What you propose would be:
1. completely pointless unless stealing caps from NPC's in random encounters is no longer possible,
2. easy to abuse,
3. extremely annoying to new players, especially those joining mid-session,
4. moderately annoying to freelancers.
But you already know that, right?
1) stealing caps from NPCs was never the main source of caps. Main source of caps was TC, then caps from NPC tradersIt's not relevant to what I wrote in my post. My intention was merely to bring up that one source of infinite easy caps that you conveniently omitted to mention in your simulation of what would happen should 'permanent inflation' be introduced.
2) Do you know Vedaras? Its his phrase.And that invalidates my statement how? Or is it maybe an invitation for me to present some of the endless possibilities that your idea's implementation would enable players to abuse?
3) Nonsense. New players, that joins in mid section (when half of post wipe players left) will have plenty of possibilities how to earn caps. And moreover, their effort would be more valued than effort of players that earn their huge value in the start of session, because of inflation.Dream on.
4) Nonsense. Instead of. "I have quadrilion of useless stuff, give me your gold, you stupd NPC trader!", they would need to use diiferent ways how to trade, even with players. In MMORPG. (Damn, i did not know that some player hates to play with players in multiplayer game).I've done hundreds of trades; my items/caps come chiefly from interacting with other players (be it bartering, looting, whatever). I don't see how implementing 'permanent inflation' (whatever that means) could ever affect this in any positive way. What you propose is that we gradually lower the amount of new currency in circulation at the same time making the prices go higher. Since in player-to-player trades, the price of any given item is as a rule HIGHER than the base price of that item, it would effectively render players less able to afford to buy items from another player, therefore hindering player-to-player trading rather than facilitating it.
My idea: prices of every stuff traded by npc traders would slowly raise over the time (another multiplier into price formula).
I understand, that caps generating (spawning) ratio by NPC traders (simply, caps in their inventories) needs to be somehow related to inflation ratio.
It's not relevant to what I wrote in my post. My intention was merely to bring about that one source of infinite easy caps that you conveniently omitted to mention in your simulation of what would happen should 'permanent inflation' be introduced.
Dream on.
I've done hundreds of trades; my items/caps come chiefly from interacting with other players (be it bartering, looting, whatever). I don't see how implementing 'permanent inflation' (whatever that means) could ever affect this in any positive way.
What you propose is that we gradually lower the amount of new currency in circulation at the same time making the prices go higher.
Since in player-to-player trades, the price of any given item is as a rule HIGHER than the base price of that item, it would effectively render players less able to afford to buy items from another player, therefore hindering player-to-player trades rather than facilitating them.
Yes, there are a lot of ways how to get infinite caps. But sources of caps (stealing from npcs, looting Vs. encounters,..) would not counter inflation (in oposite to npc traders).I never said they would. If anything, more and more caps = greater and greater inflation rate, but I don't see how that relates to what I wrote before.
Faction in mid session with that collected huge amount of caps would have two choices: spend their caps for lower amount of stuff (because of inflation), or trade with other players, who cannot easily obtain caps.So you're suggesting that a guy who knows how to obtain items that a major faction might be willing to buy from him at the same time has no idea how to get caps? Really?
Most players gets mosts trades from interacting with NPC traders, not players. (If i omit "trades" among members of same faction). So your example dont represent the majority.Just because you don't trade with players from outside your faction doesn't mean nobody else does.
There exist inflation in the game economy. But is not permanent. Many players wants car, car price rises, less players wants car, car price is decrease. Permanent inflation would raise the price level continually, without any decrease.And that would be good?
Yes, the amount of new currency will gradually lower, but total amount of currency will still raises (there would still be new caps in traders, TC, quests,..).I'm sorry to say this, but you have no clue how money works. Also, TC money is to be gone after the next wipe, and these meager few caps that quests give you are not even worth mentioning.
You forget one thing, my friend. 2238 is not growing economy. A lot of player disapears after start of session, the number of players in mid session decrease, but the amount of caps still raises. There is not any economical reason, why players (gangs) with bases, cars, PvP or PvE stuff and milions of caps needs to trade with each other. Only newbies wants to trade with players, but it is more begging than trading (because longer playing players realy dont need anything from newbies). If value of gangs caps savings will decrease, but on opposite, if it would be more harder for other players to get caps, they will be economicaly forced to cooperate (trade).In short: "adjust the game economy so that my faction can profit." The answer is no, but nice try.
I never said they would. If anything, more and more caps = greater and greater inflation rate, but I don't see how that relates to what I wrote before.The total amount of caps in game does not affect the price of stuff of NPC traders in 2238. This is how it works. => You cannot buy best stuff, because it is always sold out. My suggestion goes counter this fact, but inflation will be created generaly.
So you're suggesting that a guy who knows how to obtain items that a major faction might be willing to buy from him at the same time has no idea how to get caps? Really?Players know how to get caps. Players will know, how to get caps from players, because of lack of caps of NPC traders in midsession and later. Just go to NCR and trade with caps holders. Or spend a lot of time to checking all npc traders, risk death because of PKs.. Best players find best way. Like before.
Just because you don't trade with players from outside your faction doesn't mean nobody else does.Dont be agressive. Tell me, what is the ratio between player vs. NPC trade and player vs. player trade? 100:1? 1000:1?
And that would be good? (Inflation)
I'm sorry to say this, but you have no clue how money works.I am sorry, but you forget that we are talking about online game currency mechanics, not about free market environment. This currently artifical created economy environment of 2238 is more similar to central planned economy with fixed prices than to outside world.
Also, TC money is to be gone after the next wipe, and these meager few caps that quests give you are not even worth mentioning.So you can still get zilion of caps by trading a huge amount of useless crap.
In short: "adjust the game economy so that my faction can profit." The answer is no, but nice try.
Why like this ? It doesn't make sense it's inflation out of thin air. Player X trades random item at npc Y , random item gets more expensive because ...... ?
What makes sense each item of it's type gets more expensive or cheaper to buy/sell due to it's present amount. X item is 20 it costs less , Y item is 2 it cost is multiplied due to it's low stock + the cap ratio spawning would depend on the amount of total items. So you can't suck caps out of traders for ever , make items in his inventory decrease the price the longer they haven't been bought , one feature balances out the other.
And that would be good? (Inflation)
As for all the points you've made, they pretty much bear out my initial claim, i.e. that introducing 'permanent inflation' would be quite pointless.
If you are satisfied with how current economy ruins gameplay, then yes, it would be quite pointless.How does it ruin gameplay? By allowing all players easy access to whatever they need? You're being ridiculous.
On every discussion there exist same kind of people. Instead of argumentation and at least little effort to understand the facts about what are people writing, this kind of people chooses offensive aproach in disscusion and lacks good manners. Any argumentation with this kind of players has no sense. Sad is, that often you can not recognize this type of people, until you are in discussion.
But i will give you last chance and last answer. Good gameplay is not about easy acces to whatever they need. Good gameplay is about entertaining overcome of obstacles. MMORPG offers player interaction as entertaining element. My idea offers motivation for players who dont need to interact, because they have easy acces to whatever they need.
And 2238 is also more like planned economy.
Back to my idea. 2238 artificaly set prices and supply of caps IMO negatively affect player vs. player trades
After some time with inflation a combat armor will cost 21000 caps, we will trade with other player? NOOO
We will sell to the traders some lazor rifle find figthing unity ( and we will sell it to the trader to the double of normal price)
or we will give to the trader bb ammo ( with inflation bb ammo = 8 caps huzzah)
If you want realistic market ..
Highest time to march from modoc to ring our keys in the NCR square and demand free market. Not introduce more artificial market regulation. ;-)
Thats just small part of the problem. Prices are set only for low tier stuff or materials (unupgraded weapons). Finding anything usefull (sniper rifle, combat armor) is more of a quest itself consuming much more time than caps by the final trade. Like the queues for bananas i Czechoslovakia. xD NPC traders as i understand them are more like hostile boses or dungeon treasures which sometimes after long and tedious battle drop something of value.
I agree that this obstacle, but not the main reason.
Player interaction in economy is nonexistant in fonline because trading is
a) insecure: youll get robed or (sucuide) killed on meeting point with your customer
b) time consuming: you have to actualy ask on forum or in bublic place (outcome a) and wait for replies
c) requires exact timing: you just have to be loged the same time as your customer.
due to a) any profit of trading is highly disputable and more of a luck than hard work. Due to b) it is much faster to make your own crafter than to ask for goods. due to c) trading between different timezone players or players with different work shifts is practicaly impossible.
I believe some pepople would like to see marketplace flourishing of player life and people huddling about prices but thats just not how trading in MMOs works. Many successfull projects (Eve online, WoW for instance) have shown that single safe (more or less, but suicuide ganks here are much more costly and harder to pull out) unregulated place of trade is required and sufficient for any PvP trading and economy.Problem is, that when you reach some level of wealth, you dont realy need to trade with other playres to get stuff, because you are self-sufficient (player or faction). So you can have free market, but no ECONOMICAL need to trade there.
With any such marketplace or auctionhous i believe PvP trading would swiftly take over NPC traders in volume and popularity. NPC set prices might be still twisting a prices but there would be at least any prices and trade they migh twist.That could exist even if my suggestion would be implemented. But on other way, auctions, where you set up price and amount, than you leave for a while is not the exact form of player interaction, i would like to see in MMORPG, because you can practicaly do bussiness without any contact with other players.
This is utterly useless. It'll just ruin the prices and also the way you trade. You higher the price, you lower the price of the item you sell. It's pointless.
if we want further player to player trading we need an auction house. Bring your item in, set a starting price and a minimum price, and an end date and players can come in and bid on that item. A guarded zone obviously. Anyone caught with a weapon in his or her hands is instantly shot.
But player vs. player trades should not be without direct players interaction.
Again, rich gangs and players could totaly deform prices of items, they will buy all pvp usable stuff