Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => General Game Discussion => Topic started by: kertins on March 09, 2010, 12:37:11 am
i set up a login called Inglouriours with a password but when i try to login a second time my user name has changed to Inglouriours2 and it would not let me log in :/
i have tryded to set my username and password with the config tool but its not working. can anyone help?
What do you mean that your username changed? That is impossible. What you have in your config tool as a password/username doesn't matter. Just try re-typing your username and password at the login screen in the client. I think that press Control let's you see your password on client screen, in case you spelled that wrong.
What do you mean that your username changed?
My bet: Your password start with digit '2' and you've pressed it before changing the field ;)
When i first started to play i used Inglourious as my username. died a couple of times then i left the game. when i tried to rejoin my username had changed to Inglourious with the number 2 on the end of the name. ~
so i check the config and my username and pass where correct in there. of i restarted the game but my username was still Inglourious2 crazzy..... so i have changed my username to something else but the config still sez my Inglourious username and password but when i launch the game it loads my new username and password....
is there something im missing? also im using windows 7 64 bit
If - in the main menu - it says "Inglourious2", then just click into the field, delete the 2, and login. :p
yeah I did that but no joy... i just cant log in lol with that un oh well
Did you try log in with "Inglourious2" and your password?
Sorry if this might sound dumb, just a thought.