Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Gang Issues => Topic started by: l0ganw0lf on February 18, 2012, 01:23:09 pm
this is l0ganw0lf when im not kicking children and shooting old grannies in dead wholes i like to set BOUNTIES !!!! \0/
TODAYS WEEK IS The lost children ! or known as (tender love club) there a bunch of lolly pop licken camp fire marsh mellows
ok heres the bounty and (ONLY IF YOU GET SCREEN SHOT)
AV: GAIN: PRICE 5,000 (in city kill) 2,000 (in waistland)
AV: Lost Soul: PRICE 10,000(in city kill with brahman pooh only) 5,000 (in waistland)
keep a look out for ''THE SKULL COLLECTORS'' Blog and forum plus Monthly prizes for pking and bounties and PUB (social convo club chat room)
only for the strong and for the men and women who tear up the innocent .....................happy hunting
Pm me if your a PK and need work ^ ^.
seriously is this a pathetic joke or not? i can't tell...
no deputy not pothetic and yes deputy this is not a joke dude its a BOUNTY i want people killed you dont like it turn the other cheek mate
Maybe it's no joke but lemme check the ole' dictionary here and.... Yep, definitely pathetic and more than a little dumb.
Pretty sure it's posted in the wrong area too but hey, that's some other dude's problem.
Ok I'll just go and make a deal with some of these targets of yours. I kill them, give you the proof and then me and the target can share the money.
Retarded idea is retarded.
Ok I'll just go and make a deal with some of these targets of yours. I kill them, give you the proof and then me and the target can share the money.
The Lost Children never had to spew hateful words about anyone... They make themselves look stupid enough by themselves.
A few points:
1) This thread should be locked or moved, it is an inappropriate spam post in the forum. This thread is meant to be in "Gang Issues" where no one cares to read.
2) The most important words in this post that directly states that The Lost Children never did a single wrong thing to anyone:
"only for the strong and for the men and women who tear up the innocent .....................happy hunting"
3) Like I said before: thankyou for openly expressing how retarded you are. From your spelling, to your message, down to the slew of terrible responses you've gotten. I'ma go get high and enjoy my day. =]
Last thing: you may get more respectable replies if you're grammar, spelling, and punctuation were all a little more clear.
"TODAYS WEEK IS The lost children ! or known as (tender love club) there a bunch of lolly pop licken camp fire marsh mellows "
1) Today's week? What does this even mean?
2) That would be "They are a" or "They're a"
3) That would be "Mallows" and Marshmallow is one word.
You must be typing on windows 98 or something, if your paragraphs aren't riddled with red lines under all of your words.
Ok I'll just go and make a deal with some of these targets of yours. I kill them, give you the proof and then me and the target can share the money.
I'm down. PM to arrange it.
(...) it is an inappropriate spam (...)
You Betcha!
logan, please stop being so stupid MATE, ahahahaha, why dont you come and get us? see? youre a pussyass
im done with you guys, i dont knwo why you go around telling how you baseraped a faction that helps people
dont you love the negitivity and hate lol this isnt spamming its the truth do what you gotta do man and ill do what i gotta do i know some one will say something after this but i REALLY DON'T CARE
and if this is the wrong post for things like then don't know what to tell you
some one will want to kill for 10,000 weather its posted here or in game or just plain conversation
safe travels mates
oh and to OXXON retard duh gotta lvl up cause i just made a new account to rape you in your mouth with your own weapons fool what are you stupid or retarded mate ? and yeah im on the other side of the planet sorry i talk like that yeah
not at home like you smoking your last bowl and yelling at your mom to not turn the internet off !!!!!
This thread is win.
Prove me wrong. (Did anyone else not slowly get a grin on their face reading this? :D)
I did.
haha i killed Lost Soul that bastard almost started to cry 8) here are the pics: (they arent perfect i know)
PS if you have any more bounty just tell me ;D
loganwolf we now thank you for this pathetic attempt at being badass.
have a nice day.
loganwolf i killed him now give me my caps
im going to look into this sorry guys im in LONDON so my time zone is different ill be at the hub and junk cyber i said pooh in his face and it was out of town so youll only get 5,000
meet me in the hub
loganwolf i killed him now give me my caps
Haha Thanks for the free kill. Too bad we no your with TLC
Last thing: you may get more respectable replies if you're grammar, spelling, and punctuation were all a little more clear.
"TODAYS WEEK IS The lost children ! or known as (tender love club) there a bunch of lolly pop licken camp fire marsh mellows "
You must be typing on windows 98 or something, if your paragraphs aren't riddled with red lines under all of your words.
It would be They're use of the wrong they're their and there is a common mistake in English and even funnier when somebody is trying to correct somebody else's fucktard grammar and corrects it wrong HA! LAWL.
Just wanted to point that out, but sure I'll shoot pk lost children for caps if see them.
That looks staged.
That looks staged.
Exactly. Thanks for proving my point.
It is staged indeed.
Fatal mistake: He actually bothered to take the time to type out faggotry while getting 1hex in REAL TIME?
I don't see a "Turn-Based" up at the top corner. ;)
It is staged indeed.
Fatal mistake: He actually bothered to take the time to type out faggotry while getting 1hex in REAL TIME?
I don't see a "Turn-Based" up at the top corner. ;)
Lol satire rules.
is this bounty still available? oh wait i'm on the wrong thread. nevermind.
is this bounty still available? oh wait i'm on the wrong thread. nevermind.
The Lost Children love you.
Hey, PM me I kill you we make pictar XD then we split the caps!
Hey, PM me I kill you we make pictar XD then we split the caps!
Too late I already did it with him :P
but i didnt get any caps