Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => General Game Discussion => Topic started by: kertins on March 09, 2010, 12:37:11 am

Title: Lagin stuff
Post by: kertins on March 09, 2010, 12:37:11 am
i set up a login called Inglouriours with a password but when i try to login a second time my user name has changed to Inglouriours2 and it would not let me log in :/

i have tryded to set my username and password with the config tool but its not working. can anyone help?
Title: Re: Lagin stuff
Post by: Ganado on March 09, 2010, 03:04:45 am
What do you mean that your username changed? That is impossible. What you have in your config tool as a password/username doesn't matter. Just try re-typing your username and password at the login screen in the client. I think that press Control let's you see your password on client screen, in case you spelled that wrong.
Title: Re: Lagin stuff
Post by: Bartosz on March 09, 2010, 09:53:05 am
What do you mean that your username changed?

My bet: Your password start with digit '2' and you've pressed it before changing the field ;)
Title: Re: Lagin stuff
Post by: kertins on March 09, 2010, 10:28:50 pm
When i first started to play i used Inglourious as my username. died a couple of times then i left the game. when i tried to rejoin my username had changed to Inglourious with the number 2 on the end of the name. ~

so i check the config and my username and pass where correct in there. of i restarted the game but my username was still Inglourious2 crazzy..... so i have changed my username to something else but the config still sez my Inglourious username and password but when i launch the game it loads my new username and password....

is there something im missing? also im using windows 7 64 bit
Title: Re: Lagin stuff
Post by: Lexx on March 10, 2010, 01:18:35 am
If - in the main menu - it says "Inglourious2", then just click into the field, delete the 2, and login. :p
Title: Re: Lagin stuff
Post by: kertins on March 10, 2010, 01:49:15 pm
yeah I did that but no joy... i just cant log in lol with that un oh well
Title: Re: Lagin stuff
Post by: psyn on March 12, 2010, 10:58:03 pm
Did you try log in with "Inglourious2" and your password?
Sorry if this might sound dumb, just a thought.