Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: Rascal on July 17, 2011, 10:50:27 pm

Title: Create dialog option to buy 10 nuka and cigs
Post by: Rascal on July 17, 2011, 10:50:27 pm
Its so annoying that u have to manualny click and click one by one to buy nuka cola or cigs in skum pitt.
Create new option 5 (or even better 10) bottles/packages in one time.
Dont force players to use BOT's autoclickers.

Its simple to implement and gona make game better.
Title: Re: Create dialog option to buy 10 nuka and cigs
Post by: Perteks on July 17, 2011, 10:52:23 pm
No no noooooo! my bot will be useless! ksssssss
Title: Re: Create dialog option to buy 10 nuka and cigs
Post by: jonny rust on July 17, 2011, 10:56:27 pm
Why not just use the same system as we have in the bank and tell the vendor what we want and then 'say' how much we want.

p.s. This should also apply to jagged jimmy in New Reno when buying hypos
Title: Re: Create dialog option to buy 10 nuka and cigs
Post by: Wichura on July 17, 2011, 11:14:11 pm
Just like with BioGel in Vault City, like Empty Hypos in New Reno. Yes, you can get "special offer" from Jagged Jimmy, 20 or 25 hypos at once.

"Gimme whole crate of Nukas, oldgub!"
