Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Dubstin on June 24, 2011, 09:02:24 pm
Can anyone give me a brief explanation of the repair system? I have 96% repair and while using a standard tool I can rarely repair anything, maybe im not using it right I just had it equipped?
You need around 200% to do successful repairs most times.
tool/supertool kit must be in active weapon slot to cought towards your repair skill. normal tool gives + 50 to repair and super gives + 100 i believe but i could be wrong.may be lower.
tool/supertool kit must be in active weapon slot to cought towards your repair skill. normal tool gives + 50 to repair and super gives + 100 i believe but i could be wrong.may be lower.
This is accurate.
tool/supertool kit must be in active weapon slot to cought towards your repair skill. normal tool gives + 50 to repair and super gives + 100 i believe but i could be wrong.may be lower.
It's +25 and 50, respectively.
It's +25 and 50, respectively.
......well, it USED to be 50 and 100..... No idea when it changed.
Have nothing to back up my claim however :P.
I think that was just a mistake on the wiki. I remember it saying +100 on the wiki too, but it was changed.
It's probably also worth mentioning that you're likely repairing encounter guns and such. Stuff with a low break count is easier to repair than encounter weapons with a higher break count.
wow thanks for all the replys guys