Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Brummi on April 04, 2012, 08:45:51 am
So i started playing around a week ago, making quite a few caracters in that time. I think i got some basics covered : get brahmine hides, hide caps in hands in town and so on. But the seemingly outdated wiki (for some stuff) doesn't help me progress anymore.
About skills :
1 What is the science skill good for ? I mean precise requirements for professions and such, i feel like i wasted points on science on my current caracter.
2 Doctor and First Aid seem like nice skills to have... But is going for skill 100 in both a good idea ?
Other :
3 Spray and Pray : to take or not with a 1 Luck caracter having 16% base crit chance ?
4 Encounters : is everyone just a loony in the wastelands ? I got killed once by a merchant party *after* i helped them killing their attackers.
Thats it for now.
You can dismantle many items by using Science on them. You get lesser items when you do that, and the higher your Science skill the more you potentially get from that process. The Dismantler support perk requires Science 150. Also Science 50 allows you to get the Swift Learner perk, and Science 100 allows you to get Educated. Science 50 allows you to get Energy 1 profession. Science 100 allows you to get Energy 2.
Medical skills are highly valued even by fighters. Doc 75 is required for Faster Healing and Snakeater perks. Rad Resistance requires Doc 100. Dead Man Walking requires Doc 50. The higher your Doctor skill, the more likely you are to heal crippled limbs. Also i believe it reduces your Doctor timer total. Doctor also is how you can cure a Weakened state rather than waiting for the timer. First Aid simply boosts hit points and is more dependable with higher skill, but does not work while you are in a Weakened state. Healer is a level 3 perk that requires FA 75. Healer+ is at level 6 and requires FA 100. Blessed are the Weak is a level 9 perk that requires FA 125. Medic is a level 15 perk that requires FA 175.
I consult this often: The Online Character Planner (
That's it for now.
Edit: Ninja'd with a better explanation :P
Merchant party doesn't like you having weapons in your hand. No idea why, it's just so. The reason they didn't warn you or shoot at you sooner was because they were preoccupied with whatever critters they were fighting at the time. Normally they warn you first.
Science is good for several things. When dismantling items, a higher science skill gives you more materials. It's also good for several perks, namely Dismantler, Educated and Swift Learner. And of course, the Energy Expert profession. If your character crafts, it's not a waste.
Doc and First Aid are good to have, and yes... it's worth putting them to 100. The higher the skill, the lower the cool down for using it. With First Aid you also heal more HP the higher it is, in addition to the reduced cool down. Doc works similarly, but instead of healing HP it heals crippled or injured body parts, and 100 is usually good to have.
Having a 1 LK character with the two extra critical perks isn't normally something that is done. Spray and Pray only affects un-targeted shots, and 16% crit chance is a bit low to really get the effectiveness out of that perk.
That was helpfull, ended up with a way better build this time. Thanks.