by maybe a centimeter.  Was pretty pissed.

And I do live in what is basically white african version of America.

North Carolina.
Title: Re: ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)
Post by: Cyber Jesus on May 26, 2013, 10:33:02 pm
260 GTX isnt a bad card, too bad it doesn't support dx11 tho.