Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: magnum2016 on July 15, 2011, 04:24:47 am
ok i have been playing fallout NV lately and i play on hardcore mode and i thought it would be cool if we need to eat and drink water to survive and since food is sometimes expensive how about we make it so it starts at level 5. tell me what you think and i bet this has been brought up before
has been brought up before and its main negative points is in alts, hoarding, just being a little more tedious and annoying. please use the search button next time, it's that little lonely box up top hanging under the bigger Fonline 2238 logo.
I think general opinion was that it would turn game into post apocalyptic food collection simulator. of course i could be wrong but you have added very little detail to deny this claim.
I think general opinion was that it would turn game into post apocalyptic food collection simulator. of course i could be wrong but you have added very little detail to deny this claim.
^^ Have to agree on this. Food collection would be a big waste of time.
-- Good thought though.
There was a nice thread
And just like I said there I say it here too it would make things nicer and would give some extra realistic feel.
After all it would be about surviving people with good outdoorsman skills would need less supply and dead weights aka chars who have less outdoorsman should die from dehydration...
shortly: this will make game even more annoying.
I don't agree it would give a real harshness to the game it would show that the world died and each day is a fight for surviving a bag of water would be more valuable in the desert then a combat armor since not having water would mean death.
Agree with Jotisz - the "Crazy Water Bag Idea" thread went into quite a bit of detail on the subject as well and made some nice suggestions. If anyone ever played Burntime (, despite its simplicity, it did a pretty good job of feeling like post-apocalyptic survival through lack of water and food - it's wasteland was genuinely harsh (though the king of "wasteland is genuinely harsh" games has to be Visions of The Aftermath : The Boomtown (
Anyway, I'm pretty sure there was mention of using food / water as a payment method for companions - so perhaps once (if) that's implemented, it might become clearer how any sort of food/water survival could be included.
Food and water should be the resources to fight over in post apo world, it'd increase the wasteland feel. It could even offer something to struggle over cosntantly, which means more action. However if those resources are implemented as items, then they can be transferred from character to another and hoarded, thus making the whole feature just a pointless grind.
Oh look, it's THIS thread ( again.
I've never had food-crafting alt yet. Specialized alts - collect them all!
I've never had food-crafting alt yet. Specialized alts - collect them all!
Unless food&water doesn't exist as items.
I think food & water in meaning of items, would be pointless, and lead only to Fonline the sims.
But idea of food & water in meaning of fuel, which can be filled up only in bars in cities and bases, sounds nice to me. It brings more people to towns, and that means more RP.
For example: Every 4 hours i have to go to bar and eat meal, for 10caps (if i have nothing theres a brahmin pen, so 1 shit = 10caps=1 meal:P). If im logged out, cooldown isnt counting. If im out of 'fuel' i have -1 AP and only 3/4 available HP. So can still play fonline, but it pushes me to visit nearest city.
I think some dev said somewhere, that sleeping/eating/drinking will give some bonus, but not penalty if you don't do that. May be you'll earn more XP while you're fed, etc. So they're going to implement it someday, may be in few years.
it wouldn't need to make the game tedious at all.
lets say you need to drink twice a day and eat once.
would that really be such a huge problem?
Once/twice per in-game day or real-life day?
And yeah, we definetely need moar pain-in-the-arse features, like feeding and pooping. FOnlinegotchi 2238 anyone?
Food system was planned for fallout 2 it got cut out because they couldn't finish it in time.
I like Chrupek's idea it sounds quite good I would only add that the drawback isn't a one time downside but like -for every 10 minutes there is 1/3 hp drop till player eats or dies...
Once/twice per in-game day or real-life day?
And yeah, we definetely need moar pain-in-the-arse features, like feeding and pooping. FOnlinegotchi 2238 anyone?
in game day, and as AVV said; it would enhance the post-apocolyptic RP. its a new thing to fight over, scavenge for and trade for. ESPECIALLY trade for as, like you, some people wouldn't want to have to bother gathering food in which case they can buy it off the folks who do gather it.
How naive, kind sir. No one would bother buying single crap from some random dudes, if he can make an alt and provide himself necessary items. And this is how Amazing Roleplaying Improvement Idea of Great Food System will end here.
It will be funny if you put every drug on food sell it and the player gets addicted from jet and other drugs :D
How naive, kind sir. No one would bother buying single crap from some random dudes, if he can make an alt and provide himself necessary items. And this is how Amazing Roleplaying Improvement Idea of Great Food System will end here.
getting fruit and making/filling water bags is something any character can do, you don't need to make an alt with high fruit-picking skill.
this would likely be a kind of 'job' for new players trying to make a few caps selling food in bulk to players with more cash who can simply afford not to do it themselves, or to merchants who in turn sell to players with caps who can afford it.
The idea that you need an alt for every little thing I'll never understand. Why even bother crafting everything under the sun when you can craft (or even simpler, farm) 1 thing and with that afford to buy everything else. Alting is the biggest waste I never want to partake in, but if it's your thing then I guess just keep on keeping on.
An alt at the very least provides a guarantee you wont get trading with some random stranger in town.
Also at least drink twice and eat once per in game day? enjoy doing that every hour.
no food and water? ok let's go trade... you've got one hour to satisfy for the next hour or bulk up goods for more hours of super happy funtime. So you'll buy from shop, what if faction alts just camp and buy em out? so you'll trade with new players or random ones, what if they only have enough for themselves and wont trade? so you'll just get it for yourself, here we go on a different farming trip where you will have to grab enough to not worry about it for at least a couple of hours.
bunch of players in town shouting "buying food and water" or new players banging on about why do i need to collect food and water only to be killed by other players/critters this game sux etc. food and water gathering simulator alright.
i wonder why people would make an alt for food and water? hmmm i wonder.
An alt at the very least provides a guarantee you wont get trading with some random stranger in town.
Also at least drink twice and eat once per in game day? enjoy doing that every hour.
no food and water? ok let's go trade... you've got one hour to satisfy for the next hour or bulk up goods for more hours of super happy funtime. So you'll buy from shop, what if faction alts just camp and buy em out? so you'll trade with new players or random ones, what if they only have enough for themselves and wont trade? so you'll just get it for yourself, here we go on a different farming trip where you will have to grab enough to not worry about it for at least a couple of hours.
bunch of players in town shouting "buying food and water" or new players banging on about why do i need to collect food and water only to be killed by other players/critters this game sux etc. food and water gathering simulator alright.
i wonder why people would make an alt for food and water? hmmm i wonder.
once an hour you stop off at a bar, order a glass of water and rat burger.
problem solved, bitching cured.
Oh wait, now people will bitch cause they need to stop off at the bar every so often and just make barfly alts to horde all the infinite bar food...
unlimited food and drink at bar, no need to fight over it, no need to gather it. let us just hope they dont meet an unexpected death.
jonny rust - you still don't get it, do you? Whole "food system" will hurt loners and newcomers as usual, organized groups could take care of their itanz/food/resources/supplies anyway, no matter what restrictions, cooldowns or limits will be implemented.
You are saying you won't play using alts. Well, I have to add - "yet". For quite long time I was also shouting and raging about playing one char only, but it has no sense. Except your own satisfaction there is absolutely no advantages or pros to do it.
what is the advantage of alts, when only way to get food is fill up food meter in closest bar? what is the advantage of gangs? They will organise hummer transports to the nearest city?;]
There is no need to force players to 'craft' food, because there are TOWNS in fonline. And there are normal peasants and NPC farmes and we can imagine that, they're supplying bars in food. So only thing you have to do is go to the bar and simply order a meal. How can you abuse that system?
sure it can be bought from NPC's through diolog. No issues with supply, no need for alts.
But i would need a tent next to every damn city to take off all my gear i was hunting with so i can go bluesuit with my 10 caps.
Why would i bring full combat hunting gear into bar where i would get robbed/bursted by waiting players?
People in towns with current mechanics is stupid, unless you intend to shoot everything that moves or trade and bail as quickly as possible then there is no reason to enter towns in gear.
This is just one issue with this food and water mechanic,
Also, it would get old really quick.
sure it can be bought from NPC's through diolog. No issues with supply, no need for alts.
But i would need a tent next to every damn city to take off all my gear i was hunting with so i can go bluesuit with my 10 caps.
Why would i bring full combat hunting gear into bar where i would get robbed/bursted by waiting players?
People in towns with current mechanics is stupid, unless you intend to shoot everything that moves or trade and bail as quickly as possible then there is no reason to enter towns in gear.
This is just one issue with this food and water mechanic,
Also, it would get old really quick.
If you have been hunting I imagine that you have a bunch of loot which makes me think you are probably going back to a tent or town anyway to drop it off, right?
As far as entering a town with 10 caps goes, are you talking about unprotected towns? I hang around in protected towns all the time and short of watching for thieves and the occasional burster they aren't really as scary as you make them sound.
You are saying you won't play using alts. Well, I have to add - "yet". For quite long time I was also shouting and raging about playing one char only, but it has no sense. Except your own satisfaction there is absolutely no advantages or pros to do it.
I don't bother with alts because its a waste of my time. There is no pride or ideal attached to it. I play this game for fun, not so I can have another set of chores. Now, I know what your going to say; collecting food/water is another chore.
Well I love fallout because the of it's setting. It IS an RP setting, filled with great ideas and concepts and thats what drives the whole game. Nobody loves fallout because of the turn-based combat, or the fact that in this incarnation you can spend your whole day crafting trillions of things which you can then sell for fake money until the wipe inevitably comes and takes them all away (ahem, time to get out of the house).
I like this idea because I think if it's done properly it will enhance emersion into the setting, and lets face it... We all love the setting.
I totally agree with you Jonny_rust, but i can just see this implementation not working for the whole community.
I think it would make shops and bars more busy, but not more alive, people would walk in, do there bit, bail back to what they where doing with there facton "Sorry guys lame food bar cool down, can we meet at etc- ill be 10 mins"
its a mechanic that would get in the way. I really like the idea of trying to populate towns, playing the entire game in town preview and world map is lame.
Also i was speaking from experience as a thief, when banks where used they where the funnest place to troll (never really for profit) because you knew there would be marks there coming in and out. Also same with a guy in CA, every troll in town will target you (including myself) just because its the biggest grief payoff. Maybe i make it sound more harsh then it is, but i would never suggest to anyone to bring valuables to NCR for example. Also, with OD speeds so slow, new players without cars may not be able to get to there one tent etc.
And what if you live near a unguarded town, each time you eat you gotta do potential suicide runs just go get some mash and peas? Or walk insane amounts with whatever penalty for being hungry (special decrees? ap? all these seem very harsh).
tl;dr Many other mechanics would have to change to allow this idea to co-exist, there must be another way to populate citys and add environment and setting other then punishing the player into submission.
I agree that there is a lot to consider with this suggestion past its face value, but I don't think that means it should be dismissed so easily.
the funny thing about this forum is you suggest something that will make the game easier and everyone screams "NO, Wasteland is harsh!"
then you suggest something to make it harder/more realistic and everyone screams "NO, thats too harsh!"
Jangling i see your point. But you altough miss one thing. When you come to protected town to bar, you should pass main gate, bazar, whatever. This means you met people, who can for example shout their trading offers etc. Im not saying that this idea will bring hundreds of players, but lets say that crowdly towns, even if players are just passing by, is definately nicer view, and could provide some RP behaviours.
But being opposite, because towns are full of thiefs is sensless. Thiefs and bombers, are different problem, and i believe that devs will solve that at some point. However this doesnt mean, that we should stick out of towns. There are still safe places (towns) where u can hang around. and i think that is 'Falliutish', trying to stay with other wastelanders, not to stay away from towns.
Visiting towns is already pain in the ass. Try getting to NCR's workbench. Run for 5 minutes, stop in the meantime, holster your weapon, run another 5 minutes, open 5 doors that will close automatically for no reason, FINALLY YOU REACHED IT. It would be the same if the food/water weren't items, running to scumm pit in Junktown in hope it's not closed again isn't my kind of thing. If you want more RP feel and struggle for survival, firstly improve trading. It's crippled atm. Why trade with anyone if I can make an alt that will provide me with anything I need?
This will also start yet another shitstorm of newbies crying how they can't obtain a loaf of bread and they keep dying from starvation.
what is the advantage of alts, when only way to get food is fill up food meter in closest bar? what is the advantage of gangs? They will organise hummer transports to the nearest city?;]
There is no need to force players to 'craft' food, because there are TOWNS in fonline. And there are normal peasants and NPC farmes and we can imagine that, they're supplying bars in food. So only thing you have to do is go to the bar and simply order a meal. How can you abuse that system?
So what's the point of this system? Nothing of value will be added to the game. No new activities, no one will make food money, no farming food, no hunting. Just visiting towns for the sake of it?
So what's the point of this system? Nothing of value will be added to the game. No new activities, no one will make food money, no farming food, no hunting. Just visiting towns for the sake of it?
More realism? (As I said previously there was a food system that didn't got into Fallout 2)
Btw the world is full with encouters with caravans, farmers, patrols I think the player should be able to buy food from them too for way bigger price. Or even gather for himself only with high outdoorsman skill (no real item there the player just dropped to a random map and see the text 'Thanks to your skills you were able to find food') but still easiest way would be to eat in the bar.
ok i have been playing fallout NV lately and i play on hardcore mode and i thought it would be cool if we need to eat and drink water to survive and since food is sometimes expensive how about we make it so it starts at level 5. tell me what you think and i bet this has been brought up before
Cane be but if i vote for up a capacity.
More realism?
It's a computer game. Game, get it? People play games for entertainment, lulz, fun - you name it. Game. Not some MadMaxWannabe Wasteland's Life Simulator, a.k.a. Sims - Post Apo. Want realism in survival? Drop yourself in Siberian woods with swiss army knife and one panties.
Sheesh, moar realism. You should kill anyone with sharp stick by stabbing in the eye, so why do we need guns anyway? Let's disable them all, in the name of Realism!
Playing NV is dangerous, I see.
A starvation system was supposed to be implemented in FO2, but it was deemeed useless and overly comlpicating, as you would need to feed your companions (come on Cassidy, it yum-yum), there is still some code of it left in FO2.
Senocular, did u ever visited NCR? U spawn right next to the fast food bar, right?
Idea of bringing people to towns is easy: u cant join any group if u have never been in town (oh there is forum, but still is difficult). You can trade, hunt together and so on. I really like to just stand in VC and help newbies, just for fun. Or talk with people. Its multilpayer game, so crowded places should be normal.
But u should read more carefully, i proposed fueling food also in bases like outpost (which has garden).
I really like idea of gathering food in for example tree encounters, but avoiding farming food. Eating with caravan sounds nice too.
It's a computer game. Game, get it? People play games for entertainment, lulz, fun - you name it. Game. Not some MadMaxWannabe Wasteland's Life Simulator, a.k.a. Sims - Post Apo. Want realism in survival? Drop yourself in Siberian woods with swiss army knife and one panties.
Sheesh, moar realism. You should kill anyone with sharp stick by stabbing in the eye, so why do we need guns anyway? Let's disable them all, in the name of Realism!
Playing NV is dangerous, I see.
As far as the new Fallout games considered I haven't played them and for a while I don't even plan...
To the nonsense about Siberian woods knife and panties... well can't say anything toward that.
Anyway as I see both of us are too stubborn and looking for different things in the game
More realism? (As I said previously there was a food system that didn't got into Fallout 2)
Can we have pee and poop system, please? For more realism of course, it doesn't matter the only fuction it will fulfill would be pissing off players.
Sheesh, moar realism. You should kill anyone with sharp stick by stabbing in the eye, so why do we need guns anyway? Let's disable them all, in the name of Realism!
would you honestly attack a guy who has a shotgun with a pointy stick in reality given the choice?
maybe wait for a thought that makes sense before you post it...
would you honestly attack a guy who has a shotgun with a pointy stick in reality given the choice?
maybe wait for a thought that makes sense before you post it...
set up ambush not charge like an idiot.
set up ambush not charge like an idiot.
oh, well in that case...