Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Gang Issues => Topic started by: Rain on May 08, 2012, 04:57:25 am

Title: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Rain on May 08, 2012, 04:57:25 am
Allright guys.i know i am hunted everywhere by some gang,and i am just curious to know who are they.Show yourself,if you are a man..!
That s all because of a frequence we once shared in the past,and we both want to keep.Why not being allied,why not being friend,as we always been,Dave..?I asked Malice song about using that freq,and it was allright for her,so damn,why keep hating..?I don t care if you know where we are,and i won t hurt you if i know where are your guys,you can even have an extra help sometimes...just distress for it.
I noticed a name between the various bounty hunters,wind.THAT wind..?the guy we shared my home with last era..?..being hunt down by your old commies sucks.So,i want to know if it was them who looked for my head,or just a pathetic random other bounty hunter team well payed.
Are you laughing Dave,do you like it..?
(last era everyone loved the khan's revenge friendship betrayal drama,let s see if people like this one too..)
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 08, 2012, 05:16:14 am
There is no "team" hunting you.  Just me.  Singular.  Solo.  One guy.

I know you want to play the persecuted, and bask in the glow of the drama with this thread.  That's fine. 

I already told you everything I had to tell you.  I already tried to resolve this issue with your "team".  I tried to resolve this issue with YOU.  Hell, I even tried sending you a PM.  Too bad your inbox was full.

Bottom line, you and your team insulted two very good friends of mine, and I cannot abide by that.

Game on, motherfucker.  You guys are my new project.

Dave/Wind Drift
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Alexandrite on May 08, 2012, 05:18:47 am


So what if your being hunted down, start a new character, start a new life! :D
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: TKs-KaBoom on May 08, 2012, 05:48:12 am
There is no "team" hunting you.  Just me.  Singular.  Solo.  One guy.

I know you want to play the persecuted, and bask in the glow of the drama with this thread.  That's fine. 

I already told you everything I had to tell you.  I already tried to resolve this issue with your "team".  I tried to resolve this issue with YOU.  Hell, I even tried sending you a PM.  Too bad your inbox was full.

Bottom line, you and your team insulted two very good friends of mine, and I cannot abide by that.

Game on, motherfucker.  You guys are my new project.

Dave/Wind Drift

1000 cap bounty on screenshot of "dave", 1500 if screenshot has /e shits in mouth
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 08, 2012, 05:56:42 am
1000 cap bounty on screenshot of "dave", 1500 if screenshot has /e shits in mouth

I'll pay 5k to whoever posts that picture here.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Xisingr Will on May 08, 2012, 06:55:01 am
We needa know the ingame name to get a pic of you though.... And im suspecting the 5k thing was sarcastic but im still going to try to get that pic
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 08, 2012, 07:01:10 am
We needa know the ingame name to get a pic of you though.... And im suspecting the 5k thing was sarcastic but im still going to try to get that pic

I'm dead serious.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Cheesey Dean on May 08, 2012, 10:50:10 am
1000 cap bounty on screenshot of "dave", 1500 if screenshot has /e shits in mouth
Oh no, you better look out Dave! He has a 1000 cap bounty on you, it's all over man!

You can get 1000 caps in a half hour by farming mobsters. That's fucking pocket change.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Rain on May 08, 2012, 05:17:23 pm
Hahaha...well,if you want to meet Dave and earn the bounty,just stick close to my ass,i leave more traces than a drunk elephant,i am always north.
Before you appeared in town Dave,we had to fight a trololo alt big gunner sneaky nader fastrelog team,so in that mess,i tought everyone wanted my head,while it was in reality just an ordinary TC ape match.Fine,you can come,though it would have been so great to stay from the same side,your rifle would be so useful for us,as much as your experience.And as you have seen,we have sooo many green guys that town controlling isn t easy at all,especially when,as a RP team,we use random channel (ofc always previously changed..) to coordinate in town during action,whic is hard as hell as you may imagine,especially with lack of experience.
Still fun anyway.Do as you want Dave,you know where to find us.And come meet me in the wild,i love that kind of terrain much more than town one.
@alexandrite: I won t change my name,it means so much for me,for many old friend and enemies...
Xsingr,you should consider the option of making an ape,add it to our base and follow us in action mate..!I wish i could help you with the gorgon caravan stuff,and i will do that for sure.
For anybody,the pm box is not full anymore,but please,post your drama here,and let's make it a wonderful,personal,deep drama related story.Or even a quest,who knows.Let's see how it develops.
Kaboom bro,you are always in the middle of my drama's,if you are free,consider joining this dirty mess too.You know my channel,haven t changed since you raped my base last season!
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: jonny rust on May 08, 2012, 11:56:45 pm
Kaboom bro,you are always in the middle of my drama's,if you are free,consider joining this dirty mess too.You know my channel,haven t changed since you raped my base last season!

And there inlies the problem. "Your" channel happens to be the same one I gave you and which I have used for nearly 4 years since I started playing this game.

Havn't heard from you or seen you use it in nearly a year since you offended Malice (who really just didn't want to talk to you when you asked for permission) and walked away from the group that used it and then one day, nearly a year later, you decide it belongs to your faction who now pollutes OUR airwaves with idiot drivle.

That channel was reserved for trusted people, not some kindegarden.

People of course have jacked it before, temporarlity and then lost interest, But no one has ever claimed ownership of it until you did yesterday, and now Me today. Difference is I actually concieved it 3 years before you claim to have done.

If you can't even summon the creativity to think of your own 4 digit number then I don't expect much of a future for your team.

just sayin
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: TKs-KaBoom on May 09, 2012, 01:51:02 am
Oh no, you better look out Dave! He has a 1000 cap bounty on you, it's all over man!

You can get 1000 caps in a half hour by farming mobsters. That's fucking pocket change.

Uh yeah, your point is :)

To Rain, I forgot what station you rock, PM me and I will gladly shove a rocket up their asshole.  Murder for hire, drama for free.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Alexandrite on May 09, 2012, 10:42:09 pm
For every time a new thread/event occurs and tension or drama appears, you owe me 1 cap XD
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: chocolate_chip_cookies on May 10, 2012, 03:42:19 am

u mad?

Please donate the caps reward to charity. Throw it at noobs in NCR.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Alexandrite on May 10, 2012, 03:55:00 am
nah i'm not mad... but u owe me 2 caps now >:D
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 10, 2012, 04:06:41 am
lol, why would I be mad?

4 players and 2 mercs?  If I was worried I wouldn't have sent the distress in the first place, knowing you had 10 minutes to gather everyone together.

I got what I came for, which was some of your character names... which I noticed you blacked out.  I helped you out, below.

I also got a forum account out of the deal - NICE WORK!  Now I can search your posts for more info to use.


Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 10, 2012, 04:28:54 am
I got a few more from your TC the other night also.  It's funny, since Rain started this thread I've had 4 different people/factions contact me offering to help.  I figure these screens will help them as much as they will me, and all the other info I've collected and sent them via PM.


Not pictured:  Black Rain, and Sanguine Sky (two of Rain's chars)
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Rain on May 12, 2012, 04:14:51 am
War...war never changes!!
I m having a lot of help offers since this has begun too,but i won t accept any *except those of dear old friends*,leaving you the pleasure to try swarming..looks like this would be the last heartbeat of this server,a wonderful,heartbreaking drama of old friends.
About the channel,are the both of us so little gifted with fantasy..?Just coincidence,really.As it is this war,a mere coincidence in wich fault lies beneath no one.
You want informations Dave..?11 members,5 experienced guys,4 average guys,two newbies,two IRL friends slowly training.
Loyalty stays to maximum,we always play toghether,and everyone is happy with that,if you are trying dirty tactics i guess you are losing your time.
We have many,many independent from factions friends,all extremely experienced,that means that if you distress,you die.No matter how many people,no matter the gear.
THAT frequence,lies between my hand as a legacy of glorious maltese falcons,end of the issue.For any problem,see distress picture below.
Thank you for attention,Rain.
Keeping the server full of dramas since 2010.
UPS,forgot you owe some of my commies 5000 caps.
Distress when you are ready to pay.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Tree on May 12, 2012, 09:39:49 am
Hi I'm dave and I don't read the forums and have no idea that all this drama against me is going on.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: jonny rust on May 13, 2012, 03:05:26 am
you know it's funny, I got an email yesterday informing me that someone was going around taking credit for my music in order to get work. Amazing how peoples brains work isn't it?

THAT frequence,lies between my hand as a legacy of glorious maltese falcons,end of the issue.For any problem,see distress picture below.
Thank you for attention,Rain.
Keeping the server full of dramas since 2010.

Nice story, except that I have been using that radio channel for more than a year before you started 'keeping the waste full of dramas', not to mention you LEFT the Maltese Falcon Boys with one of your dramas and so have NO CLAIM to the MFBs as a group as a result!

And even if you did, you would be 1/5 of the group, so how does that give you sole claim on anything?

That has been MY frequency since I first picked up a radio in this game and you have ABSOLUTLEY NO CLAIM TO IT WHAT SO EVER. I have used it in two gangs I started before the MFBs ever happened and I'm the only reason you ever used it to begin with. So man up and stop acting like a child.

We don't need your dramas
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 13, 2012, 03:42:25 am
Try swarming? Really? How can one person swarm? Did we see the same screenshots? Are we reading the same thread?

I find it pretty funny that in your original post you said you "asked" Mal if it's okay to use the channel. And now, it's miraculously yours, and has been since MFB? How do you have a discussion with someone who has their facts so screwed up that they contradict themselves every time they post? But Johnny has it right. 4/5 of the MFB have the same recollection, yours being the one that differs.

Either way, there will be a slight pause on my end, as I'll be AFK for a week visiting family out of State. After that, I'll pick up where I left off.

Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Xisingr Will on May 13, 2012, 07:06:26 am
Xsingr,you should consider the option of making an ape,add it to our base and follow us in action mate..!I wish i could help you with the gorgon caravan stuff,and i will do that for sure.
Though i did not see this before.....i have no wish to be added to your base and make an ape as i am a medic and i do not pk.....and you do not seem like a person i would help at all because of things I've heard and how you act.....such as stealing radio stations etc.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Senrain on May 13, 2012, 08:35:16 am
Rain is at it again I see.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: chocolate_chip_cookies on May 13, 2012, 03:22:04 pm
Quit hating on my commie.

For the record, Rain didn't know the frequency is still being used and was surprised to hear from his old comrades. Actually, he was pleasantly surprised and asked for permission to use the radio and offered to help each other. And they agreed.
But then Dave came and started calling us out.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: yoz on May 13, 2012, 07:25:55 pm
I'll pay 5k to whoever posts that picture here.

Is this you? Pay me.

Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 13, 2012, 11:57:26 pm
That picture was from months ago. :D

I'm inclined to say that doesn't count given that it happened previous to my post.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 14, 2012, 12:03:21 am
Quit hating on my commie.

For the record, Rain didn't know the frequency is still being used and was surprised to hear from his old comrades. Actually, he was pleasantly surprised and asked for permission to use the radio and offered to help each other. And they agreed.
But then Dave came and started calling us out.

Your trollish, rude, and otherwise fucked up behavior is the only reason there was a problem at all.

I think it's pretty obvious though, that if you have to ask permission to use something, you have no rightful claim to it in the first place. That permission has since been rescinded.

I fail to see how anyone but YOU is in the wrong here.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Rain on May 14, 2012, 01:32:33 am
Though i did not see this before.....i have no wish to be added to your base and make an ape as i am a medic and i do not pk.....and you do not seem like a person i would help at all because of things I've heard and how you act.....such as stealing radio stations etc.
You don t know who is right or wrong,i know only that once you bumped my enc in the north,and my team didn t shoot you.Or well,they did,but i saved your butt screaming ''It s the caravan guy,leave him!''.After closing battle,you didn t even stopped by to chit chat a little.But yeah,we harr the badguys,hurr durr.
I was so happy to hear from you and malice by radio first time i tuned in THAT channel,that i gladly asked you to join,make alliances or any possible stuff toghether.I asked malice more than once to meet up or team up,i even speciefied i wanted to tell her-him i was sorry for last era quarreling(which i admit,was my fault).
Can this be denied?I don t think so.I don t know if you were trolled by any of my commie or from any other possible haters bumped on that channel on mere coincidence,but i had put any peaceful effort possible in this matter,i m sure you would have no problem admitting that.
You guys always refused,''Out of our channelz,lolz!'' not thinking that could be an awesome hand or just a pleasure to have an active faction always ready to bump your encounter-help up with anything.
This is crazy we have to quarrel having same interests (gentlemanly fights..?Caravan-RP stuff..?) and sharing the same channel.Wich i bumped on NOT for trolling,absolutely.Everyone who knows me knows i missed my old comrades and often wondered if they were still active.
Lately,i m very little active because of work issues,but,if this can t be fixed other ways,then let s keep on fighting over and over and over purposelessly,when we could be friend and enjoy much better any single activity.We could have numbers and skilled guys to compete seriously,you can have any help or company you may need by trusthworthy friends.
It could be totally possible that that number was used by someone else before,but i swear i had no evil intention until i had to defend myself.Didn t want to troll,didn t want to harm,just tried it out,wondering if someone still was active on it.
And one gets war for that.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Xisingr Will on May 14, 2012, 01:35:10 am
Ima just stay out of all of this......
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Rain on May 14, 2012, 01:49:38 am
Ima just stay out of all of this......

Well said,i like Gorgon's project and i wish you guys best of any luck.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: yoz on May 14, 2012, 02:18:04 am
That picture was from months ago. :D

I'm inclined to say that doesn't count given that it happened previous to my post.

All talk, no walk.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 14, 2012, 05:05:56 am

All talk, no walk.

Deal with it.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Wind_Drift on May 14, 2012, 05:16:59 am
And Rain - I know it was your people, for a fact. They TOLD me they were. If you wanted to work this out, then why didn't you when I attempted to previously? No, you're full of shit. You change the facts to suit your arguments, and there is no sense in bothering to argue about it anymore.

If what you wanted was friendship, an alliance, or something similar, your people fucked that up for you. If you want this resolved, then you already know what to do. Leave that channel to Dan and Malice, and it's over. Done. No more problem. You've had plenty of chances, instead you've chosen to go this route.

I'd rather not have to deal with your traitorous ass, and your band of illiterate trolls.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on May 17, 2012, 06:14:18 am

u mad?

Please donate the caps reward to charity. Throw it at noobs in NCR.
Awww man, I wasn't in that picture, maybe I was somewhere else. (but I know who you are)

Is this you? Pay me.

So you are the one that popped out in my encounter and my slaves killed you.
You sir are very annoying in this game to me.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Ganado on May 17, 2012, 09:37:37 pm
If you guys are going to shit in other people's faces, at least do it with proper .e  or  /e (purple text). Have some courtesy, people.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Malice Song on May 17, 2012, 10:01:57 pm
If you guys are going to shit in other people's faces, at least do it with proper .e  or  /e (purple text). Have some courtesy, people.
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Rain on May 18, 2012, 02:19:11 am

Stupid work,girlfriend and social relationships in general,so little time to enjoy this mess.
If this would have been facebook,you would have earned one like.
Anyway,i pick distances from what my comrades did,any opponent is totally worth my respect if he isn t multilogging or abusing in any other way.So guys,moar bullets and less shits!
And friends and enemies alike,i miss you all!
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Xisingr Will on May 18, 2012, 03:15:22 am
That song is awesome.....
Title: Re: This era Rain's Drama.
Post by: Mrockatansky on May 23, 2012, 07:20:50 pm
That song is awesome.....
Welcome to the interwebs.