Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => General Game Discussion => Topic started by: bos go go on September 21, 2011, 05:29:07 am

Title: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: bos go go on September 21, 2011, 05:29:07 am
3D Lead to no wipe?

If is to,wipe again slowly do 3d。

Now this game players too little

Many players are loathe to the prospect of 2238

Wipe the first
3 d the second

Translation software please forgive me
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: wreese2u on September 21, 2011, 06:51:23 am
We all want it, but face it the 2238 system isnt voting, its one man, saying when the wipe is...
it sucks, wipe will be
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Fettel on September 21, 2011, 07:53:19 am
Hello, Are you Good man?  = =
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: bos go go on September 21, 2011, 08:26:50 am
Players are all bad people I is good
Players are good man I is bad
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Eternauta on September 21, 2011, 08:36:31 am
3D Lead to no wipe?

If is to,wipe again slowly do 3d。

It's not so. 3D development has nothing to do with wiping the server or not.

Now this game players too little

Many players are loathe to the prospect of 2238

Yeah yeah, many go "2238 sucks, Requiem's the shit", but keep posting here and some of them even keep playing.
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Luther Blissett on September 21, 2011, 10:31:09 am
1) There will be no 3D after wipe.
April 2011 : 3D is nothing to do with wipe.

It's not connected in any kind of way to the next wipe. Also keep in mind that nobody from the 2238 dev team is working on the 3d models and animations. It's 100% community based.
May 2011 : 3D is nothing to do with wipe.

[...]it [3D] has nothing to do with the following wipe.
June 2011 : 3D is nothing to do with wipe.

about 3D, it will not be implemented this wipe, devs said that
July 2011 : 3D is nothing to do with wipe.

Wipe is absolutely nothing to do with the 3D stuff currently. Maybe the wipe after, or the one after that will be.
August 2011 : 3D is nothing to do with wipe.

It's not so. 3D development has nothing to do with wiping the server or not.
September 2011 : 3D is still nothing to do with wipe.
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Haraldx on September 21, 2011, 04:57:12 pm
*Insert quotes and dates here*
Holy crap, dude, someone should sticky that and make it not be allowed to post before you read that thread!
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Luther Blissett on September 21, 2011, 09:55:00 pm
Hahaha. Maybe add "3D development has nothing to do with the wipe" to one of the little texts under the Fonline logo :)

Regardless, I'm sure there'll be another 5 of the same question during October.

Anyway, what he's actually suggesting :
1) Have a wipe first
2) Add 3D stuff later

Is good - and as far as I know, also correct. Perhaps the 2nd (or 3rd or 4th or 5th) wipe from now will be related to the 3D stuff, but there's a lot to do first.
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Jackall on September 21, 2011, 11:03:56 pm
I'm going a bit off topic, but why people needs wipe? You play a game if you enjoy it. There's no "leaving 'til wipe gms sucks umad trololol", it's just senseless kid-acting IMHO.
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Eternauta on September 21, 2011, 11:07:58 pm
I'm going a bit off topic, but why people needs wipe? You play a game if you enjoy it. There's no "leaving 'til wipe gms sucks umad trololol", it's just senseless kid-acting IMHO.

Because this game is by far the most boring MMO, mate. It's so boring that I'll keep playing it and whine about how boring it is until the day I die!
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: IndiGRay on September 22, 2011, 03:26:18 am
I'm going a bit off topic, but why people needs wipe? You play a game if you enjoy it. There's no "leaving 'til wipe gms sucks umad trololol", it's just senseless kid-acting IMHO.

Your logic is steel. I want wipe because want new base, want try another chars, but its nonsence to start do it when "Wipe will be soon, lets start the countdown blablabla".
People tired of waiting. They wanted Clean Slate, as gms promised, but instead of it they have "soon" for 2 months. I think that to promise so many people, and do not execute them-is realy sucks,huh? Its far not just my opinion.
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Swinglinered on September 22, 2011, 04:01:54 am
Hopefully Chinese Characters will be implemented in next Wipe.

Also, ability to mix character sets.

That way I can make names out of Cyrillic mixed with Chinese.

Have fun adding me to Enemies List!

(Unless they also add cut and paste from screen- or you get the name in ChatBox. Then you can cut and paste from there or Log file.)

Runic would be cool, too.

Hieroglyphs? Sanskrit?
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: fuzz on September 22, 2011, 12:45:25 pm
Hello Swinglinered, I am a chinese about your avatar.
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Haraldx on September 22, 2011, 02:20:30 pm
I'm pretty sure I posted previously why wipe is needed.

But, as I can't find my post, I have to say it again.
The game isn't done, it's an open beta. Beta means it still is in test phase and is rather far from finished product, while open means... well, it's open to everyone. As the game gets updated from time to time we need to test these features and give feedback to the developers, as all of us (FOnline: 2238 players) are actually beta testers. Once a game-breaking update is finished by the developers, and they are ready to update the server with this new update, they have to wipe the server. Why? Let's say, the way to get a base is changed - you have to do a quest involving dialouges, and maybe killing someone too. If the server isn't wiped, well, nobody would really test that feature as everyone already has a faction base. Simple as that. If the server gets wiped and everyone would want their faction bases back, they will be forced to test the new feature out. If it is bugged, the player will most likely see the forums and search (Yeah, right, nobody these days use SEARCH button) if someone has already reported it. If nobody has posted about it (or the search engine is a moron like most times) the player who experienced the problems will report it as he wants his base back. Wipe is necessary, however, making a wipe without an update or "jst for the lulz" is somehow lame.
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Luther Blissett on September 23, 2011, 01:30:41 am

Yay. Thank you :)
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Eternauta on September 23, 2011, 03:13:23 am

Well done! It might be a good idea to add some others, for example:

-"INFORMATION. 3D model development is a project carried out by players, not 2238 developers."

-"NPC guards shooting you instead of the successful thief is a feature, not a bug."

-"NPCs in random encounters will attack you if you try to loot their enemies before they are done looting first."

Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Cold_Fusion on September 23, 2011, 07:46:45 am
My personal favourite would be "NPCs will attack you for helping them get up with First Aid".
Title: Re: Hello I am a Chinese About server wipe
Post by: Eternauta on September 23, 2011, 08:07:02 am
My personal favourite would be "NPCs will attack you for helping them get up with First Aid".

That's not really true however, you can always heal them and run like hell when they start to get up.