Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Darkxkaj on February 15, 2012, 02:39:56 am

Title: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: Darkxkaj on February 15, 2012, 02:39:56 am
So, I check wiki first. Okay, so I go to Necropolis, talk to guy and he say, "blahblah only to trusted persons" or something like that. Well I see he just give purple robes, I want this robes, that example Holy People wear. Where I can get them?
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: TheGreenHand on February 15, 2012, 03:01:38 am
The Cathedral on the coastline has a guy who sells them inside. You need 10 caps to get in the building the first time you go.
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: Darkxkaj on February 15, 2012, 03:19:52 am
Can you give me screen of this place? Still can't find this.

Nvm, I found it.
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: BesOn on February 15, 2012, 07:53:07 am
Also some merchants're selling them. Mostly merchants which sell armors.
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: Elvis on February 15, 2012, 10:15:30 am
a certain npc/vendor has unlimited supply of robes.. and charges only 200 caps per robe.. but I'm not going to share too much else..
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: Lon Chaney on February 16, 2012, 09:10:06 pm
All armor sellers have sand robes that respawn in their inventory when the caps respawn.
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: fuzz on February 18, 2012, 06:09:48 pm
(...)I want this robes, that example Holy People wear. Where I can get them?
These should be lootable, you can get metal armors from Regulators, why not robes from Lone Wanderer?
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: BesOn on February 19, 2012, 02:12:18 pm
All armor sellers have sand robes that respawn in their inventory when the caps respawn.

Nope. Lone wanderer don't have robes ) only knives.
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: Lon Chaney on February 20, 2012, 04:37:59 am
Nope. Lone wanderer don't have robes ) only knives.
The Lone wanderer is not an armor seller.
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: Lizard on February 21, 2012, 01:17:48 pm
I'm sure he meant robes as loot they won't drop.
Would be also cool if Elronogists drop or sell grey robes - but i guess they're reserved for devs.
Title: Re: Robes - where I can get them?
Post by: Jotisz on February 21, 2012, 07:20:40 pm
Only purple and sand robe has all animations the other ones according to my knowledge are missing crucial animations like rifles miniguns rockets...etc. I think thats the main issue we don't have grey robes. Btw I think I seen somewhere on NMA some recolors of robes but I'm unsure if they were finished.