Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: wladimiiir on January 16, 2012, 08:23:07 pm

Title: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 16, 2012, 08:23:07 pm
What is the best way of getting reputation for Gun Runners? This delivery job give me only 100 reputation and as I am aware of, I need 1000 to be able to enter inside area. And when I log out my reputation slowly decreases (to 200).
How can 1000 be even achieved?
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Gaizk on January 16, 2012, 08:31:20 pm
You need to do the hardcore delivery job to San francisco which gives, if memory serves, 150 or 200 Rep, which is enough to circunvent the Rep drop. Speaking of which Im late to do my delivery this afternoon, wanna tag along?
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 16, 2012, 08:33:36 pm
You need to do the hardcore delivery job to San francisco which gives, if memory serves, 150 or 200 Rep, which is enough to circunvent the Rep drop. Speaking of which Im late to do my delivery this afternoon, wanna tag along?
I am doing SF delivery (did this one twice already). It gave me 100 reputation, today and it seems there is some bug, because the second time I did not get any XP or caps for the delivery.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Gaizk on January 16, 2012, 08:36:02 pm
Then I wouldnt know Mike, but Im pretty interested in entering THAT factory
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 16, 2012, 08:42:19 pm
It honestly sucks. Even when I have 1000 REP, if I dont play for whole day my reputation will fall down to 200 and then another 3-4 days I have to make these deliveries again.
Liked? Really? Couldn`t be "Accepted" enough to get inside?
Just another way how to screw up with crafters and non-alters.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Lexx on January 16, 2012, 09:01:58 pm
After the next update, the threshold will be a bit lower. You still need 1000 reputation to be allowed to enter, but after that you can use the facility as long as you have at least 250 reputation with the Gunrunners.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 16, 2012, 09:08:38 pm
After the next update, the threshold will be a bit lower. You still need 1000 reputation to be allowed to enter, but after that you can use the facility as long as you have at least 250 reputation with the Gunrunners.
Thank you :)
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Lexx on January 16, 2012, 09:10:02 pm
We'll see how it will turn out. In worst case, it's getting changed again, because the workbench at the gunrunners isn't meaned to be the default one.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 16, 2012, 09:51:49 pm
We'll see how it will turn out. In worst case, it's getting changed again, because the workbench at the gunrunners isn't meaned to be the default one.
Which one is meant to be the default one, then?
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Solar on January 16, 2012, 10:18:59 pm
The unguarded ones ... Gunrunners is meant to be the tough to earn access alternative to those

Craft slowly in safety in Gunrunners vs craft freely in dangerous places.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: pistacja on January 16, 2012, 11:13:16 pm
Is this for real? I need to take my hq stuf that was hard to get in the first place, travel half the map,figth my way to a workbench and escape with shiny new toys while SD sneak bursters, 50 hex snipers, mutant horde lords, bg tanks, and hh k.o. boxers try to kill me to get that toy I just made...with my crafter?
The other option is to do a quest meant for a pack of top-gear, top-level combat characters with triple-loged alts in case squad#1 dies? And not once but 10 times in a row?

Looks like I'll by using only combat knifes in this era. 

Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Lexx on January 16, 2012, 11:21:24 pm
The other option is to do a quest meant for a pack of top-gear, top-level combat characters with triple-loged alts in case squad#1 dies? And not once but 10 times in a row?

Looks more like you haven't realized yet that this is a different quest.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 17, 2012, 08:24:20 am
Looks more like you haven't realized yet that this is a different quest.
Different quest, but it seems that this is the only way to gain reputation as when I come back from work and start FOnline I suspect my reputation will be down to 200 again (from 400).
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Swinglinered on January 17, 2012, 09:20:48 am
Is it so hard to have high PE and OD on a crafter?

I'm thinking of making a sneak crafter.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 17, 2012, 09:29:03 am
Is it so hard to have high PE and OD on a crafter?
I did not get your point. I have high PE and OD.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Lexx on January 17, 2012, 11:28:11 am
Different quest, but it seems that this is the only way to gain reputation

No it is not. It's a one-time-only quest, which does *not* give you a reputation of 1000 so you can use the facilitie. To gain the needed 1000 reputation, you either trade with the Gunrunners, or you do the courier jobs, which is not a one-time-only thing. It is true that this needs quite some time to gain the 1000 reputation, but this is intentional- like written above, the Gunrunners facilitie is not meaned to be the default workbench to use. It's for the people who don't want to go into the pvp areas and in return they have to do some more to gain access instead of taking the risk of dying.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 17, 2012, 12:58:51 pm
OK, Lexx, I get your point about "not being easily accessible", but let`s see my case. I am at work till 17:00. Assume, that I am able to play till 24:00, so that`s 7 hours. So that means I can do this delivery quest twice (as there is ~4 hour cooldown), that means 200 reputation. Cool. I started with 200, so +200 means that at the end of the day I have 400 reputation. I go to sleep. Then, when I play it the next day, my reputation is again 200 (-30 for each game day I am not playing) and I am where I was before. So how can I even achieve 1000 reputation if I am employed? :)
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: pistacja on January 17, 2012, 02:19:00 pm
I'm just hoping there are other options planed and in hasty development. With my game style (no alts, no proxies, no gangs, no shared tents) it is virtually impossible to craft any 2 tire items and live to tell about it.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: TheGreenHand on January 17, 2012, 05:27:02 pm
OK, Lexx, I get your point about "not being easily accessible", but let`s see my case. I am at work till 17:00. Assume, that I am able to play till 24:00, so that`s 7 hours. So that means I can do this delivery quest twice (as there is ~4 hour cooldown), that means 200 reputation. Cool. I started with 200, so +200 means that at the end of the day I have 400 reputation. I go to sleep. Then, when I play it the next day, my reputation is again 200 (-30 for each game day I am not playing) and I am where I was before. So how can I even achieve 1000 reputation if I am employed? :)
Wake up 20 minutes early and get a courier run in before work.  That's 3 per day then.  Also I would suggest doing some trading with them too.

EDIT:  Aha! Another idea!  Leave your computer on and your character logged in while you're asleep, at work, etc.  That way you won't lose rep.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: wladimiiir on January 17, 2012, 07:51:56 pm
Wake up 20 minutes early and get a courier run in before work.
Leave your computer on and your character logged in while you're asleep, at work, etc.
Thats actually impossible for me.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Lexx on January 17, 2012, 08:01:00 pm
The timeout should be 90 minutes and not 4 hours. I'll fix this.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Ed Wood on March 23, 2012, 07:35:52 pm
If you ask me the gun runners not even safe to craft... Mariposa is safer... Gun runners always full of suiciders... so even if you have the reputation you have to run to the guy who lets you in... but in the main time you can get killed a lot of time... so if you ask me go to mariposa or lets say out gun runners sould be made so that no one alowed to hold weapons in hands.... if you have guns in hands(even in hiden hands) you will get one shoted not mathers what is your reputation the guards sould kill you on sight... even if you are a 300% sneaker... that place ment to be a safe place instead of that its a complete warzone...
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Marko on March 24, 2012, 08:28:40 am
As a solo crafter, having tried the GR courier quests and having gained access there and crafted there, Glow, Mariposa and Toxic Caves, i can tell you that from a pure risk standpoint i consider GR to be the worst option available. All you have to do is lose a courier case and it's all over. To get that crafter back on track you have to find some way to get a replacement case. People will say "so what, just level a new guy to 5 and get a case for him" but yeah that's not the kind of crap i'll go through to craft. That should carry some weight too because i'm a mining/gathering/crafting machine who is willing to put in serious time in this game. I have 10 bases now but i'm not going to stop my whole operation to get a replacement case when i know i'm only going to lose another one soon enough. Forget that.

I just now logged into my lockpicker and found 2 encounters hoping to find BP. I died on 2nd encounter due to server lag spike. So imagine my crafter delivering cases back-n-forth to SF; he will die at some point and lose a case. From there his GR rep starts dropping back down.

And GR itself? Yeah Ed said it right: war zone sometimes. I lost a case there too. It was a group of about 15 Polish guys i think, nobody speaking English (Wichura was there!) and one of them rocketed me as i was exiting. I admimt i should not have even tried with that many guys around, but the point's simply too easy for that GR plan to fail. I'd rather craft at Glow and get radiated. If i get PK'd there, at least it's a PK whose working for his loot rather than camping a place that's supposed to be safer. Mariposa dogs are easy compared to GR campers. Yes PKs at Mariposa too but i can fight them there and i don't lose rep with anyone.

GR is this crafter's least favorite crafting option: time investment vs. certainty of eventual failure there + irritation to recover.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Lexx on March 24, 2012, 09:37:55 pm
If you lose a box, you can take the job again a bit later.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Ed Wood on March 25, 2012, 03:21:30 pm
As i said earlier this is not the main problem here! You guys say this place is the only protected place... but its not protected at all! It sould be the same as NCR inner city where you cant equip any weapon or like in Junktown.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: codave on March 25, 2012, 03:23:39 pm
If you lose a box, you can take the job again a bit later.

There's some good news.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Tomowolf on March 25, 2012, 03:28:10 pm
There's some good news.
that Later means if you lost that box and got -200 karma you can take it in some real days... :>
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: codave on March 25, 2012, 08:12:03 pm
that Later means if you lost that box and got -200 karma you can take it in some real days... :>

Waiting a week is preferable to making a new crafter, though.  Especially to those of us that only have one character.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Kaien on March 26, 2012, 08:31:15 am
I am looking for someone to finish the delivery quest and others for Gun Runners :) if you are interested just pm me :)
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Horatio on March 26, 2012, 09:46:18 am
In my humble case, i achieved my reputation at GR with doing exclusively SanFrancisco runs, during the week. Yet, the necessity for doing at least 1 or 2 Hub runs a day forced me to play every day, what annoyed me, since i'm busy IRL as well - i'm a casual player.
Now the sneaker killers solved this GR issue for me, at least until the next update.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Aricvomit on March 26, 2012, 10:28:30 am
i cant get into gun runners at 350, i had it above 1000 before but got lazy, it fell to 200. does this mean that i have to get it back to 1000 or is the rep system still not working right? i thought it had been lowered to 250.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Smeghead on March 26, 2012, 04:25:17 pm
you have to keep it above 500
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Starner on November 25, 2012, 12:02:31 am
The unguarded ones ... Gunrunners is meant to be the tough to earn access alternative to those

Craft slowly in safety in Gunrunners vs craft freely in dangerous places.

Really if you think about it the BoS would logically have an Advanced Workbench. Joining the BoS should be harder but with the Advanced Workbench as a benefit because atm they have no huge benefits of joining. The Enclace should also have an Advanced Workbench following this logic after all they have PA.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: robino on December 03, 2012, 08:08:34 pm
The San Francisco run currently gives 150 faction points per trip - this is the biggest i think

I managed to get access to the gun runners facility when my faction rating went above 900.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Horatio on December 03, 2012, 08:42:53 pm
Really if you think about it the BoS would logically have an Advanced Workbench. Joining the BoS should be harder but with the Advanced Workbench as a benefit because atm they have no huge benefits of joining. The Enclace should also have an Advanced Workbench following this logic after all they have PA.

In this case, you'll need to make grind quests to be allowed to craft high-tier stuff...with high-tier blueprints you find in grinding encounters...from high-tier materials you mine in unguarded places.
Or you farm them from caravans.
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Besmrtnik on December 04, 2012, 02:01:59 pm
I see its pain in the ass to craft there, but as they say its online game its not single player,

for mariphosa, all you need is one guy which will wait for you at enterence and notifie you if someone is comming, if yes just hide somewhere in mariphosa its qute a lot of space to hide
I am crafting there alone all the time i was never pk-ed, its ultra easy, i meat some crafter chit-cahted with them, i feel sorry for guys doing delevery quest
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: PolarBear315 on December 10, 2012, 03:52:56 pm
How do you get a run quest? At HUB I sined up to run a creat or job to Junk Town, nobody at entrince caravans would respound thou, do you need to be a higher level for these runs?

PS; Dec, 11, 2012
Do you need CH3 to get gunrunners run quest to SF ?
Title: Re: Gun Runners reputation
Post by: Lexx on December 10, 2012, 05:15:42 pm
Caravan runs aren't in the game yet.