Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Off-topic discussions => Topic started by: JovankaB on March 05, 2012, 06:05:29 pm
Free public proxies: Google once, in blacklist forever :) It will take 10 minutes :)
And permanent ban for chars multilogging in PvP with them :)
There will be no second warning :)
google at cz sites and other masked sites :) maybe they have own proxy :D
Google once, in blacklist forever :) It will take 10 minutes :)
And permanent ban for chars multilogging in PvP with them :)
There will be no second warning :)
This is no place for discussion , but there are more than one reason why some people use proxies , so if you start banning public proxies well it's not going to be pretty and i'm not talking about cheaters. Public proxies are only public proxies remember that , their cheap if you buy them and there's more than one reason to buy one , very handy thing overall.,18687.0.html
Read first page of that topic.
This is no place for discussion , but there are more than one reason why some people use proxies , so if you start banning public proxies well it's not going to be pretty and i'm not talking about cheaters.,18687.0.html
Read first page of that topic.
I realize that :)
I think I stated clearly "permanent ban for chars multilogging in PvP with them"
People who use proxy and don't multilog have nothing to worry about.
But they will be observed much more carefully for sure so they better not cheat in any other way! ;)
I understand that , but you must understand something too guy is using one client at a time with a blacklisted proxy let's say in a town during PvP , how will you tell he is not dual logging ? Just a failure.
I understand that , but you must understand something too guy is using one client at a time with a blacklisted proxy let's say in a town during PvP , how will you tell he is not dual logging ? Just a failure.
I will be able to check it just like normal multilogs. Don't you worry, sugar :)
Ha , i seriously doubt that. If you could do that , you wouldn't need to blacklist any proxies to find dual loggers.
Oh yes I can. Will be more work than with normal multilogs, but doable. More work will be balanced by permabans.
And somehow you don't laugh anymore :( Lets go back to lolpics.
but there is difference between sneaker and pvp char on dual log and 2-3 multilog pvp chars
come on Jovanka devs didnt said what is forbidden and what cant make your own rules
but there is difference between sneaker and pvp char on dual log and 2-3 multilog pvp chars
come on Jovanka devs didnt said what is forbidden and what cant make your own rules
I don't. Any kind of using multilogs in ongoing PvP is forbidden. End of story.
who said that ? i would like to see official devs statement, so no one would say it wasnt forbidden
Game Rules:,1709.0.html
The ONLY thing that a dev said on IRC was that using dual log is "OKish" for things that don't break game (like moving new alts to base or tent or trading items from one alt to another).
Also "avoiding anti-alt timeout system" doesn't matter, because there is no "anti-alt timeout system" anymore.
Besides this nothing has EVER changed.
rules was for last sesion. now fr is legal and most of time multilogs,
and what is breaking game? i can understand it is when i am using multilogs in tb pvp but in rt?
and using non armed!!! sneaker is breaking game or using waves on same ip but with fr?
so thema is open and i would like to see official dev post what is legal and what isnt to be 100% sure.
i dont want to troll but i want to know what is devs statement
what is breaking the game? how many multilogs i can use, can i use fr for pvp tb or rt, can i kill someone and loot him on dual log, can i protect myself when i am trading "breaking the game" doesnt mean same for everyone so it would be great to see what devs have to say
for me using non armed sneaker in tc isnt breaking the game, i cant only scount and i can pla in rt only on 1 window when fight is on. and i am not talking about using plasma-laser psitol sneaker who can kill loner char
and what is breaking game? i can understand it is when i am using multilogs in tb pvp but in rt?
and using unarmed!!!
Here is a logic riddle for you:
If using multilogs in PvP doesn't give you any advantage, why you use them? :)
advantage in pvp fight and info isnt same, i dont make my onw personal rules that only i can use them. lets allow non armed sneakers in rt fights for scout and only for scout, for me it isnt breaking game...and my point is for me it isnt and for you is and non of us is dev so i would like to know devs opionion about it.
for you fr waves are forbidden but for me isnt, looting on dual isnt breaking but for you can be...You want sleeping time cd and i dont...and i dont agree why i can be banned if devs didnt said i cant do it.
Having two times the FOV in front of your sniper isn't advantage?
Having looter that can burst, loot and disappear isn't advantage?
What are you talking about?
Any additional information is advantage.
And again, if it really is not advantage, don't use them.
You won't lose anything according to what you say :) Problem solved.
info is important part of pvp fight but it wont ruin game, not everyone want or can use 2-3same windos at same time. i dont want to see 4sot snipers on multilogs but i can handle 1 non armed sneaker who is only scout, if someone want to fight he will. so thats why i would like to see what is in devs opinnion breaking game and what isnt
What are you talking about?
Any additional information is advantage.
info advantage isnt breaking game! firepower is! multilogs mercs leaders are but no single non armed scout
It ruins game if someone dies only because you are aware enemy comes earlier although they have higher PE.
Because you have 2 monitors or a laptop or whatever.
There is no point discussing this really. It never was allowed so stop crying.
If you were supposed to see everything there would be no FOV.
i am not crying, i just dont agree with you and you can make your own rules
it isnt so hard to ask dev "can you tell us what is legal and what isnt" problem solved.
You can read rules I gave you link.
once again they were for last sesion :)
this sesion brought many changes and many old rules arent actual now. i am not aruge with you about basic rules but what is "breaking the game". lets hope Scypior will see this post and make his official statment. see ya crying "sherif" jovanka
Those rules about dual log are old. We need new ones and fast. Otherwise there's gonna be a mess.
Oh yes I can. Will be more work than with normal multilogs, but doable. More work will be balanced by permabans.
And somehow you don't laugh anymore :( Lets go back to lolpics.
I know a thing or two , you won't be able to do anything much unless you recognize who's character belong to who , that's kinda not enough to ban people but if you know you can check , that way avoiding banning single clients on blacklisted proxies but nothing more. Almost the same as it's always been , only more work for you.
I don't. Any kind of using multilogs in ongoing PvP is forbidden. End of story.
End of Story.
Further, where there is any doubt about it, GM opinion on the matter wins. If they think you are cheating for an advantage - then you are.
If you are to use multi log for anything, like creating a shared tent, then you better be sure it is obviously not to gain an advantage in combat.
Just use common sense ffs. Clearly, using a second char in city ,whatever is his purpose, just gives you advantage (even if it was a slight one)
using drugs is advantage to so ban all junkies.
It's time to buy proxy server, as you wish Jovanka.
Just use common sense ffs. Clearly, using a second char in city ,whatever is his purpose, just gives you advantage (even if it was a slight one)
I actually don't care common sense or whatever i started to play this game with these kind of rules , no problem for me to understand that. I wish jovanka would fight for this fast reloging more , as it is much more of an issue than dual log has ever been. That's the thing dual log has always been some slight advantage and still don't , some eyes here and there near grids to not get backstabbed and taxis to organize faster nothing gamebreaking , every team was using it before and i didn't see it as some kind of advantage. Nothing has changed about dual logs from previous season other than fast reloging replacing some of the features what dual log provided before.
Last session for you to have many characters on WM you had to use many dual logs to use them efficiently , now you with only fast relog can use multiple ready characters to fight or just scout whenever you need without dual log , it's not like you can use two characters at the same time in combat.
So this crusade by jovanka seems like a time waste for everyone , don't see what good it will bring. Rules are rules i guess , what will happen is jovanka spending much time catching dual loggers and people leveling up their characters , some teams will maybe buy some proxies if jovanka will be relentless and in the end of the day pointless.
It's like reducing the amount of cheaters but providing more advantage who still does.
Its her time, let her decide what she does want to do with it. Being backstabbed is part of PvP, if you want to prevent that by normal means, you need to allocate some real players to certain spots => less people for actual fighting. Taxiing wasnt mentioned here, so its out of question.
If something was used before and blindly tolerated, it does not mean it was allowed or accepted. Things are changing you know, and if some GMs are willing to spend their time to prevent cheating, I appreciate it.
You should never need to multi/fast log in the first place. Fix this and then it will be clear than all multi/fast logers are just sad cheaters (and should be
fed to the rancor baned).
It's not about what she wants , she follows rules make sure they are followed that's what she do , the only difference is when it happens and how much , what GM does. It's not like it's " the great banwave " , yes i'm well informed what has happened in the past.
These rules about dual log cannot be kept ... well let's say respected for long what they currently are , how long some shortly " motivated " game masters will keep this up even if their somewhat successful ? It's a downward spiral. That's the wrong approach how to deal with the issue.
What i'm saying the long term solution would be to ease up some of the rules , otherwise you will fight forever a never ending fight what will not lead to anything positive , just an example i provided before. Let's say you really work very hard and ban many characters , prove your point that you can and keep the rules followed , but what will come next ?
Ask yourself the question and be realistic about it.
If you ease the rules, it wont be about PvP skills, but about whos got the best HW with SW and found the best means how to abuse something. Youre clearly biased in this matter, because it was your gang that was caught with multiple fonline instances and I understand why are you so against it.
Statistically, if you make cheating harder, less people will do it. For me, it would be great improvement if I see just 3 dual logs from SoT instead of 10.
If dual logging to gain unfair advantage in fights is forbridden,
then fast relogging to do so should be forbridden as well.
I encountered this. One guy baited me into a building, logged off and instantly a HtH 100%KD character appeared nearby, of course attacking me.
That's lame and annoying, and UNFAIR, even If I somehow manage to kill both :F
First of all let's get some things straight , what happens to " my " gang is completely not your business , second the thing i'm biased to is common sense if you read carefully , i have no problem using proxies as other players too , some might even spend money on that and looks like there are such superiors here that will work hard to punish us. I already pointed out how inefficient and pointless that can be , so don't tell me much more. It's just maybe there is a less painful way how the superiors , i'm sorry game masters could deal with that.
Easing up the rules won't make people cheat more , it's absurd to say that it will , because the rules were eased up already and there is absolutely no change at all , only now people can do certain actions through dual log without the fear being banned. That was done all the time before , no matter what the rules sometimes people were punished for basicly nothing because the rules said so , it happens to be like that considering current rules. Now game masters remember every single simple action those crafters , taxi's were banned last season on dual logs , what now is completely reasonable that wasn't before , bans were only because rules said so. So much wasted time. We tolerated that blindly , players did.
I'm not saying let's allow all to cheat , i'm saying maybe allow those few scouts and taxi's in town control ? Like i said it's nothing new or gamebreaking for anyone , TB battles with proxies on dual logs now that's gamebreaking.
There is one thing everyone can understand and that's reason.
If dual logging to gain unfair advantage in fights is forbridden,
then fast relogging to do so should be forbridden as well.
Looks like i'm not the only one after all.
Statistically, if you make cheating harder, less people will do it. For me, it would be great improvement if I see just 3 dual logs from SoT instead of 10.
Forgot about this.
Less people cheat , bigger advantage for those who does you think you will reduce only SoT dual loggers ? :) That doesn't help at all. In the end there might be some teams who will not know how to cheat at all if it's hard enough , so you might actually make SoT stronger than ever. Then we will be called the only cheaters or whatever , no thanks.
Youre still acting like you cheat only because of others. Do you realize, that SoT are those, who cheat the most and define the beat for others ?
Devs eased the rule about FR, now you can see what big problem it has become, but this is not thread about FR.
I do not even play anymore because of the fast relog/multi-logging business.
It's just gotten out of hand, and I'm not one to waste my time constantly trying to level characters just to keep up with the other team/players fucking garrison.
noble that you want to fight abusers jovanka, but did you really need a lolpic to get the idea to just... ehm... google a proxy list?
This is another far-fetched thing like your "fast-relog" solution. Don't get me wrong, it's good that you wanna do something, but don't give into every single idea that pops into your mind. You'll never finish what you start that way, get people upset and riddicule yourself.
This whole thing reminds me of this:,18828.0.html which didn't end well too. It was also executed with noble intent but wasn't thought out enough.
Youre still acting like you cheat only because of others. Do you realize, that SoT are those, who cheat the most and define the beat for others ?
Oh so we might have a scout or two more than smaller gangs , because we have more people. Were so bad , please. Stop with the hyperboles. Don't start with ridiculous sentences like SoT proxy leading or .... i don't know players come up with ridiculous stuff we don't do :)
You'll never finish what you start that way, get people upset and riddicule yourself.
Oh so we might have a scout or two more than smaller gangs , because we have more people. Were so bad , please.
Example of SOT taxi/scout:
They (or rather he) was standin right in the center of your PVP ARMY.
Too bad I didn't make screenshot of SOT in Modoc yesterday. Would be fun to analyze,
but I was STUNNED by the amount of possible multilogs ( present in town during PvP so I forgot to press F3.
I have banned hundreds of dual logs and I'm not stunned that easily.
Unfortunately you seem to have no shame. I checked lawyers half hour later and they had one multilog.
I banned him and he doesn't bitch about it on forum neither he tries to "scare" others with proxy.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of you were stealing banknotes in Monopoly and swap pawns on Chess
board when other person looks away. And then pretending to be "pros" and tough guys when caught.
Good luck with buying proxy. In any case, it won't get any worse than it is.
And I think for paid one we can think about something harsher for whole team than permabans.
And I think for paid one we can think about something harsher for whole team than permabans.
u mad? o0? sot are proxy swarm gang but still they are good players and i dont see reason why we have to ban ban ban ban ban...look at others serv when u can do what you want with out butcher over your head. 2238 is crying servers where all nabzes cry omg he killed me he have more than 2 players over map, ban him and him and him and him so we can craft and hunt scorpion in peace. for me bigger game breaking thing is f. mercs militia not waves. More waves more pvp more pvp more fun
Somehow we thought that dual log overall is fine some rumors , then you started to ban people and said that it's not okay. We were not using any proxies , because we agreed to that other teams might have not done that.
So stop bitching about us , you don't think very far. :)
Ignore what everyone says , go on your mindless crusade last time a big banwave happened half of the population vanished , so you better be ready to start banning whole teams because of bought proxies. Empty words. It's like talking to a wall.
Everything has been said I think this thread can be locked.