Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Gang Issues => Topic started by: John Porno on August 21, 2011, 08:39:00 pm
Alright, from now on, Crazy88 is officially at war with Hawks.
The reason: We wanted to stay calm and negotiate between tttla and hawks, trying to prevent too much damage to their relationship by using diplomacy.
As that failed and we are fed up with putting a lot of time and effort into communication while seeing no results, we take that step to end this flaming.
We are always open for negotiations but the past showed us that it's pointless. And as we now are enemies, you can cry all you want without getting any reception, which probably is the most important aspect of this thread.
Yeah and i think nobody cares
War started with your very fair offer to help weakest side
and im hoping that you will be happy with tttla for rest of your game life
He just declared war on the Hawks as Crazy 88, this shows that he is maintaining a separate identity rather than just merging with TTTLA. An alliance or good relationship is different than a merger or absorption. The Armageddon Arms Co is grateful for the Sarmations peaceful maintenance of Redding but we, well most of, wish to remain our own faction so that we can make our own relationships with other factions. It seems to me that this is what Crazy 88 is doing, except they are bigger so its more noticeable :D
I think this step is actually very good for both sides. I wanted to propose this earlier, this is what we all need, to know who to shoot and who not. Soon or later you as C88 would be forced to finally choose your side and this is quite logical step and in fact, you were never neutral but now it's "official".
I'll be rooting for Hawks!
Your reasons for declaring war is as ridiculous as your leadership and efforts to become a separate gang. However, we will not lie, at war with you, we were all time, not all our fault but yours. But its your choice. I just want to wish you good luck next season, because it will not be easy for you.
PS: Thx to Manero
Yes , come to the darkside, me too cannot resist,
I must support
TTTLA, because they alone are the greatest evils in this game
the morbid allure of the Evil
im happy about ttla swarm aliance is colapsing, maybe after wipe because of that there will be more good PvP and less swarm emm all actions.
Hehh at last otherwise i didn't care anymore c88/hawks whats the difference their all TTTLA for me ;D
One more war.
Hmm.. this become interesting ;)
Just what i wait for loong time. They finally show their true colors.
- mwhahahhahahahahaha the machine keeps on rolling.
go hawks. ;D
Jazzers say: good luck for hawks, kick them ;D
Divide and govern!! ;D
Lets see what will you say, when Rogues return :P
Haha, cheers dudes. I've been waiting for that to happen, anyway.
Best regards to Hawks, if you suddenly need the utmost urgent assistance - you know where to find us. Good luck to both warring factions - try to squeeze as much fun out of this conflict as ever possible. Remember, peace always comes someday - and then the party's over! =)
Well its nice to see that we still got some friends and we very appreciate your opinion for current situation.
And i also thank to all people which are supporting us.
How can a apk declare war to another apk? If a apk kills another like him, doesn't that make him a pk? How can you go against all you believe in? Who will now defend the wasteland if all the apks become pks? Who will defend me?
How can a apk declare war to another apk? If a apk kills another like him, doesn't that make him a pk? How can you go against all you believe in? Who will now defend the wasteland if all the apks become pks? Who will defend me?
Can it be just different PoW of what APK is?
This is war we dont care about antiPK or PK but Hawks are still ANTIPK and we have no plans to co-op with PKs or do any contact with them about not attacking their city for certainty to not attack our back!
How can a apk declare war to another apk? If a apk kills another like him, doesn't that make him a pk? How can you go against all you believe in? Who will now defend the wasteland if all the apks become pks? Who will defend me?
Hawks are mainly PvP and TC gang, don't mention this senseless pk/apk stuff. We try not to shoot random players, don't know if it has something to do with "apk" ...probably not.
How can a apk declare war to another apk? If a apk kills another like him, doesn't that make him a pk? How can you go against all you believe in? Who will now defend the wasteland if all the apks become pks? Who will defend me?
Not this crap again this has been discussed like infinitive times now there is no APK the term in general is in conflict with itself yet to fulfill it's definition let's say impossible. If you hear the word apk don't think of them as APK but carebears.
PK = Attack other players without provocation
APK = Only attack players when attacked first or if player is known to be PK.
PK = Attack other players without provocation or in the name of their code.
APK = Only attack players when attacked first, if player is known to be PK or just because the player is not obeying his every command like sex slave.
This is war we dont care about antiPK or PK but Hawks are still ANTIPK and we have no plans to co-op with PKs or do any contact with them about not attacking their city for certainty to not attack our back!
wut ? and that cooperation with SPADs PK group was what ?
1. Do you have problems with reading a tense? Fewer wasn't talking about the past but about the future.
2. Describe what PK group means. From my experience even crystal clear "apk group" has always trigger-happy people which means every group should be considered as a PK group because even one guy constitutes a whole.
I'm quite disappointed with the attitude of C88 members. Ive seen few fights and its really hard to say that they fight Hawks... I would rather say that this war is about Hawks and TTTLA(with some additional guys called c88) :-\ :-\ :-\
How can a apk declare war to another apk? If a apk kills another like him, doesn't that make him a pk? How can you go against all you believe in? Who will now defend the wasteland if all the apks become pks? Who will defend me?
That's the thing I was thinking about when I first got to know that we were at war with another anti-PK gang. What if we meet somewhere doing our anti-PK work? We just shoot each other what practically ruins the use of the whole idea of APK. I asked TTTLA about this and they said they weren't anti-PK but they have their system of outlaws.
Well and C88 may say they just follow their alliance partners or use a quote that I've heard many times when I was trying to solve this issue: "We are at war and war is everywhere." Which probably means that the principle of war is higher than any other.
And Mickey just completed the definition so there shall not be any more discussion about it. I think this could be even put to wiki as an official definition of PK/APK.
I found some C88s video against Hawks. It really funny watch him, when you want to kill less people then you had (12 with gauss pistol against 6) and title of video is named C88(3 gangs) vs Hawks. I didnt know nothing about your relationships or something about this war, but this video is really funny and something says about C88s cowardice and leadership as wrote Fojtik. :D The best sentence is in the end, "good job guys"
1. Do you have problems with reading a tense? Fewer wasn't talking about the past but about the future.
HAHA, good joke.
Past or future, you just lie mate ;) :
( (
Allied with some rogues and other randoms "pks" just for us ;)
BBS came after ur death ;)
hmm TTTLA swarm tactic is famous :)
Some value numbers , some skill can't notice both because if you have the numbers over the enemy you need to know only the basics to pull out a victory , now where's the fun in that ? :)
seriously guys, our numbers never exceeded 6. At some point we even were down to 4 and still killed 6 or 7. The one thing that killed us in the end were combined forces of hawks, jazzers, bbs and slaves, as you can also tell from the screen.
Past or future, you just lie mate ;) :
I only translated the tense Fewer was using to Johny. It wasn't my statement FYI. Read more carefully next time please.
My opinion is that we tried really hard. Do you really think we will fight 8 people against your 14-16 people forever? We couldn't do any TC because of numbers, because you only came with at least 4 more people. You always call for some VSB, Rogues, C88, Guardians and other independent fighters even though we as Hawks almost never have more than 10 people and you want us to be alone? Now you please don't be hypocrite.
I said it many many many times that there is a space for fair and good pvp. You weren't listening to me, now I guess we can finally do whatever we want.
seriously guys, our numbers never exceeded 6.
Good joke.
Read more carefully next time please.
I did. And you did opposite of what you (your mate/gang) write. So dont do letter teacher, all its clear.
And about numbers.. few battle we are more than you and you start doing victim ? Funny.
Oh, and this is not any complain or anything. It was just to point out how the so "pure" Hawks ally with.
PS: we didnt reached "14-16" for time now... always this counting problem ;)
For last 3 weeks I remember many TCs in Klamath or Modoc but strange I don't remember any when we had more people than you, mostly you had 4-6 more. You're a screenshot lover, maybe you'll show us I'm wrong, but I highly doubt you will be able to show more than one picture (if any).
PS: Fewer's opinion differs from mine. Do you have any problem with that? It would be nice from you quote Fewer next time instead of me.
Well you know enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Also i personally saw tttla Pking multiple times so we thought that we can also co-op with PK as C88 with tttla
Well you know enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Still, what you wrote (no CO OP with "PK" gang) was complete bullshit. And it was the only thing my first post was about.
For the numbers, Kelin, well, i guess we have just differents battle memories.
And about quoting Fewer instead of you, Kelin, when someone of your gang state something for the whole clan, well, it involves all the gang. Quotes were not about you in particular, but about Hawks in general.
We have different battle memories for sure ;) because I have exact information only about our team, not yours of course. I comment everything from my point of view.
About quotes I think everything is clear now, I should tell Fewer not to speak in the name of our gang and make such statements.
Come on guys, this figures battle is so pointless, you will never agree.
I think Crazy 88 started this topic to announce this War, not to comment it.
Come on guys, this figures battle is so pointless, you will never agree.
I think Crazy 88 started this topic to announce this War, not to comment it.
This thread was made to announce War and to let trolls out of cages.
This thread is old, and I think it will be attacked by trolls, only when you created the response again.
This thread is old, and I think it will be attacked by trolls, only when you created the response again.
Nice move. Resurrecting necro thread is always the best way to let the flaming rebirth.
This thread is old, and I think it will be attacked by trolls, only when you created the response again.
Chaindogs released