Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Ulterior on June 07, 2011, 05:07:04 pm

Title: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Ulterior on June 07, 2011, 05:07:04 pm
Hi, can somebody explain what is wrong with my character build, because it's not OK to hit an enemy in the eyes for less than 10dmg


17:52:07 • You encounter: Gang.
17:52:13 • Gun Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 65 hit points, blinded and had his armor bypassed.
17:52:22 • Agile Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 12 hit points.
17:52:33 • Agile Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 11 hit points and knocked down.
17:52:45 • Agile Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 13 hit points and knocked down.
17:52:57 • You missed.
17:53:06 • Agile Thug was hit in the eyes for 6 hit points.
17:53:39 • Agile Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 18 hit points, knocked down and blinded.
17:53:54 • Gun Thug was hit for 5 hit points.
17:54:01 • Big Gun Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 18 hit points, knocked down and blinded.
17:54:08 • Big Gun Thug was hit in the head for 6 hit points.
17:54:23 • Big Gun Thug was hit in the head for 7 hit points.
17:54:36 • Big Gun Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 15 hit points and knocked down.
17:54:52 • Big Gun Thug was hit in the eyes for 7 hit points.
17:55:05 • Big Gun Thug was hit in the eyes for 6 hit points.
17:55:31 • Log saved.
17:55:35 • Big Gun Thug was critically hit in the eyes for 16 hit points and knocked down.
17:55:44 • Big Gun Thug was critically hit in the head for 12 hit points and knocked down.

Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Surf on June 07, 2011, 05:08:54 pm
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Ulterior on June 07, 2011, 05:15:05 pm

So its one way or another, i cm thanks
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: TheGreenHand on June 07, 2011, 05:15:58 pm
Surf has it. Finesse is really only good if you're going for a crippler build. Your character could actually be a pretty decent one, though you'll want to take at least 2 levels of More Critical and get your SG skill up to about 200%.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Heckler Spray on June 07, 2011, 05:22:04 pm
Bonus Move ?  ???

Why ???!!!!

Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Ulterior on June 07, 2011, 05:24:25 pm
Bonus Move ?  ???

Why ???!!!!

to run around scoping and not being hit even once
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: falloutdude on June 07, 2011, 05:30:03 pm
to run around scoping and not being hit even once
fight real time bonus move it a waste in real pvp and awareness is also waste of perk does nothing but tell you hp just shoot at someone when they die u dont need to know there hp. i say remake this build wont be good at real pvp and snipers are not great at pve i find.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Ulterior on June 07, 2011, 05:34:49 pm
fight real time bonus move it a waste in real pvp and awareness is also waste of perk does nothing but tell you hp just shoot at someone when they die u dont need to know there hp. i say remake this build wont be good at real pvp and snipers are not great at pve i find.

this is a looter build in Turned Based combat.

I can go for gangs and Mobs from 5th level with this build and make 10k in an hour. I will take one more Bonus move later
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: White Eagle on June 07, 2011, 05:58:35 pm
lol its ok hehe

anyway finesse is = enjoy in your low dmg hits :)
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Johnnybravo on June 07, 2011, 08:45:01 pm
You were supposed to take "more criticals" because with finesse you really need to do armor bypassing criticals to do damage.
However worry not, as soon as you're able to nail them with crits, you can cripple or knock npcs enough to be successful even if you do less damage with unlucky hits.

Ofcourse bursting is much less effective sadly.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Michaelh139 on June 07, 2011, 08:50:22 pm
fight real time bonus move it a waste in real pvp and awareness is also waste of perk does nothing but tell you hp just shoot at someone when they die u dont need to know there hp. i say remake this build wont be good at real pvp and snipers are not great at pve i find.

1. you didnt mention you can see if they're crippled.
2. It tells you whether you should shoot this guy to finish him or look for another target.  (In real time I am fast enough to look through this...)
3.  It's a semi-playstyle-tactical perk, it's not meant to be another Toughness nor should it be...
4.  In turnbased it is especially useful concerning #2

Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Grommok on June 07, 2011, 09:48:13 pm
1. you didnt mention you can see if they're crippled.
2. It tells you whether you should shoot this guy to finish him or look for another target.  (In real time I am fast enough to look through this...)
3.  It's a semi-playstyle-tactical perk, it's not meant to be another Toughness nor should it be...
4.  In turnbased it is especially useful concerning #2

Totally agree. Awareness is one the best perk, and is useful for anyone.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: falloutdude on June 07, 2011, 10:00:16 pm
Totally agree. Awareness is one the best perk, and is useful for anyone.
useless perk waste of a perk i could use for toughness or brod
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Michaelh139 on June 07, 2011, 10:32:27 pm
useless perk waste of a perk i could use for toughness or brod
Agree to disagree then?
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: naossano on June 07, 2011, 11:05:36 pm
If you know exactly what kind of damage you deliver, exactly what kind of hp as each type of characters (player and npc) and recognize quickly the behavior of a npc or player that has a crippled limbs., maybe it becomes useless, 

But if you don't know everything , awareness, lets you know.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Heckler Spray on June 07, 2011, 11:25:04 pm
this is a looter build in Turned Based combat.

I can go for gangs and Mobs from 5th level with this build and make 10k in an hour. I will take one more Bonus move later

As said above, you should focus on critical perks to max critical damage/effects, if you want your character to be effective in combat. Even in turn-based, if you spawn in an encounter against someone with better sequence and damage per second like Big Gunners, you won't stand a chance and won't be able to escape with your bonus move.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Gazzz on June 08, 2011, 01:18:15 am
fight real time bonus move it a waste in real pvp and awareness is also waste of perk does nothing but tell you hp just shoot at someone when they die u dont need to know there hp. i say remake this build wont be good at real pvp and snipers are not great at pve i find.
lol whaaat? Did u ever played with a turn- based build? Did you EVER gang someone by turn-base character? Turn base builds is AWESOME for gangs man, and it's true. If you're having fun just to take a town control to pvp in RT - that's your point. But Your RT character will reaaly suck when it will be ganged in TB. IF he is TB monus move is must-have.
you won't stand a chance and won't be able to escape with your bonus move.
dunno what to say to u. Do u know that 4 monus move allow you to shoot twice using your lsw, and then hide behind a wall/door/car/another shit. And lol, these points aren't for "escaping" , they are for tactic combat.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Ganado on June 08, 2011, 01:37:53 am
Finesse is good when you are just a crippler and you have other players to do the main damage. If you are hunting PvE alone, I would not suggest Finesse.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: falloutdude on June 08, 2011, 02:39:09 am
lol whaaat? Did u ever played with a turn- based build? Did you EVER gang someone by turn-base character? Turn base builds is AWESOME for gangs man, and it's true. If you're having fun just to take a town control to pvp in RT - that's your point. But Your RT character will reaaly suck when it will be ganged in TB. IF he is TB monus move is must-have..
why would i make a turn based combat alt when i fight real time all the time tb is waste of time and even more of a waste if u waste a good perk on bonus move and awareness and yes i can see his hp and see if he is cripped is not a good excuse for haveing it if you are fighting tb just click and check all you info u need right there.... if u wanna take it go ahead have fun i dont care just telling this guy what i think of his perk choices. :o
and yes i do tb with gang but only hunting why would i balance rt and tb in a combat alt when i play rt fire once and move a little thats all i need. i have toughness and brod i will kill who needs to be killed and take a large amount and damage and live because well i need not waste tons of perks on useless perks that wont help me in real gang pvp.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: spears on June 08, 2011, 11:21:41 am
Need awareness to hunt down whichever russian jsut pkd my alt.
Title: Re: Dont tell me it's OK
Post by: Gazzz on June 08, 2011, 06:47:11 pm
why would i make a turn based combat alt when i fight real time all the time tb is waste of time and even more of a waste if u waste a good perk on bonus move and awareness and yes i can see his hp and see if he is cripped is not a good excuse for haveing it if you are fighting tb just click and check all you info u need right there.... if u wanna take it go ahead have fun i dont care just telling this guy what i think of his perk choices. :o
and yes i do tb with gang but only hunting why would i balance rt and tb in a combat alt when i play rt fire once and move a little thats all i need. i have toughness and brod i will kill who needs to be killed and take a large amount and damage and live because well i need not waste tons of perks on useless perks that wont help me in real gang pvp.
when a good TB bigguner will get you one day, you ll be surprised) And yes TB is is Fun for some people. For me for example