FoVocalSkin V 1.01
Hello, I'm changing the interface to mumble to avoid evil in the eyes of night,
this interface will make you great service,
I put the file for download and if you want you can change
its content to the make them more enjoyment and to share with everyone.
For the Mumble V1.2.3, Create a new folder Nomed "skins" in "programefile/mumble/skins/" has the file 'fovocalskin' in this one, go to the configuration of mumble in "user interface" choose a new theme, add the file fovocalskin.qss and apply the change.
Link: (2011 11 18): (
This interface is not configured for mumble V1.2.2 and outdated version (if you have a bad version the chatbarre is in red background-color).
Yes, I know, I already get used to my own skin (based on one other theme, some random graphics + logo of my faction) ::)
My notebook doesn't like dark colors, and default white is so white, so.. For me it is something what doesn't hurt my eyes and still it doesn't break my notebook screen.
Btw, qss is such easy as css, wonder why almost noone is making skins for mumble :(
Btw, as I remember, to get everything working correctly (some buttons, or something else doesn't load instantly) you have to restart your mumble client.