I feel bad for you guys, I really do.
Where are the APK factions when we most need them...apk factions are only active during primetime(over 100 players in game) so in after noon for me but at night there all gone and sleeping.
Where are the APK factions when we most need them...(http://thumbnails60.imagebam.com/16540/97c0ba165391773.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/97c0ba165391773)
Where are the APK factions when we most need them...They are hunting for random people in unguarded towns ... erm, I mean for nasty outlaws. "U R BLACKLISTED" and all that crap.
nasty outlawsGuys chasing outlaws are not APK. They're Lawyers. And are indeed busy spreading Justice in the North. Today for example.
pkers killed the guards again :(
Guys chasing outlaws are not APK. They're Lawyers. And are indeed busy spreading Justice in the North. Today for example.
You slaughtered a apk guy who wanted to make wasteland better place by protecting gas station from pk's and making safe car-sales.
That aint justice ;D
Are you serious? Mabus ("228 APK") is a well known gridcamper who has been punished by GMs for his trollish behaviour. Gridcamping is simply not allowed, even if some people got a hard time understanding that.
Grid camping is still not allowed
it's just lame grid camping and will be punished the next time it's seen there.
You are mixing up two different things. That thread was about PvP in protected towns. What I am talking about, is gridcamping.
PvP in protected towns is not the problem. The problem is when you start to gridcamp, which you can do in protected or unprotected places.
3 people named: Typhoid, Donkey. , and .Juggernaut.
are killing anyone who comes in and they killed all guards in NCR... need GM help!
As far as I can see, people say "guarded town == no pvp in there" ... which I find wrong. Just because there are guards, it doesn't mean there can't be any pvp.
In any case, just because a town has guards, it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to fight in there. If you can take it up with the NPCs, fine... Hell, nobody (Devs + Game Masters) would care, if now a big playergroup enters the NCR and starts taking out the guards and "takes over" the town in some kind of way. As long as no cheats / guard ai abuse (like blocking in doors) is done, nothing speaks against it. If we would want to have no players fight in these locations, we would simply set them to "no pvp" and you couldn't activate combat anymore.
3 people named: Typhoid, Donkey. , and .Juggernaut.
are killing anyone who comes in and they killed all guards in NCR...
If someone is seen gridcamping using proxies (thus unfair methods) to be logged on to multiple characters at time and gather mercenaries and slaves to that place he'll get punished. It's as simple as that.Is this really true?