Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Darkxkaj on February 15, 2012, 02:39:56 am
So, I check wiki first. Okay, so I go to Necropolis, talk to guy and he say, "blahblah only to trusted persons" or something like that. Well I see he just give purple robes, I want this robes, that example Holy People wear. Where I can get them?
The Cathedral on the coastline has a guy who sells them inside. You need 10 caps to get in the building the first time you go.
Can you give me screen of this place? Still can't find this.
Nvm, I found it.
Also some merchants're selling them. Mostly merchants which sell armors.
a certain npc/vendor has unlimited supply of robes.. and charges only 200 caps per robe.. but I'm not going to share too much else..
All armor sellers have sand robes that respawn in their inventory when the caps respawn.
(...)I want this robes, that example Holy People wear. Where I can get them?
These should be lootable, you can get metal armors from Regulators, why not robes from Lone Wanderer?
All armor sellers have sand robes that respawn in their inventory when the caps respawn.
Nope. Lone wanderer don't have robes ) only knives.
Nope. Lone wanderer don't have robes ) only knives.
The Lone wanderer is not an armor seller.
I'm sure he meant robes as loot they won't drop.
Would be also cool if Elronogists drop or sell grey robes - but i guess they're reserved for devs.
Only purple and sand robe has all animations the other ones according to my knowledge are missing crucial animations like rifles miniguns rockets...etc. I think thats the main issue we don't have grey robes. Btw I think I seen somewhere on NMA some recolors of robes but I'm unsure if they were finished.